Today things are looking better than ever in most ways. The new Brother printer, another model HL-4070CDW, arrived today via FedEx Saturday delivery, ordered on Friday. Amazon charged only $6.99 for overnight Saturday delivery, which seems pretty amazing as a shipping bargain. I am a member of Amazon Prime, which helps a great deal on the shipping costs. I actually got the printer set up and running within less than an hour, which is a tribute to the printer and to the Macintosh’s ability to connect to a new network printer. I had visions of problems because there is another identical printer on the same network, but I hooked up the printer, turned it on, told the Mac to add another Brother printer, and the test page came popping out without a hitch. So we are now back in business, churning out multiple copies of the book’s text.
Clenise has become quite a pro at the perfect binding machine now. It mills the edges of the sheets for the spine very nicely, and she has figured out how to distribute the hot glue evenly and make a very firm, solid bind. We have now settled on HP Color Laser paper, 28-pound weight, as our standard paper for the book’s pages. This paper looks good, and, best of all, it flattens out and stays flat better than any other paper we have tried. Some of the others end up curly or wavy, but this paper seems to be thick enough to resist that tendency.
The orders have kept coming in. Today I shipped eleven books. Six went to the U.S. and five overseas, to Canada, the U.K., and the Netherlands. All of the recent sales (for about the last 24 hours) have been through the White Knight Press web site or through eBay; none on Amazon lately. I think it’s a function of shipping costs. I can’t control the shipping charges on Amazon, so that situation may continue, at least for overseas buyers.