231 thoughts on “Forthcoming Camera Guide Books from White Knight Press

  1. Jonathan Meyers

    Very pleased to know you are doing a DSC-RX100 MK2 version. I thought your Powershot S100 book was really excellent, and I just gave away that camera and bought the new Sony. Consequently, I need your insights to make the most of my new camera!

      1. Roger Ellis

        That is a real pity !
        Could you be persuaded or is the volume of sales not sufficient?
        Perhaps you could produce a supplement to update the X100 guide where necessary?
        I would buy it !

  2. James Cox

    Any chance of a guide to the Fuji X20? There is a big gap in the market for a book dedicated to this popular camera.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — As of now, I don’t have specific plans to do a book on the X20, though several people have asked about it, and I will look into the possibility after I finish a couple of other books that are planned. I don’t think it’s too likely, but I can’t completely rule it out. Sorry I can’t be more definite right now.

      –Alex White

      1. Rafael

        Dear Alex. About a year ago I purchased an X20 and your x10 guide. The x10 guide helped me quite a bit to figure out how to work most aspects of my camera. Hwere’s hoping you do write an x20 guide. I would surely buy it.

        1. Alex White Post author

          Hello, Rafael — Thanks for your comment. At the moment I have a couple of other books planned, but I will keep the X20 under consideration for the future.

  3. Jim

    Any chance that a guy could pre-order the DSC-RX100 II book? That way, when I totally space out checking on its availability, it will still be on its way!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Jim — I don’t have any capability for pre-orders at this point, though I will be looking into it, for the downloadable versions. For now, I am adding you to the list of people to be notified when the book is available.

      –Alex White

  4. Roger Carr

    Hi Alex

    I also keep checking to see if the new RX 100 Mk 2 book is out yet. Can you add me to your email list to let me know when it is available please?

    Many thanks.

    1. Alex White Post author

      No, as of right now I haven’t been able to include a book on the S120 in the schedule. That is subject to change, but there is no projected date as of now.

  5. Pam Reynolds

    I am considering getting your book on the X10 to use with the X20. Someone wrote a review on Amazon that said the camera information in your book was 90% applicable to the X20. Would you agree? I would love to have a manual like the ones you write for the X20. Thanks for your help. Pam Reynolds

    1. Alex White Post author

      I wish I had a good answer, but I’m not able to keep up with all of the cameras that are released. I have read a little bit about the X20, but I have never used one. You might want to consider buying the X10 book from a seller who accepts returns readily, like Amazon.com, and return it if it turns out not to be as helpful as you hoped.

  6. Pascal

    I hope for a Sony RX10 guidebook.
    I just bought the RX1000II book to get some more insight in the RX10 menus but a dedicated RX10 book would be wonderful.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for your comment. I do have the RX10 on the list of books I am considering doing, but there is no definite plan yet. If there is more interest in that book, I will work on it in the near future.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — Thanks for the comment. I will add you to the list of people interested in a book on the RX10. If I end up doing that book, I will notify you.

  7. Enrique Mordetzki

    Alex, will tbere be a Canon PS S120 book? If not, would you advise me purchasing your S110 book? I’d rather wait for an updated book if you have one in the works for publishing in the near future. Thanks for your advise!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Enrique — No, I am not going to be able to do a book on the PowerShot S120. I can only work on a very limited number of cameras, and I can’t work that one into my schedule.


  8. Bill Morlitz

    Alex, is the Kindle ePub that I just downloaded Monday 4/7 at about 3AM the larger version of the ePub and if not, will Amazon make the larger version available to me?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Bill — Just to clarify the terminology, the Kindle version is a .mobi file; the ePub version is for the iPad and other devices that read ePubs. The Kindle file that is on Amazon is the only one currently available for the Kindle. I will look into the possibility of producing a larger version of the .mobi file for the Kindle, but as of now there is only one version available.


      1. Bill Morlitz

        Mea Culpa. Boy, do I have egg on my face. I know the difference (Apple since 1979) but that portion of the brain must have still been unconscious. I ‘returned’ the Kindle version after I wrote you and will now be requesting the larger file from you. After I finish wiping off the egg.

  9. MAYUN

    Je serai très intéressé par ce livre, seulement sera-t-il exploitable pour une personne ne maitrisant pas trop l’Anglais.
    MERCI pour votre réponse

    1. Alex White Post author

      In response, I would say that a reader would need to have a solid command of English in order to appreciate any of the books sold through this site. Pour utiliser ces livres, il est nécessaire de comprendre très bien l’anglais.

