Another Very Busy Day

This post will not do justice to today’s activities. Not that anything all that dramatic happened; just that a lot of little things are going on. I guess this is the normal course of events for this time during the birthing process of a new book. Anyway, it’s getting late so this will be a brief summary and maybe I’ll catch up with more details later.

Late last night the book showed up in a listing on Amazon, after I joined the Amazon Advantage program, through which they may carry the book as an official Amazon inventory item. That was a big event for me, because I have sold used books on Amazon for years and am very familiar with that process. So I immediately listed my books there as a third-party seller. As of now, after about 24 hours, I have sold 2 books that way. I also listed the book on eBay as a Buy It Now item, and have sold 2 that way also.

Earlier today, Amazon sent me my first order, for two books. I will ship those to Amazon tomorrow, and, assuming they accept them after inspection, the books will be for sale directly from Amazon.

Another great thing today was that the webmaster at posted a very nice and prominent item about my book. He had contacted me a week or two ago, and just now followed up. He will also do a giveaway contest on his site, giving away a copy of my book to whoever can answer a question about the camera. He has been terrifically helpful.

On the negative front, the Brother HL-4070CDW laser printer just quit printing with the message that the Cyan toner had reached the end of its life. That toner cartridge was just installed a few days ago, and could not have printed the rated amount of 5,000 pages. Anyway, I had read about that problem earlier, and was able to defeat the message with a piece of tape over a sensor. Not a good sign, though.

That’s the abbreviated version for today. Book sales are up; Google AdWords is working; sales on eBay and Amazon are working; sales on the web site have stopped for now. My theory is that people prefer buying through eBay and Amazon to buying through my little web site, and I can’t say that I blame them.

2 thoughts on “Another Very Busy Day

  1. funky_chilli

    Just to let you know that I found out about your book/blog from the website. I will get a copy of your book soon, however just wanted to comment and tell you to keep at it and also to wish you the best of luck with it all!

  2. Alex White

    Thanks for your comment — the posting on the leicarumors website was incredible, and has created a good deal of interest. I appreciate your good wishes!


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