Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-HX80 and HX90V is a complete guide to the features, controls, and menus of two superzoom compact cameras. The new book is 204 pages long and has more than 400 full-color illustrations or photographs. This book is printed at a size of 8.5 by 11 inches (216 by 280mm) with a two-column format.
This guide to the HX80 and HX90V cameras covers all features of these two very similar high-quality compact cameras. The book is available now in a bundle of three downloadable versions through this site for $9.95. Use the Buy eBook button to purchase the bundle. If you purchase the book through this site, you will receive an e-mail message with links to the PDF, Kindle, and iPad versions of the book. The book will soon be available from other sellers in ebook form. The paperback version also is available from Amazon.com and other Amazon sites, as well as from Barnesandnoble.com and some other online booksellers.
To get an idea about the contents of the book, you can download the Table of Contents, the Index, or an excerpt from the book. You can also see some sample photos from the book.
Pingback: Sony HX80 and HX90V Book Now Available | White Knight Press
Pingback: Sony HX80 & HX90V Book Now in Paperback | White Knight Press
Seriously impressed with the Sony HX90V (and HX80) printed version. Quality paper, stout and ready to be dog-eared, highlighted and scribbled in the margins. Perfect for becoming a well-thumbed volume as I learn all the hundreds of things this camera can do. And the print quality of your images and illustrations is most excellent!
Thanks for the feedback — I’m glad you’re finding it useful, and I appreciate your comments!
Jalalpur Nathupur navdhan Ambedkar Nagar