  10. Chris

    Many thanks for writing the book about Sony RX100. It is a great help and always with me on my Pad. What about the Sony HX-400-V. Just bought one for my wife. As the official Sony guide is not a great help, we got more information out of the RX100 book instead.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Chris. Thanks for your comment. I would love to be able to do a book about the HX400V, but there just isn’t enough time in a day to cover all the cameras I would like to.

      1. Bassic Sax

        I was hoping you’d written a book on the GX1, because I found the LX7 book so helpful. Thank-you for all your work! I was disappointed to see that not only did you not write one, but in fact no one else had either. I do hope that you’ll write one for the GX7, maybe some of the info will still apply the the GX1 as well.

        In any event, I just wanted to chime in and say how helpful your book on the the Lumix LX7 was to me. In this day and age of PDF this, and PDF that, it’s great that someone still takes the time to write a practical, hard copy book on what a camera can do.

  11. John Baker

    Would also like to be notified on Rx100M3. Perhaps I should get the M2 e- while I wait? How much would apply do you think? Thank You!

    1. Alex White Post author

      I am adding you to the list to be notified. You could get the book on the RX100 II in the meantime, but there are quite a few changes, such as the ability to use Auto ISO with Manual exposure mode for the new camera, and several others, that would make the existing text confusing in some places.

  12. Haila Harvey

    Please notify me when the RX100 III book is published. Meanwhile, I’m learning about my III through the II book. One mystery to me is that there is no Memory Card Tool Menu in the III. Are those functions found somewhere else?

  13. Phil Kutzenco

    Please also add me to the list of those to notify when the RX100 M3 book is published. Thanks!

  14. Alan Smith

    Just purchased RX100111 so will be very interested in your publication on this latest model due end summer 2014 ?
    Where will this be available first ?
    Have purchased your book on RX10011 for basic reference but there are different features on the latest model and look forward to your valued comments and explanation of these.

    Kind regards

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Alan — The book for the RX100 III should be available by late August. It will first be available in paperback through Amazon.com in the US, followed by Amazon sites in other countries. Within a couple of weeks after that, it should be available in e-book versions, through this site and through Amazon for Kindle, Apple for iPads and iPhones, Barnes & Noble online for Nook, and Kobo for other e-readers. It also will be sold in paperback by a variety of other online sellers such as bn.com, powells.com, and others. It will not be sold in stores. If you have further questions, let me know. Thanks.


  15. Mark Gumbiner

    Just purchased Sony RX100III and reading through your old II book and trying to understand some of the changes on the main menu I am really looking forward to your late August publishing date…put me on your email list. Is there a good forum for the RX100 II/III that you can recommend?

  16. Richard

    I have recently purchased the Panasonic Lumix zx40. Although it’s distributed with a 300+ page manual, it addresses the mechanics of operation, more than conveying an understanding of why, when, etc. I purchased your book on the LX7 which appeared to be a reasonably similar camera albeit with many differences. I would love to get a book similar to yours on the lx7 but written for the zx40. I don’t see it listed in your upcoming products. Are you aware of anyone who might have or is in the process of producing such a book?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — No, as far as I know, there is no book available or planned for the Panasonic Lumix ZS40 camera. There aren’t that many books available for compact cameras, and it doesn’t look as if that camera has a book specifically written for it.

  17. Jo

    I appreciate it has only just been announced but do you think you will be creating a book for the D Lux Typ 109? I’m a huge fan of your books and have always ensured I have your book with the latest D-Lux model. Many thanks.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Jo — Thanks for your comment. Yes, I have just been reading about that new Leica model, and as of now, I do plan to do a book about it, once I can get my hands on one. So, it will be several months in the future, and something could always intervene to change the plan, but that is the plan as of now.


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Robert — I don’t have any current plans for a book about that camera, but I appreciate your mentioning it, because that helps me as I try to figure out what other cameras to write about. Thanks.

      –Alex White

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — No plans at present, because I am backed up with other cameras I need to work on. If time permits down the road I’ll try to work that one in, but it doesn’t look likely right now.

