A Few Coolpix P510 Telephoto, Monochrome, and Panorama Shots

Now that Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P510 is finished and at the printer, I got out with my P510 to try to get a few more shots to show what the camera can do.  My plans were disrupted by the sudden appearance of a thunderstorm, but I did manage to get in a few shots at a local park with some ducks floating by.  I zoomed the camera’s super telephoto lens to its full extent to try to get the best detail possible.  I was happy with the results, because the images are sharp and reveal the beautiful markings of the birds with good clarity.  Check out the small gallery of images below for these three shots. Click on the Next link to move through the images.

Duck Telephoto 1

Image 1 of 3

During the same outing, I also tried out the Monochrome settings of the Picture Control menu item.  I had been wanting to test the several settings using simulated color filters for monochrome shots.  Today I took four shots of a view at the park using the Monochrome setting, first with no filter, then with the yellow, orange, red, and finally the green filter setting.  Here are the results, in the image gallery below.  Click on the Next link to move through the images.


Image 1 of 5

Finally, I took a panorama in the same location, using the Easy Panorama setting.  Here is that single shot.

I will try again in the future to get some more shots with the Coolpix P510; it’s a great camera with a lot of versatility because of its superzoom lens and its many settings for image control.

2 thoughts on “A Few Coolpix P510 Telephoto, Monochrome, and Panorama Shots

  1. Maria Telegdy

    I can’t help but smile each and every time, I read a positive comment on the P510. I researched and researched and read up on different cameras and after several months of comparing I decided to buy the P510. I’m more than amazed with all the functions and yes I do love the telephoto. I do a lot of wildlife, travel and landscape photos and this camera is the best for the above photographic needs.


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