A few minutes ago I uploaded two files to Lighting Source, the print-on-demand company that prints camera guide books for White Knight Press and distributes them to Amazon.com and other online sellers. Both the cover and the interior of the book have been sent to the printer in their respective PDF files. Now it’s just a matter of waiting to see if the files pass muster with the various technical checks by the printer. Once the files are approved, Lightning Source will print a proof copy of the book and send it to me overnight for my approval. Once that’s done, I will give them the go-ahead to start producing the book.
If all goes well, I hope that Lightning Source will approve the files and print the proof within about a week from now, and that the book will start appearing on Amazon.com and elsewhere within about another week after that. So, as a rough estimate, I hope that the paperback version of the book will be available for sale by about November 20.
Of course, the PDF version is available now; for more details, see the general information page about the X100 book on this site.