  18. John Battison

    My daughter just purchased a Nikon P530. I have been unable to find a handbook for this model and the user manual provides less than adequate information on the use of the camera’s functionalities. Would purchasing your book on the P520 be a sensible way forward or do you have any other suggestions? Thanks

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — It’s hard to say, because I have not worked directly with the P530, but I think that my book on the P600 might be closer in its contents, because the P600 and P530 were introduced at about the same time.

      1. Ed L.

        After having to retire my trusty Panasonic ZS-10 earlier this year, my family got tired of my whining and gifted me a new Nikon P530 this year. Seeing how highly rated all of your books are, I was dismayed to find that you don’t have a guide book for the P530. Based upon your advice to John, I might spring for the P600 guidebook. Much better, would be if you plan to release on specifically for the P530, though. 😉

    1. Alex White Post author

      I am working on a guide for the Panasonic LX100 now; I’m not sure if I will do a separate one for the Typ 109, though that one may be next. I will post more information as plans develop.

  19. Jorge M. Treviño

    Very pleased to know you are about to publish the LX100 book. Without your LX5 and LX7 guides I wouldn’t have been able to fully enjoy them, thanks to a snobbish attitude deriving from 60-odd years of handling fully mechanical cameras that made me shun the iA, SCN and Palette modes in favor of a a**l retentive obsession for control (you can’t blame someone who grew among Leica IIIf’s and 3.5 TLR Rolleiflexes without even a light meter). Thanks to you I came not only to apppreciate but to depend on functions like Handheld Night Scene, HDR and Panorama modes, instant switch to Ilford HP5+ lookalike and the joy of the iZoom extra reach.

    Now that Santa rewarded my good behaviour with an LX100, I’m fumbling with it trying to unearth the goodies I’ve become accustomed to during the last three years on my LX5 (sold) and LX7 (headed for the block) but -alas- your book will have to wait a few weeks. Forming on the queue to get my ebook!

      1. Jorge M. Treviño

        Glad to hear that! I discovered your books (and have been purchasing them) since the one on the LX3. I’m cracking my knuckles waiting for the new one. As stated before, while much of the content may be redundant to the manual, the way it’s explained let’s everyone fully understand why a function is on the camera, what can be expected of it and how/when to use it.

  20. Jo

    I concur, I would never have got the most out of the my beloved d-lux without your assistance via your books. The typ 109 is my fourth iteration of this gem of a camera and undoubtedly it’s a different beast than its predecessors. I recently took it on a long awaited workshop to capture some coastal suns the slow shutter speed shots. Not knowing that the silent mode stops the bulb (though 120-ish seconds is not enough) setting from even bring available. I had to crank the albeit impressive ISO up to get any shots at all as 1s was all it would give me. Pouring over the manual on the journey home only gave me a vague clue as to needing to get off electronic shutter (not knowing how I’d gotten on to that in the first place) but the menu option was greyed out. I resorted to restoring to factory settings and when I reintroduced silent mode I finally realised the correlation. I was convinced I’d have been better equipped with your latest tome. The Leica manuals are adequate (barely) but soulless, I am waiting in eagerness for your typ 109 book or the LX100 version, if you decide to only do one of them. No pressure…

    1. Jorge M. Treviño

      Jo, thanks a bunch for the silent mode+bulb tip. I wouldn’t have discovered it either!

      Same feeling about either of the books here, be it the Panasonic or the Leica; only that as owner of four of the real mccoys (Film Leica Ms and fIII) I’ve never been able to justify the 50% price increase for the rebranding. I keep forwarding the savings on each of the pannys towards a digital M and put my glass to good use.

  21. Stefaan

    A book on the Leica D-Lux Typ 109 would be terrific.
    It’s such an awesome camera.
    I’m looking forward to learn in-depth tricks about it !
    Thanks !

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for the suggestion. I am just finishing up my book for the Panasonic Lumix LX100, which is very similar to the D-Lux Typ 109, and I will soon decide what book to do next. It’s very helpful to hear from potential readers about what they would like to see.

  22. Annitta Hearle

    Do you have a manual for fujifilm finepix HS30EXR. If so- can i purchase it in Australia.If
    not – do you plan to write one?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thank you for asking about a book about the Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR. It does help to know which cameras people are interested in having books written for. I don’t have any current plans for a book about that model, but I will make a note of your interest as I’m deciding on future books. I am just finishing a guide for the Panasonic LX100.

  23. dlbartel

    Your book on the LX7 was very helpful, so I’m eagerly waiting for your guide for the Panasonic LX100. Is there a way of being notified when it’s ready for download?

