Fujifilm X10 Book is Available Now from Barnes & Noble Online

As I noted earlier, the paperback version of Photographer’s Guide to the Fujifilm X10, for some unexplained reason, is not currently in stock for direct shipment by Amazon.com.  It is still available from some third-party sellers, but not from me; my copies sold out a little while ago.  I have ordered more, and will have those available sometime next week.

In the meantime, the paperback book is now available online from Barnes & Noble, at www.bn.com.  Here is a link to the book’s product page at bn.com.  The web site says the book should ship within 24 hours, though I haven’t tested to be sure.  But, at least the book is available there.  I have checked with Lightning Source, the printing company that supplies books to Amazon, and they have looked into the situation, but there is no clear answer yet.  I will post more information here once the paperback book becomes available again for direct shipment from Amazon.

The Kindle edition has not shown up at Amazon yet as I write this, but it should appear soon.

2 thoughts on “Fujifilm X10 Book is Available Now from Barnes & Noble Online

  1. Ernie Slubik

    Hello! I have just received your book on the X-10, ordered through Barnes and Noble. I must say, it looks likes a much better read than the Fuji instruction manual, and I look forward to gaining more insights on this wonderful product.
    Do you still have available a pdf of this book for purchasers of the colour paperback? Just wondering, as it would be a great addition on my iPad for travelling.
    Thanks very much for your service!


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