So Far, So Good — LX5 Book Should be Available Soon — Here is An Excerpt

I checked today on the Lightning Source site, and the status report is that Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5 is in “premedia,” which means the technicians are checking the PDF files for the interior text and the cover to make sure they comply with all of the technical requirements, before the files are set up to print on the company’s printing equipment. If the process continues to go smoothly, they will print a proof copy and overnight it to me, maybe by early next week. Once I approve the proof copy of the book, the book will start gradually to become available at and other online sites.

For now, I have uploaded to this blog a link to a PDF excerpt with Table of Contents and the first few pages of the book about the Panasonic LX5 so you can get an idea of what subjects are covered and what the text and illustrations look like. So, take a look at the excerpt that I have included in the links section of the blog, and see what you think.

2 thoughts on “So Far, So Good — LX5 Book Should be Available Soon — Here is An Excerpt

  1. walksoftly

    Alex, This is good news. With quick glance at the table of contents I see all my Lumix LX5 owner's manual angst vaporize. The process of book publishing that you describe, from PDF files to print is fascinating… and fast!

  2. Alex White

    Yes, the current print-on-demand technology is really amazing, and it has opened up opportunities for authors and small publishers to get their books produced and available to readers much sooner than it would happen using the traditional system. Thanks for your comments! I'll post more updates as things progress.



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