Canon PowerShot S95 Book is at the Printer

The Canon PowerShot S95 book is now for sale as a PDF download from this site; see the PowerShot S95 page for details. It will take a good deal longer for the book to come out in paperback, but that process is under way, and is going well so far. I submitted the digital files to the printing company last Sunday, April 3, and both the cover and the interior pages have been approved as of today. The next step is for the printer to generate a proof copy of the book and send it to me for approval. With good luck, they may print the proof toward the end of this week, and I may receive it by about next Monday, April 11. Hopefully there will be no problems in it, and I will approve it the same day it arrives. After the proof copy of the book is approved, the book will automatically be listed with as well as the international Amazon sites, and with other online booksellers, such as Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, and quite a few others. That process takes place in a series of small steps — first the book is listed, but may be described as “Unavailable,” then maybe as “Shipping in one week,” and eventually it will be listed as “In Stock.” If it starts to sell fairly well, it eventually will be listed as available for overnight shipping, meaning that Amazon actually orders a number of copies to keep in stock, rather than just ordering copies as they receive orders from customers.

I will make announcements on this site as the paperback version starts to become available at and at in particular.

2 thoughts on “Canon PowerShot S95 Book is at the Printer

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — The book is available now for download through this site as a PDF and it is available through the various Amazon sites in the U.S. and elsewhere as a paperback book. Just go to an Amazon site and search for “S95” under Books and you will find it. If these options don’t work for you, let me know and I can point out other options for purchasing the book. Thanks.


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