
Please use the address to contact White Knight Press with any questions. The following contact information is provided in order to comply with legal requirements:

Alexander White
White Knight Press
9704 Old Club Trace
Henrico, VA 23238

29 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Pingback: Sony RX10 Guide Book is Now Available from | White Knight Press

  2. Armando Gonzalez

    Hi Alex,
    I bought your book on the Sony RX100M3 and loved it. My camera was stolen about a month ago so I upgraded to the new M7 with my insurance money (and a bit of my own!). I see you have a book on the M6. Are you planning to cover the M7 in a future book? If not, any recommendations?


  3. Andrew England

    Hi Alex

    I purchased the kindle version of your Guide to the Sony RX10iv a few weeks ago and would like to download the pdf version. Can you possibly provide me with a link?

    The email address used for the purchase was

    Andrew England

  4. William Djang

    Dear Mr. White,

    I bought a paperback copy of your Sony Rx10 guide back in 2015 (via Amazon). Just getting back into photography ( since I’m now retired), it would be nice to have a digital copy to keep with me on my I-pad. Would it be possible to get a download? This is for the original Rx10 (I see they are now on v4!).

    William Djang
    Asheville NC

  5. Carl Meisel

    Center Lock-On AF
    Your book states that it will not function in focus area lock-on settings. My experience is that it does not work in AF Flexible Spot or AF Expand but only works in Wide or Center.

    Also it does not mention how to handle the flow if you use back focus.

    It took me a very long time to get it all worked out. I think a revision of that section would be helpful.

  6. Gerard Brouwer

    Dear mr. White,
    In the book on page 18 the figure shows the down button with +- minus sign with the camera +++.
    This button on my camera Sony DSC RX 100 M 7 is only showing +- sign.
    When I press this +- sign button shows the Exposure Comp.
    Can you explain the difference?
    I read the book via Google books but would be nice if a PDF would be available.

    Best regards

  7. Christine

    I was looking for a guide for my new Sony RX10 i, and found it listed on Google.
    I clicked the link and found that there was a link to purchase a copy for my Amazon Kindle, so eager as I was, I bought it.
    Only now I find that the link that was supposed to go to the RX10 iv actually went to the RX100 iv and I have bought the wrong guide.
    I went back and checked what went wrong, and I found that your link goes to the wrong page.
    Is it possible to “return” the guide I have bought for a completely different camera (RX100 iv), and replace it with the correct guide for the RX10 iv?

  8. Nelson Jennifer

    Hi Alexander

    I bought your book about Nikon p950. I’m trying to get a better understanding of it. My one big issue is with my sd card. I googled which one would be best for this camera. I bought the SanDisk Extreme Pro 170 mb/s 128 GB. I find the delay after continuous shooting very long… between 10 and 20 seconds depending on how many shots I’ve taken. It’s extremely frustrating for birds shots or wildlife. Is there a better card or is this just the way it is.

    1. Alex White Post author

      There are some faster cards available, as discussed in this article: However, I’m not sure that the speed of the card would make that much difference, because the camera’s buffer does slow down continuous shooting to some extent, unavoidably. I have not run detailed tests in this area, so I can’t say for sure. If you don’t mind trying a faster card, that might help somewhat.

  9. Dave Araki

    Hi Alex, I have bought three of your RX100 books (3,4,5) and they have helped me immensely in the use and enjoyment of those cameras. I just got the model 5A, and well, there seem to be some changes in the software menus that are not included in your book on M5. And as you know, the Sony Manual is pretty lame, though in a pinch it may tell me more than nothing.
    Is it possible that you have an appendix/VA update that covers things like the MY menu function, or better how to actually and set the memory function? I’m sure you know that unlike the M5, The 5A must record the memory settings differently, and it’s not really too clear on HOW it does that.
    If you have an VA update, I’d really appreciate seeing it.
    Thanks again

  10. Anthony

    Re: sony rx10 iv camera
    Just wanted to thank you for providing such informative detail on this camera. Hopefully i will retain all this info to optimize the camera. Thanks again, Anthony

  11. David Hudgins

    Mr. White,

    I just bought a Panasonic Lumix LX100ii and (although a quite experienced amateur photographer) I have been struggling a bit reading the Panasonic on-line “advanced” user guide. But I don’t like using Kindle, and much prefer a hard copy. Your posting seems to suggest that a printed version of this book will soon be available. Can you tell me the current status of that printing?


    hi white knight..would like to know where you purchase your camera memory cards from besides amazon as they have lost my order 2xs..thanks,denise

  13. Glen Wilson


    I have just purchased your ebook and I remember when I purchased an earlier one (different camera) you sent me a link so I could download a PDF version. That way I can read it on a plane.

    Are you able to send me a link for this book also please. For the Photographer’s guide to the a7C camera.

  14. Uwe Kell

    Dear Sirs,

    please excuse my lousy English. I just purchased the photagrapher’s guide to the Panasonic Lumix ZS70/TZ90.
    All had worked well and I have received the files.
    Thank you for this excellent description of the camera. This is the style that a manual should have. As a former vocational teacher, i know how much work it takes to achieve such a precise description with these well fitting images.
    Best wishes from Germany
    Uwe Kell

  15. Greg Linde

    I recently took the plunge and bought a Sony RX100 VII and your companion ebook.

    I’m very much a recreational photographer and your book is a tremendous resource!

    Next week I hope to catch a night launch over at NASA’s Wallops Island facility and wonder if you might have recommendations on the best settings to capture that?

    I don’t think Fireworks looks right nor Night mode but I’m a novice and hope to get at least a decent set of video and photos. I will be using the dual recording feature as you describe.

    Thanks for both the book and your time

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