  24. Mike Heskin

    I have your book for the DSC-RX100, which has been an important part of my learning to use my camera. What are the chances you will update your book for the X100S for the X100T. I will buy it the instant it comes out!

    1. Alex White Post author

      I haven’t decided yet what book will be next, but the X100T is on the list of possibilities. I will post more information as it develops. Thanks.

  25. Karen Wendell

    Yes, thank you for doing a book on the Leica Typ 109. Could you please add me to the notification list for when it is ready for purchase?

    Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Robert Smith

    Hi, bought your book on the Fuji X10(extremely helpful!) and since the X20 was very similar there was no need for a book on that. But now I have the X30 which is very different. Just thought I would put my wishes in for a book on it. Love the camera but between the EVF and all the other many other changes it is very dissimilar to the proceeding models. Plus now they only have a download manual! HELP!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for suggesting a book about the X30. It really helps me to know which cameras people are interested in having books written for. I don’t have any current plans for that model, but I will make a note of your interest as I’m deciding on future books.

      —Alex White
      White Knight Press

  27. David Clement

    I am in hopes that you are going to do a book on the new Nikon Coolpix P900. If so, please let me know when it would be available. In the interim, do you think that your book on the P600 would suffice?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, I am planning to do a book on the P900, though I first have to finish my book on the P610. I would hope to get the P900 book done by sometime in July or August. As far as using the P600 book for the P900 camera is concerned, it’s hard to say, because I haven’t examined the P900 yet to see how different the menu options and other features are. I imagine it would be somewhat useful, though you might want to buy it from a seller to whom you can return it if it doesn’t prove to be all that helpful for you.

      1. David Clement

        Thanks for the feedback. I will be eagerly awaiting the P900 book. Please place me on your notification list. I appreciate it.

          1. Ronald Edmondson

            Are you going to come out with a manual for the PS 1100 Nissan I value your knowledge thank you

  28. Jeff Essenfeld

    Do you have any plans to put out Photographer’s Guide to the Sony Dsc-Rx100 IV
    If so what would be your guestimate for a release date.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Jeff — Yes, I have just started working with the RX100 IV. I hope to have the book done by sometime in September or possibly October.

    1. Alex White Post author

      No, I have only been doing books for compact still cameras, although of course they all have video features nowadays. But I don’t plan to do any books for camcorders at this point.

  29. Jos Swarte

    Pleased to learn that the book on the RX100M4 is forthcoming. Just bought the camera and I am eager to learn more about of this complex piece of kit. I own the III book in electronic form which is very helpful, but of course doesn’t cover all the intricacies of the IV.

      1. Dean Jamison

        I like your guides so much that I bought the one for the RX100 III to help me with my IV. Thats helpful and will do until your guide to the IV comes out. But I’m eager to make the switch because, as you say, there is much different about the IV. So, September? I hope.

        Thanks for your efforts on these books.

        Dean Jamison

  30. Graeme

    Your book on the Nikon P900 is fantastic.
    Please do one similar on the Canon T5i/700D as I have seen nothing on the internet that compares.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for your comment! I appreciate receiving the suggestion. So far I have only written books for compact cameras with fixed lenses, but someday I might try doing books for DSLRs like the Canon T5i. I will keep your suggestion in mind for future plans.

  31. Richard

    I note your comment about cameras with fixed lenses. If you do branch into system cameras, is there any chance of a guide to the Olympus EM-10 (mark II)?

  32. Pascal

    Thanks Alex.
    Would be nice if you would do a book or multiple books on the Panasonic MFT camras and lenses. It’s great gear and so much more compact than a FF or APS-C setup.
    Had a GF1 and G10 in the beginning when their lens selection was less extenstive but with the lenses they got now I couldn’t resist getting me a GX-8.
    I’m still keeping my RX10 II and P900 though, along with your books! 🙂

  33. Russ Glindmeier

    Any plans for a book on the RX10 III? I purchased your RX10 I book when I purchased that camera. I skipped the Mark II version, but will be purchasing the Mark III version of the camera.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, I plan to work on a book for the RX10 III as soon as I can get that camera. I have read that production of that model is delayed because of the recent earthquakes in Japan, but as soon as possible I will work on that book.

