Front cover of Sony RX100 VI book

Sony RX100 VI Book Now Available in Downloadable Versions

As of today, the newest camera guide book from White Knight Press, Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 VI, is available for purchase in downloadable versions. You can get a bundle of all three electronic files (PDF, iPad, and Kindle) for $9.95 through this site, or, if you prefer, you can purchase the book in an individual Kindle or ePub format through one of the major online sellers, such as Amazon, Apple iBooks, Google, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble Nook. For details, please see the book’s main information page at this site.

2 thoughts on “Sony RX100 VI Book Now Available in Downloadable Versions

  1. Terrance Austad

    Dear sir,
    This Christmas I was excited to receive a digital camera of which to me is like a close encounter of the third kind. Fortunately I found your book descriptive of the Lumix sz70 was agreed and informative to a degree that I should ask you for advise. Is there or do you offer work books outlining projects that would bring out all th newonces of this unit. Suggestions of projects with aids on how to set them. I would be most appreciative of any direction you may steer me in this regard. I love the book,this manumission you have produced. Thank you

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — Thanks for your comments. No, I do not have any workbook with projects for this camera. However, if you look in the Index under Step by Step Guides, you will find references to several tutorials that take you through some particular operations one step at a time, to help you become familiar with how the camera operates for certain functions.


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