Panasonic Lumix LX100 Book Has Been Released in Ebook Versions – Paperback Coming Soon

LumixLX100IbookscoverToday I have published Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX100, a complete guide to the features, controls, menus, and operation of the Lumix DMC-LX100 camera. As of now, the book is available through this site in a bundle of all 3 downloadable versions (PDF, Kindle, and ePub) for $9.95. It also is available from in a Kindle version for $9.99.  The ePub downloadable version is available from Kobo Books for the same price. It also is available in the Apple iBookStore and from Google Play. The paperback version, with a list price of $29.95, will be available within about the next two weeks from and, later, other sellers. For more information, please see the book’s main information page at the White Knight Press website.

2 thoughts on “Panasonic Lumix LX100 Book Has Been Released in Ebook Versions – Paperback Coming Soon

  1. Jo TC

    Thank you Alexander, this was eagerly anticipated. Apologies for asking this again but are you now planning on writing the D-Lux 109 version too or as these are seemingly more similar than normal, you would redirect us Leica owners to the Lumix version?
    PS – I have downloaded the Lumix one anyway, but wanted to ask!

    1. Alex White Post author

      I have to admit I haven’t yet made a final decision. As of right now, I think I will do the D-Lux Typ 109 next, but I always need a little time after each book is done to take care of matters such as getting it distributed through various sites, before plunging ahead to the next book. So, I probably will do the Leica model next, but I can’t guarantee it yet. I’ll post more information as things develop. Thanks for checking!



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