  34. Russ Glindmeier

    Mine is shipping today from B&H, and they are showing the camera in stock (today, 5/4/16 is the official release date). I pre-ordered mine last week as I was concerned that once the initial inventory was sold (presumably manufactured before the earthquake) there might be production problems with subsequent production. Then again, it’s possible that this model hasn’t been affected at all by the earthquake. Nikon’s DL series have been delayed, presumably due to the earthquake.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Oh, okay — thanks for pointing that out. I thought I was going to have to wait several months. I am still working on another book right now, so I won’t be starting on the Sony RX10 III for at least a month or so. I will post updates at the site as I make progress.

  35. Russ Glindmeier

    As I understand it, the M3 version is essentially identical to the M2, with the primary, if not sole difference being the lens. If this is in fact true, then it seems it might make sense to purchase the PDF version of the M2 book. This would for the most part, bring me up to speed with the changes from my M1 camera and book, and for $10, would provide most of the information on changes between the M1 and M3 until the M3 paperback book is published. Thoughts?

  36. Thomas LaFehr

    Because of your experience, I would be grateful to learn: If price is no object, which of the compacts (“point and shoots”) would you buy in today’s market if you can only have one?

    1. Alex White Post author

      That’s a very hard question to give a good answer to. For one thing, I have only worked directly with a few models. Also, it depends on what type(s) of photography you are most interested in. But, to give an answer, if price is no object and you can manage with a fixed focal length 35mm lens, the Sony RX1R II, with its full-frame sensor, is hard to beat. For a smaller sensor model that is much less expensive, I would recommend the Sony RX100 IV. The Panasonic LX100 is another great small camera.

  37. Joan Everds

    I have the Sony RX1 which I bought several years ago. Does your manual Manual for the RX1 R 11 also apply to this earlier model.

    1. Alex White Post author

      No, that book was written specifically for the RX1R II. I never used the RX1 model, but I understand there are fairly considerable differences between the models, and the recent book probably would not be as helpful as you would want or need.

  38. Lynn Levine

    I anxiously await your manual for the sony rx10 m3. I have your manual for rx 100 and hope this new one will be available soon. Thank you.

    1. Alex White Post author

      I am finishing up another book now, and I hope to start on the Sony RX10 III book fairly soon. I should have it completed by sometime in August or September if all goes well. I will post updates about the progress at this site. Thanks for asking!

  39. Rick Morris

    I cut my teeth on your wonderful Sony RX100II book a few years ago. It really helped get me started.

    My son just got me a fantastic Fuji X70 and I’m using your Fuji X100S book at present to get by.
    Any plans to do a book specifically for the X70?
    Thank You.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — Not at this time. I need to do books on Sony and Nikon models next, and I probably won’t be able to manage any others in the near future.

  40. Hoyte Pyle

    When will A Photographer’s Guide to the Sony RX10 iii be available in book form (not downloadable).

  41. Robbert

    Hi, I really love your book on the Fuji X10, and it has helped me A LOT to get the most from that camera – thanks ! I am now considering an upgrade to the X100F. Any plans on a book for that? If not, will your book about the older X100 camera be helpful, or will that be too outdated? I hear that the X100F is quite a different camera from the first X100 model. Thanks for your feedback !

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — I don’t have plan for a book for the X100F, though I will consider it for the future if there is time. I would say it is not that likely, but possible. From what I understand, my books for the X100 and X100S are probably too outdated at this point to be all that helpful.

  42. Eric

    I just received my Sony RX10 IV and I was wondering if your guide on the RX III would help to get me started? The major difference between the two models is AF so would the description of the functions of the model III mostly cover those of model IV?
    Thanks you.

    1. Alex White Post author

      I’m surprised to hear that you already received it; I thought it was not going to be available until mid-October. But as for your question, there are a number of differences between the two models, such as new features or options on the RX10 IV, but I think the RX10 III would be helpful with respect to the basic functions of the new model.

      1. Eric

        The camera is readily available in the Netherlands since last week.
        I will go ahead and get a copy of your PDF version of model III, the Sony manual is poorly written.

  43. Reid McClure

    I’ve really enjoyed two of your publications (guide to Sony’s RX10 and RX100. I’m purchasing Sony’s RX10 IV. Any chance of a guide coming out for that model?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, I am working on that book now, and I hope to have it finished by the end of the year. I’ll add you to the list of people to be notified when it’s available.

      1. Reid McClure

        Thanks so much Alex! Your guides have really helped me take advantage of all the design capabilities of the RX10/b and RX100. I credit you with your improving my photography!

