An aura of peacefulness has descended, which is appropriate for the holiday season. I’ve been able to clean up my home office to a large extent, because we’re out of the business of printing, binding, and trimming, at least for now. Today, the guy from the local graphic-arts company came by to install our newly sharpened blade. We had a nice chat, and then he left. The last time he was here, about a month ago, things were in a state of relative turmoil, and Clenise and I were racing against the clock every day to produce enough books to stay one step ahead of the orders.
So, we’re both relieved, I have to say. Clenise has straightened up her office, and again has time to take tax courses and webinars about her new tax software. Things are much more relaxed, and I don’t miss the excitement.
With regard to the Leica D-Lux 4 book, I’m still waiting for it to become available on Amazon’s Kindle. I think I’ve done everything necessary to that end; I responded to Amazon’s latest request for more information, and I hope it shows up on the site for sale in the near future. I do get some inquiries from people asking if the book is available in an electronic format.
Oddly, there have not been any more reviews of the book on Amazon in about the past week, and only 4 altogether. At least those have all been favorable. I had a glitch with Google AdWords earlier today, because I deleted the ordering page from my site now that the book is available directly from Amazon, but I forgot that that page was tied to my ads on Google AdWords. Luckily, that deletion triggered a warning message from Google, and I quickly fixed the problem, so the ads are running again now. I plan to keep them running for a while, though they are costing me about $25.00 per day, and I don’t think it makes sense to continue at that rate indefinitely. Eventually I’ll cut down on them and see how that affects sales on