Text-Only Paperback Version of Sony RX100 II Guide Book is Now Available

sonyrx100iitextonlycoverAs of today, Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 II is available in a paperback edition that contains the full text of the original book, but without the nearly 400 images that the original guide contains. I have produced this new version as an experiment to see if readers are interested in having the contents of the book available for reference at a price considerably lower than the price of the full-color paperback.

The text-only paperback edition is available now for $14.95 from Amazon.com. As is stated in the book’s Introduction, I will, on request, send a free PDF with all of the text as well as the color images to anyone who purchases the text-only paperback. Once you purchase that edition, send an e-mail message to contact@whiteknightpress.com to request the PDF. Just include your order number or a portion of your order confirmation message from Amazon (or other seller) to show that you purchased the paperback.

I am including below some images of the actual book, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. The book has 304 pages of text, including table of contents and index, as opposed to the 455 pages of the book with images. This edition contains only a few images, showing the camera’s controls, and those images are reproduced in black and white. It contains all of the text of the original, full-color book, except for some text that relates to images and that would not be useful without having those images available. Of course, if you buy the book and receive the free PDF, you will be able to see all of the images and read the discussions about them.

Sony RX100 II Text-Only Edition: Front Cover

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2 thoughts on “Text-Only Paperback Version of Sony RX100 II Guide Book is Now Available

  1. Elvira Lopez

    I bought the paper only edition a while ago. How may I request the full-color PDF version of the book which is supposed to be free of charge when you get the paper edition?


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