  44. Alexander

    Alex – I’m shooting bald eagles with the RX10 IV at the Conowingo Dam and I’m constantly messing up the exposure – usually the eagles are too dark or I blow out the highlights. Could you give me some quick tips for exposure settings for BIF/Bald Eagle shots (and maybe put some BIF tips in the book too)? Is there an automatic way to get the camera to handle this or do I just need to readjust the EV comp dial for every shot (I’d prefer to let the camera handle it as there’s little time to waste when an eagle dives from the sky)? Also, would I want to use the AEL button for this as well? Thank you so much.

    1. Alex White Post author

      I’ll be happy to give you my thoughts on this question, though I don’t have any experience with capturing images of bald eagles in flight with the RX10 IV. One approach would be to use the Raw setting for Quality, so you can gave a good deal of leeway in adjusting the exposure after the fact. Another is to use JPEG settings (Large and Extra Fine), and set DRO to Auto or a fairly high level, such as level 5. Also, you could try the Highlight or Spot setting for Metering Mode, and possibly also use the Exposure Standard Adjustment feature on screen 8 of the Camera Settings1 menu to tweak the exposure compensation to get the results you want consistently. If you can tell from past shots what the optimum exposure settings are likely to be for the image of the eagle, you might want to try using Manual exposure mode with a fixed ISO setting, probably with Raw for Quality to give you some leeway. Finally, if you haven’t already done so, I would suggest posting your question in the Sony Cyber-shot Talk Forum at dpreview.com, where you are likely to get responses from people who actually are doing BIF shots with the RX10 IV. Best of luck with your pursuit of the eagles! — Alex

      1. Alex

        Thank you for the response – it appears that DRO-Auto works in Raw on the Rx10 IV (but HDR does not work in RAW)…so I don’t see any reason not to leave that on all the time, what do you think?

        1. Alex White Post author

          I don’t think it would hurt to leave it on, but, at least with the Raw-processing software I usually use, the DRO settings have no effect on the Raw files. You may see the effects when viewing the Raw images in your camera, but not on the computer when using some software, such as Adobe Camera Raw. If you are going to use that software, you might not want to leave the setting in place for Raw files. But, if you use Sony’s Image Data Converter software, the settings could be useful. You could always use Raw + JPEG for the Quality setting to make sure you get the benefits of both approaches.

  45. Gillian

    Hi Alex,

    I have just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ2500 so I’m looking forward to purchasing your guide when it becomes available.


  46. Sonja Fox

    Hi Alex, I have your printed book on the Sony RX100 MarkII and have found it very useful. I’ve just upgraded to the MarkV (as the screen died on the earlier model).
    I’m wondering how much new information there is in your guide to the MarkV as to whether it would be worth ordering that too. Thank you.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Sonja — Actually, there were considerable changes from the RX100 II to the model V, so I do believe it would be worthwhile to get the newer book. One way to check on this is to use this link to the table of contents for the RX100 V book. That should give you a fairly good idea of the various new options and features that are covered in the more recent book.

      — Alex

  47. TexAg

    I recently purchased the Sony RX100 VI. Can you put me on your alert list for when your book on this model is available for purchase?

  48. Tom Whitley

    I just purchased an RSX100 VA and your book for the RSX100 V. Your book is very helpful but doesn’t address all of the VA features and the updated menu layout. Is there any chance you would publish an update or comparison chart – at least for the menus?
    Thanks I have other books by you – your writing style and descriptive abilities are excellent!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — I don’t have any plans for a new or updated book on the RX100 VA at present, but I am working on a book for the RX100 VI. It’s my understanding that the VA has the updated menu system, which should be similar to that on the VI. I should have the new book finished by sometime in September, and at that point you may want to check this website for information about the new book and see if it would be useful for you.

      — Alex White

  49. Andetd Thelin

    I just purchased Sony RX 100 VI and can’t wait to get hold of your new book. Please notify me when the book is available. Sincerely
    Anders Thelin

  50. Mike Westgarth LRPS

    Hi, Desperately need a guide for either Panasonic Lumix LX100 M2 camera or latest Leica D-Lux 7 camera (them being practically identical cameras).
    The ‘Photographer’s Guide to the Leica D-Lux (TYP 109)’ Alexander S. White – published by White Knight 2015 needs an update to cover the software functionality and improved features of the new (released 2018) cameras.
    These (travel) cameras are currently causing a great deal of interest in the photographic media and YouTube both in the USA and Europe; but there’s literature apart from the manufactures technical sheets.
    Looking Forward to a guide – MW.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — Thanks for your comment. It is helpful to know what books readers would like to see published. I am considering doing some sort of update for the LX100 II/D-Lux 7, but I haven’t reached a decision yet. I will post information at this site if I do decide to do that update.

