Leica D-Lux 5 Book Proof Has Been Approved; Book Will Start Selling on Amazon Soon

This evening I received from the printer, Lightning Source, the proof copy of the Photographer’s Guide to the Leica D-Lux 5. As I had expected and hoped, the proof copy looks fine. Here is a photo of the proof, taken with the D-Lux 5 camera:

After checking over the book, I notified Lightning Source that it is approved. Now, they will automatically make the book available to Amazon.com and other online sellers. That process will take a few days; the book at first may be listed but noted as “Unavailable,” then as available but taking a week to ship, until it is finally listed as simply “In Stock.” In the meantime, I plan to order from the printer a few books that I can make available through Amazon as a third-party seller, or possibly on eBay.

Otherwise, sales of the other books were slow today; I’m not sure if that’s because it’s getting close to Christmas and people are buying other items, or if publicity for the books has died down. I expect sales will pick up again after Christmas to some extent, if people receive the Panasonic Lumix LX5 or the Leica D-Lux 5 cameras (or the D-Lux 4 or Lumix LX3) as gifts and want to buy a book to help them use their new camera.

2 thoughts on “Leica D-Lux 5 Book Proof Has Been Approved; Book Will Start Selling on Amazon Soon

  1. Robert Haggart Jr.

    Mr. Alex White,
    Having just purchased a new Leica D-lux 5 camera, as well as your copy of “The Photographer’s guide to the Leica D-lux 5” to go with it, I was excited to read, in your guide, about the Panasonic adapter (DMW-LA6) for filters, etc. that I could use with the “5”. The Leica “specialist” who took my camera order over the phone had said that it was possible to do with the D-lux 4 but not the D-lux 5. Assuming you are right, that you can, would you please send me a “how-to” via my e-mail address, (roberthaggart@mac.com).

    Greatly appreciated,

    Bob Haggart


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