Infrared image showing white and gray trees and grass beside road

Infrared Photography with Sony RX10 IV Camera

I am in the process of finishing my guide book for the Sony DSC-RX10 IV camera, which I hope to have published by mid-December. Today I checked to see how well the camera does at taking infrared photos using a Hoya R72 infrared filter. (The camera uses a 72mm filter, by the way, coincidentally the same number as the filter number.)

Of course, the camera is not designed for infrared photography, so you need to use long shutter speeds to let enough infrared light in through the dark red filter. So, this type of photography is really only suited for stationary subjects such as landscapes. It works best with green trees, grass, and the like, along with blue skies and clouds. But my tests showed that the camera can take this sort of infrared photograph. I am posting an example here, which is also included in my upcoming book. This image was taken in Manual exposure mode with a shutter speed of 4 seconds at f/5.6 and ISO manually set at 1250.

4 thoughts on “Infrared Photography with Sony RX10 IV Camera

  1. Gelles Jeremiah M.

    You just answered my question!?Please put me on your mailing list and let me know when the M4 book is route released.

  2. Ruedi Freuler

    Hi I have a RX10 M3 and think about full spectrum modification of it. What is your experience with the lens of the M4 – did you see som hot spots in the middle of the picture?
    The effect is strongest with small apertures (f=high).

    I’ve been doing some IR-photograpy with my DYI-converted G1X (find me on Instagram: ruedi_freuler).

    Any advise welcome.
    Thank you very much,Ruedi

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Ruedi – I took a look back through my images taken with the RX10 IV, and I did not notice any hot spots. I no longer have that camera, so I can’t do any other checks at this point. I don’t have that much experience with infrared photography — only the small amount of experience that I have discussed on my website and in my books, so I may not be the best source of advice on this topic. But, as far as I know, the RX10 IV would work okay in this area.

      Alex Whie


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