I’ve had a few people send me e-mails asking when the new book about the Panasonic Lumix LX5 camera will be available. I don’t have a definite date, but it should be soon. Now that the proof has been accepted, the printer, Lightning Source, will list the book in a database that goes to Amazon.com and other online booksellers, and those sellers will pick up the listing in the normal course of their operations, some sooner than others. It should be a matter of a day or two, or maybe several days, and then the book will show up if you do a search for it online. In the meantime, I have ordered a few books from the printer to be shipped directly to me, and I will make some of those available if anyone needs a book before it becomes available on Amazon. The book probably will not be available in any bookstores, because it is quite expensive to print, and so I can’t offer a large enough discount to make it worthwhile for bookstores to carry it. I’ll keep posting updates here, and then on my web site once the book is actually in stock at Amazon or elsewhere.