Note about PDF Download Support

A few times a week I hear from customers who have purchased the PDF download version of one of my Photographer’s Guide books but have been unable to download it for some reason.  In almost all cases, these issues are very easy to resolve.  The one situation that is quite difficult is when I  reply by e-mail but the customer never receives the message.  I have had this happen only once or twice; in some cases, apparently the person’s internet service provider intercepts some e-mails from unfamiliar addresses and does not even forward them on to the intended recipient.

So, if you have sent me a message asking about a download and you don’t receive a reply within a few hours, please send me another message ( and give me at least one different e-mail address to reply to, if possible.

I have this situation right now, as I write this post; a gentleman in Canada purchased the Canon PowerShot S95 PDF version, and wrote me yesterday that he never received the download link.  I quickly re-sent the link, along with instructions on how to use an alternate download method.  Then, this morning,  I received another message from him, saying he still has not heard from me.  I have tried to find another e-mail address for him, but without success.  So, Sir, if you read this, please send me a different e-mail address, so I can get your problem resolved!

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