Nikon Coolpix P510 Book is Now Listed at

As of today, the paperback edition of Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P510 is listed as an item that will be available through  That was pretty fast; I just approved the proof copy of the book on July 16, and the data from the printer has gone to Amazon quite quickly.

As of this writing, the book is not yet “In Stock” or even available through Amazon.  That process will take another day or two.  But I will be receiving a small shipment of books from the printer on July 19, and I will list those for sale as soon as they arrive.  They will be listed on the book’s product page at Amazon, but under the third-party seller listings, as New copies.  My seller name for Amazon Marketplace is alexstrawhite.

In the very near future, the books should be available directly from Amazon; they are supplied by Lightning Source, the print-on-demand company that prints them.  Usually what happens is the book will first be listed as  “Temporarily Unavailable,” and then “Usually Ships Within 1-3 Weeks,” or something of that nature.  Then, before too long, the book should be available for quick shipment.

If you would like to visit the book’s product page at, you go can go to Amazon and search for “Coolpix P510” in the “Books” category, or just click on the button below:

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