11 thoughts on “FAQs

  1. Daphne Day

    Re the NikonP520 Manual – I have this manual in A5 version and it is very difficult to read such small print. Is this Version in A4 size?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — I’m not sure what versions you are referring to. The book for sale through the whiteknightpress.com web site is different from the official Nikon manual; this is a book that discusses the features of the camera and provides examples, etc. The paperback version of the book is available in only one size, which is probably close to A5 in size. If you purchase the downloadable versions (PDF, ePub, and Kindle), you can view them in larger sizes or, with the PDF, you can print it out on A4 or larger sizes. If this doesn’t answer your question, let me know and I’ll try to help.

      –Alex White

  2. Martha

    Alex, question. I have iphone and ipad. When I order the downloadable files, can I put it on both devices? Ipad for reading at home, iphone for travel and field work. I just ordered the S110 book and am anticipating its arrival. Some of the new features I am not so sure about and appreciate your knowledge. I passed the S95 to hubby.

    Thank you for all your efforts. I pass on your name to folks buying new cameras as a great reference. Keep playing and keep your shutter finger exercised and in good shape!

    1. James Roe

      If I purchase a hard copy do I get the pdf for free or must it be purchased separately. I like hard copy books but want the info now. Thank you.

  3. Gloria Saunders

    April 9/15 – I tried to purchase your book Guide to Nikon CoolpixP510 and a message came up saying could not ship to Canada – Howcome

  4. Beatrice

    I just purchased the e book for the rx100 III and it will not download via safari. Can you help me?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I’m sorry to hear you’re having a problem. Please check out the PDF and Ebook Download Support page at this site for some tips. If you’re downloading the ePub version, which works best for iPad and iPhone, click on the link for that file, and then, if you see an error message, click on the icon that looks like a rectangle with an arrow coming out of the top. You should then see a menu giving you choices to Open In … various applications. Choose Open In iBooks, and the book should appear in the iBooks app. If you’re downloading the PDF, it should be readable with any application that can read PDFs. I would need some more specific information about exactly what is happening to help further. Please send me a message at contact@whiteknightpress.com if you still need help. Thanks.

  5. William Herron

    In your excellent Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC RX10 II you say “If you do choose JPEG, I strongly recommend that you choose the Large size and Extra Fine quality ….” Choosing a size is not hard to understand, but choosing a quality value is a mystery. Would you please discuss further how a user can decide between using the Quality values of Standard, Fine, and Extra Fine. I have experienced that an image file may be about 5 MB at the Fine quality setting and about 10 MB at the Extra Fine quality setting. When I view images that were made at these two settings, I cannot tell the difference between the two images. I would like to better understand what I will be gaining by saving Extra Fine quality image files at double the size of Fine quality image files.

    1. Alex White Post author

      It really depends on how you will use the image. If you know that you will only be viewing it online or making a small print, you can choose Fine or even Standard. The difference from the Quality setting is likely to be apparent only when making a larger print or cropping the image and enlarging a portion of it. You will start seeing “compression artifacts” as a compressed image is enlarged to increasing sizes. I recommend using the highest quality, in case you may need to make a larger print or crop the image at some point. But, as I said above, if you are certain you only need small snapshots or images for viewing on a computer or other electronic device, you could use a lower Quality setting to save on file size and storage space.


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