Sony DSC-RX10 II Camera Guide Book is Now Available in Downloadable Versions

Sony RX10 II Cover for FastSpringI have just finished posting for sale the ebook versions of Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-RX10 II, a follow-up to my earlier book on the RX10. The new book has 318 pages in the printed version, and more than 450 color photographs or illustrations. The book covers all features, menus, controls, and functions of the RX10 II camera. For more information, please see the book’s main page at this site.

6 thoughts on “Sony DSC-RX10 II Camera Guide Book is Now Available in Downloadable Versions

  1. Dinyar Chavda

    Hi: I had purchased the RX10 book you’d written for the original model, and am waiting for the RX10 III camera I just bought from Amazon. I noticed that you had updated the book for the RX10 II. I have two questions. Are you planning to come out with a version for the RX10 III? If not, would you recommend that I buy the RX10 II book? I would do so if the II is fairly different from the original model, but is fairly similar to the III (if that makes sense!)

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, I am currently working on a book for the RX10 III camera. I hope to have it published sometime in July. The RX10 II camera is fairly different from the first model and more similar to the third one, so the RX10 II book would be quite helpful for the RX10 III, but there are enough differences that it is probably worth waiting a few weeks for the new book.


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