      — Alex White

  51. John Woodman

    Hi – just purchased your excellent LX100 guide, which was recommended to me because I was driven to distraction by my recently-purchased LX100 II. I would be so grateful for a guide speciically for the new model – is there any way of finding out about this other than to keep checking here? Not a Facebook user. Thanks again.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — Yes, I will add you to the list of people to be notified when the LX100 II book is available. I’m working on it now, and I hope to have it published by early March.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — I don’t have a plan to do a book for the HX99 at the moment, but I will consider it in the future, after I work on other books that are in the pipeline. Thanks for asking; that helps me know what cameras potential readers are interested in.

  52. June HUGHES

    Hi Alex. I have just upgraded my Sony RX100 mark 3 to a Sony RX100mark 5A and taken delivery of your Mark 5 book from amazon. Will you be doing a supplement about the differences between the mark 5 and the mark5a please?
    I have given my Mark 3 and your excellent Mark 3 book to my daughter.
    Many thanks in advance.


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, June — As of now, I don’t have plans for a book on the RX100 VA. It’s possible that could change, but not very likely in view of other books I have to get to. Some readers have advised me that my book on the RX100 VI was useful with the RX100 VA, because of the similarities between the menu systems of those two models. You might want to consider exchanging the RX100 V book for the RX100 VI book, and see if that one works better for you.

  53. John Doveton-Scott

    Alex – is there any chance of a book about the Canon G7X Mark ii? I’ve recently got this camera and am struggling quite a lot – and the manual isn’t of much use! When I had my Canon G16 I had your excellent book – but sadly, when I sold it, I included the book as part of the sale.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, John — Thanks for your comment. No, I think it’s very unlikely that I will be doing a book for the Canon model you mentioned. I have been focusing mainly on Sony, Panasonic, and Nikon models lately, and I am actually starting to reduce my output of camera books in general, at least for the present.

      – Alex White

  54. Neil Anderton

    I would echo the question by Robert Hopwood, back in Feb, re a guide book on the DSC-HX99. I’ve just bought this camera, and was surprised that there does not seem to be any published. I appreciate that from a professional point of view this camera is nobbled by the absence of the 1″ sensor, but the features offered for the price does make this a fair choice for a travel camera in sunny climbs.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t know if I will end up doing a book for that model, but it is very helpful to know which cameras people are interested in.

  55. Tom Hardy

    I think my copy of your guide to the Leica D-Lux (Type 109) is one of the best books on photography I’ve seen. At least the most useful!

    Any chance that you would write a similar guide for the Leica T (or TL2)?

    Many thanks.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for your nice comment, which I really appreciate. As of now, I don’t have any plans to do a book for the Leica models you mentioned. I have been winding down my book-writing activities lately. I may get back to them in the future, but no books are planned at present.

  56. Richard

    Great books. I have the one for the Nikon P510 and it inspired me to use the camera properly. I now have a Panasonic DMC-TZ80, as a pocket camera, and am wondering if the book for the DC-ZS70/TZ90 will be worth getting? Do you know if the models features are similar?

  57. Christopher Muller

    Jan 30, 2023.

    Dear Mr. White,

    Do you have any plans to bring out a guide for the Leica D-Lux 7? The new manuals are all online of which I am not a big fan; it’s difficult to find information when needed and with a book, it falls open to pages that have been read multiple times – I prefer a book anytime.

    I have used your “Photographer’s Guide to the Leica D-Lux 6” for years and found it to be in invaluable guide to understanding all the capabilities of this camera. I would refer to it on a regular basis and it is MUCH better than the Leica manual; easier to understand, better writing and better organization. Thank you for the wonderful job you did on this book

    I had the Leica D-Lux 6 for about 4 year (bought used) and unfortunately, it just died. Leica no longer offers any service or parts for this camera, however, they do offer a trade-in program for a new D-Lux 7 which I will be taking advantage of soon.

    Warm regards,

    Christopher Muller

  58. Stephen Sandford

    I would love a book on the Olympus OM-1 if you could write one. Do you have any plans to write any more books?


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