As I mentioned a few days ago, the PowerShot S95 book went to the printer last Sunday, and, fortunately, everything went well from that point. The printer found no problems with the digital files, and a proof copy was printed two days ago and shipped out to me last night. Today I received it, and Clenise and I have both inspected it and approved it. I just informed the printer that the proof looks fine. Now, they will start sending data about the book’s availability to and other online sellers. It will take a few days, but the book will soon start being available for sale in paperback on Amazon in the U.S. and elsewhere, as well as through other online retailers. I will post updates here as the book becomes increasingly available. In the meantime, it is still available for download in PDF form through this site; see the Canon PowerShot S95 information page for ordering details. The photo below was taken with the PowerShot S95 in Program mode, using the built-in flash.