Sony RX10 Book is Now Available in Downloadable Versions for iPad, Kindle, and Other Devices

As of today, Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-RX10 is available for purchase in electronic versions that can be downloaded to smartphones, tablets, computers, Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo, and other e-readers, and any other compatible devices.  The three downloadable versions (PDF, ePub, and mobi) are sold in a bundle for $9.95.  Shortly after you make this purchase, you will receive an e-mail message with links to all three files. You can download any or all of the files to any of your own devices for your own use. The downloadable files contain all the same content, including images, as the paperback version, which is available separately for $25.95 through and other online sellers.

The purchase of the downloadable files is handled securely through a company called FastSpring, which processes payments and provides the downloads. For more information about the book, please see the book’s main page at this site.

To visit the page for purchasing the downloadable versions, please click on the button below:

FastSpring button

2 thoughts on “Sony RX10 Book is Now Available in Downloadable Versions for iPad, Kindle, and Other Devices

  1. JG

    Just completed first trip with RX10, 28 days;
    Now downloading 4K “still” images will probably edit down to ~3200+.
    Converting .ARWs to .DNGs so I can caption RAWs in Adobe Bridge 8.3;
    Shot using “P” except timed exposures;
    P allows me to set ISO range 125-1600;
    But I noticed some undesirable P “decisions”,
    e.g. 1/15th sec, f2.8, ISO 200 when I would
    have preferred something like 1/30th, f2.8, ISO 400;
    is there way to set P minimum shutter speed, too,
    (e.g., no slower than 1/30th or 1/60th sec)
    in advance rather than having to notice before
    each exposure that it is below what I prefer for
    handheld? It would be great if one could program
    shutter speed to be no slower than 1/focal-length!

    Any comments, advice appreciated!
    FYI, am noticing process button icon already losing paint,

    1. Alex White Post author

      No, there is no way to program a minimum shutter speed for P mode. You can, of course, use Program Shift to switch to a faster shutter speed, or you can use Shutter Priority mode, but I guess Sony’s idea is that, with Program mode you are willing to let the camera make the basic exposure decisions.


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