As of today, the newest camera guide book from White Knight Press, Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS200/TZ200, is available for purchase in downloadable versions. You can get a bundle of all three electronic files (PDF, iPad, and Kindle) for $9.95 through this site, or, if you prefer, you can purchase the book in an individual format through one of the major online sellers, such as Amazon, Apple iBooks, Google, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble Nook. For details, please see the book’s main information page at this site.

Dear Mr White,
I’m studying your book about my Nikon Coolpix P600 and I’ve successfully connected my large Sunpak G4500 flash gun to the P600 by placing a small strip of double -sided transparent adhesive tape to the front of the built-in flash and then sticking a remote sensor to the front of the flash on the camera.
It works perfectly.
Thanks for the idea.
Leslie Wolf.
Cape Town, South Africa.
Sounds like an excellent solution; thanks for letting me know it worked!