Nikon Coolpix P610 Camera Guide Book is Now Available in Ebook Formats

nikonp610smallforwkp[UPDATE May 12, 2015: Until today, there was a technical problem that prevented anyone from actually purchasing the bundle of downloadable formats of the P610 book.  That problem has now been fixed, and the book is actually available for purchase!]

As of today, Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P610 is available for purchase through this site in three downloadable formats: PDF, ePub (for iPad and iPhone), and mobi (for Kindle). The book, which is 234 pages long in its PDF and print versions, covers all controls, operations, and features of the superzoom P610 camera, and includes more than 350 full-color illustrations or photographs that demonstrate how the camera works and what kinds of images it can capture.

You can purchase a bundle of all three downloadable formats from this site for $9.95. You will then receive an e-mail message with links to all three formats; you can load any or all of the three files on any of your own computer, tablets, or phones for personal use.

The print version of the book will be available within the next few weeks for a list price of $24.95 from and other sellers.

For more information, please see the book’s main page at this site.

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