Sony RX100 II Book is Now on Sale at eBay Store

Sony-RX100-II-Book-Cover-High-QualityEarlier today I set up my first sale on eBay — the first time I have temporarily reduced the price of a book.  I did this because I ended up with more copies of the Sony RX100 II guide book than planned.  I ordered a quantity of them at a time when was not keeping the book steadily in stock, but that problem cleared up and the book has been constantly available directly from Amazon.  So, in order to reduce my own inventory, I have reduced the price of the paperback version of the book to $18.95 for one week.

I don’t know if I will be having any other sales.  I will see how this one goes.  Anyway, if you’re interested in this book, it’s available for $18.95 through the first week in July.  For more information about the book, please see its information page at this site.  Here is a link to the sale at my eBay store.

5 thoughts on “Sony RX100 II Book is Now on Sale at eBay Store

  1. David Kane

    Please publish your guide to Sony RX100 III as soon as possible. Your guides to these Sony cameras are absolutely required for use by serious amateurs. When will the nextnguide appear?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Thanks for your comment. I’m working diligently on the book about the RX100 III, and I’m hoping to have it ready by late summer. I’m still on schedule as of now.

  2. Geoffrey Plain

    I just purchased the new RX100m3 and until your new book on the M3 comes out in late summer of 14, is worth it to get your book on the M2? I ask that as I would get a good insight
    to the M3 as they are very close, yes, no

    1. Alex White Post author

      The best answer I can give is that the two cameras are close in many ways, but they also have significant differences that would make using the RX100 II book somewhat confusing. For example, the new camera lets you use Auto ISO with Manual exposure mode, and its Function menu works differently than it does on the older model. There are several other differences as well. But the older book certainly would be quite useful as long as you don’t mind ignoring the outdated parts.

      1. Geoffrey Plain

        Thanks for your reply. I guess I will just have to cool my heels till you have it out. I might just get
        it on my Kindle and use that. again thank you


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