Front cover of Sony RX1R II book

Sony RX1R II Book Now Available in Downloadable Versions

I have just published Photographer’s Guide to the Sony RX1R II, a complete guide to the operation of Sony’s full-frame compact camera. This book is 224 pages long in its paperback version, which will be available within the next few weeks. As of today, the book is available through this site in a bundle of three versions: PDF, ePub (for iPad, iPhone, etc.), and mobi (for Kindle).

The new book is now available directly from Amazon for the Kindle through the link below:

The book is available from the Apple iBooks Store also; see this link for a preview or to purchase the book there:

The book will be available through the Barnes & Noble site for the Nook, and others, within the next week or so.

Please check out the book’s main information page at this site for further details.

4 thoughts on “Sony RX1R II Book Now Available in Downloadable Versions

  1. Prakash Wadhwani

    Hi Alex … I purchased your book for the Rx100m3 & it’s really useful … Thank You !!

    I’m thinking of purchasing the Rx1r II but have been led to believe it has NO IMAGE STABILIZATION. Could you kindly clarify this ?? … Digital camera’s have had Image Stabilization since close to 15 years now. What exactly were Sony thinking ??

    Would love to hear your views …

    Warm Regards … Prakash.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Prakash — Actually, the RX1R II does have stabilization for video, but not for still images. I don’t know much about Sony’s rationale for that decision, but I guess it is partly because the camera has a fixed, wide-angle lens and performs well at high ISO settings, so stabilization is not as necessary as it would be with longer focal lengths and slower shutter speeds. It’s a great camera, and I don’t think too many people have been upset by the lack of that feature.

      — Alex

    1. Alex White Post author

      I never worked with the RX1R, but my understanding is that the differences between the two cameras are significant enough that the new book would probably not be all that helpful for the older camera. There would be some helpful parts, but overall I think it would be frustrating to try to use this book for the original camera model.


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