PDF and Ebook Download Support

All of the White Knight Press camera guide books are available in PDF versions that can be downloaded from the ordering page for each book.  Most books also are available in versions in the ePub format (for iPhone, iPad, and others) and the .prc or .mobi format (for Kindle).

Occasionally, I receive messages from purchasers who have difficulty downloading a book or loading it onto their iPhone, iPad, or Kindle.  I will give some general tips here for solving those problems.  Of course, if those tips don’t work, I will be available by e-mail to give further assistance, including providing an alternate method for downloading.

Once you have purchased a PDF version of a book, you will receive an e-mail message that contains a link for downloading the book.   If you don’t receive the e-mail within a few minutes, check your Junk e-mail folder and check any spam filter that may be operating. In some cases, messages from unknown sources are intercepted by your ISP (internet service provider) before they reach your computer’s e-mail in-box. I’m emphasizing that point, because it can cause considerable frustration.  I have occasionally had messages from customers who have purchased a download but never received the link. When I reply to their message, they don’t receive my reply!  This makes it quite difficult to resolve the problem.  I always respond quite promptly to questions about download purchases if at all possible.  So, if you don’t receive a link, and then don’t receive a response from me, please check with your internet service provider to see if it is using a service that blocks messages from unknown sources before they ever reach your computer.  To help with such issues, you could list contact@whiteknightpress.com and aswhite@erols.com as addresses that are known to be safe, so you can receive links and replies from me.

Another issue that sometimes comes up is when a purchaser of a download provides an incorrect e-mail address when placing the order.  On a few occasions, a purchaser has accidentally left out one character or misplaced one character.  If that happens, the download links cannot be sent.  If you think you may have provided an e-mail address with an error, send an e-mail to contact@whiteknightpress.com; that issue can be easily fixed.

Please don’t wait for several hours if you don’t receive the download links. If the links do not arrive within about one hour, there probably is a problem, and you should go ahead and send me a message. I will respond as quickly as possible with a solution.

Once you receive the message with the download link and you click on that link, you should be directed to a blank screen and a dialog box should pop up that gives you the option to save or cancel.  If that does not happen, try copying and pasting the link’s URL into a browser rather than clicking on it.  In addition, make sure you are using the entire link that is included in the e-mail message.  The links are quite long, and sometimes the link gets wrapped around to a second line, which can cut off the active part of the link and prevent it from working.

Also, check your browser settings to make sure that they allow pop-ups.  And, if you are using firewall or security software such as ZoneAlarm, try disabling it temporarily, just until the download can be accomplished.

Another issue that sometimes arises is that a person will purchase the PDF book, but then not get around to downloading it for several days.  If you wait a week or more, the download link will expire and will no longer function.  If that happens, send me a message at contact@whiteknightpress.com, including your order number, and I will reset the link by sending a new fulfillment e-mail message.

If you are having problems getting your downloaded file onto your iPhone, iPad, or Kindle, here are some basic tips.

The ePub version of a book is designed for use on the iPhone or iPad. One way to get it loaded on your device, if you have an older version of iTunes on your computer, is to download the ePub file to your computer and then drag or copy it into the Library pane on iTunes. It should then be visible in the Books section of iTunes. Then, when you sync your iPhone or iPad with your computer, the book should become available in your Library in the iBooks app. (Of course, you need to download the iBooks app, which is free, if you don’t already have it on your device.)

However, if you have a later version of iTunes, Apple has removed the Books section from iTunes, because the iBooks app is now available for Macintosh computers. In that case, you need to load the ePub file directly into iBooks.

Another way to get the ePub file onto your iPhone or iPad is to receive the e-mail message with the download links on your iPhone or iPad. Then, tap on the link to the ePub version. Your device should download the file, and then show you two options: “Open in …” and “Open in ‘iBooks.'”  Tap on the one you want (probably iBooks), and the file should then be loaded into the Library on iBooks.  You also should be able to do this with the PDF or Kindle version if you want to.  With the Kindle version of the book, after you click on the link in the e-mail message, the phone should prompt you to Open in Kindle, provided you have the Kindle app for iPhone (or iPad) on your device.

If you want to load the .mobi (Kindle) version on your Kindle, you need to download the .mobi file to your computer, and then connect the Kindle reader to your computer using the USB cable that came with the Kindle. Then, drag the file from its location on your computer to the Documents folder on the Kindle. You then should be able to read the book on the Kindle.

Walmart eBooks by Rakuten Kobo

26 thoughts on “PDF and Ebook Download Support

    1. Alex White Post author

      I will try to help with this question, but I will need some more information. Please let me know what camera you are using, what device you are trying to connect it to, and for what purpose, and I will see if I can help.

