Canon PowerShot S95 Book is Now In Stock for Shipping by Amazon

A few weeks ago I ran my first experiment with “Fulfillment by Amazon,” the system with which I send brand-new copies of my books to Amazon for them to ship to my customers who purchase through me on Amazon Marketplace.  I did this because of the recent problem with Amazon putting some print-on-demand books (like mine) on a schedule for shipping “within 2-3 weeks” rather than immediately.

What this means is, if you want the PowerShot S95  book shipped to you with 1-day or 2-day shipping using Amazon Prime, and you want a copy that is already in stock at Amazon, look for the Fulfillment by Amazon listing.  For the PowerShot S95 book, click on the listings for “New” books, under the main listing, and you will find the books listed under my seller ID, alexstrawhite.  Those books are already in Amazon’s warehouse, and they will be shipped to you quickly.

You can still order the book from Amazon itself through the main listing, but the shipment may take 2 weeks or more.

Of course, the book also is available in PDF, Kindle, and iBook versions from this site. See the ordering page for the S95 book for more details.

2 thoughts on “Canon PowerShot S95 Book is Now In Stock for Shipping by Amazon

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Tony — The PDF for the S95 is available through this web site. If you go to the page for the S95 book, towards the bottom of the page there are links for purchasing the PDF through FastSpring, which is the company that handles the PDF sales. There also is a link to information about the ePub version of the book through the iTunes (iBooks) store.


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