  1. Shon

    My question deals with: once I open my file into ibooks or Kindle on one device, is there a way that it can be in the master library on all my other devices to allow syncing?
    Currently after I sync said device, I do not see the book available in the libraries on any of the other devices.

    Also concerning the Kindle specifically, I only get a generic thumbnail, not the appropriate one associated to the book cover. How can this be fixed?

  2. Simon Kopalski

    I´ve just purchased a book on Sony RX100 IV. I live in Denmark and it would be easier to use a A4 format. Is it possible to get this version of your book ?


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Simon — Yes the book is available in a paperback printed version that is roughly A4 in size. (It is 216 by 280mm.) I do not sell the printed copies directly; they are available from Amazon sites in the US, UK, and several European countries. There may be other online sellers that can obtain the book for you, but I am not familiar with the sellers who would ship to Denmark. If you have further questions, or if this did not answer your question, please let me know. Thanks.

      — Alex White

      1. Simon Kopalski

        Thank you for your suggestion. But can I get pdf file formatted in A4 size, or a possibility to reformat it to A4 ?


  3. Barbara McKenzie

    It is my understanding that by purchasing the paper back guide book from Amazon that access to the downloadable pdf version is provided. I am wondering if I purchase a used paper book of the guide from Amazon whether I can also have access to the downloadable ebook version to have on my phone for reference as needed.

  4. Erik

    Thanks for offering the pdf and epub versions of the zs100 book available here for purchase. I just bought. Could have got off Amazon for $5 less because of credits I have, but no good way yo get on a Nook. Thanks again for this direct sale.

  5. Rod McKenzie


    I purchased your excellent X10 guide several years ago and I have just discovered that I might be able to download a pdf version to keep on my android phone for quick reference. Can you help me with this please?

  6. John

    Purchased ebook early 2019. I can not find my file anymore can it be reloaded? What might the name of the file be. It could be on an old hard drive?

  7. Jerol Monroe

    Hi, Alex. I have certainly benefited from both the hard copy and Kindle versions of your great Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 III. I’m wondering if there is a download for an Excel spreadsheet of all the menus. I was unable to find in your books a way to save/record all the menu settings I have made. If my RX100 III ever has to be reset I’ll never get it back to all my settings so I thought maybe I could record them in Excel. From the looks of your TOC I’m hoping you used Excel to set up those chapters. If not, maybe you have a suggestion of a way to export the settings.

    1. Alex White Post author

      I don’t use Excel to set up the chapters; I use Adobe InDesign, which generates a table of contents automatically based upon the heading styles, and I’m afraid I’m not much of an Excel user. I also can’t think of a way to export settings to Excel or any other program. The only ways I can think of to save your settings, apart from writing them down manually, would be to take screenshots of each menu screen, either using another camera or using the HDMI output of the camera, using a device from Elgato, BlackMagic Design, or another company to capture the menu screens to a computer. You also could get screenshots of the Memory Recall screens, which would show some of the settings, but not all of them. That’s about all I can think of at the moment.

      1. Jerol Monroe

        Alex, thanks for your timely response. Maybe HDMI is a less painful way to go and I’ll look into those devices you mentioned. In fact, I wondered what people used to record that information. Stay safe.

  8. Sean

    First of all great book. I have the paper copy, that I bought off Amazon. Is there a way to download the pdf Version as part of the paper version I have to make it convenient to use both? I understand I only purchased the hard copy but figured I would ask. I can give you proof of purchase or show photo of book I own. If not it’s fine, just figured I would ask. Like I said this book is a tremendous source of information, and hats off to your work on this. Thx, Sean

  9. Maldwyn Pryse

    Greetings from Wales!

    I’ve recently purchased a copy of your excellent book on the Sony RX10 iv via Amazon in the UK. How can I get a PDF version please?


  10. Michael Day

    I purchased the hard copy of your excellent RX10v4 book some time ago and I would like to obtain the PDF version for my android phone. Can you assist with this please? Thank you.

  11. Octavio Infante

    I have a black and white kindle that I use for regular reading. My question is whether there is a possibility to buy a pdf copy that I can take on my tablet into the field, along with my bird guides, and even make notes.
    Your work is fantastic and helps a lot in the handling of this fantastic camera.
    Best regards and thank you very much
    Octavio from Spain

  12. Faris Keeling

    Thanks for the helpful books. I have bought one for each camera I have used in the past few years, always the PDF version. This time I bought it through Apple Books, so did not get a PDF version. I realize now how helpful the PDF version is—I can go back and forth between your book and the PDF versions of the Owner’s Manuals, and can read it on any device. Is there a way to get a PDF version along with the Apple Version (besides re-buying the book in that format)? If not, I understand— caveat emptor. Besides, you probably get quite a bit less when sold via a big company’s website. Regardless, thanks again for the great book series!


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