Fujifilm X10 Proof Has Been Approved – Paperback Version Available Soon

Everything went as planned, and today the proof copy of the paperback version of Photographer’s Guide to the Fujifilm X10 arrived from the printer.  The proof looked fine, and I approved it, so the printed version will now be made available for full distribution through Amazon.com and other online booksellers.  This process usually takes a few days, with the book gradually appearing in online listings, first at Amazon.com, and then at other sites, including the international Amazon sites.  I will, of course, post the information here as the book starts to be listed for sale at Amazon and elsewhere.

If you are interested in purchasing the paperback edition, it will be available for $29.95. I would have preferred to list it for a lower price, but this book is 338 pages long, considerably longer than my other books, and the printing costs are too high to sell it for less.  To help offset this cost, I am offering a free copy of the downloadable PDF edition to purchasers of the paperback book.  After you order the paperback book, send a copy of the order confirmation message to contact@whiteknightpress.com, and request a free copy of the PDF version.  I will then send the PDF version or a code for a free download; or, if you have already purchased the PDF version, I will refund the purchase price for the PDF.

For now, here are a couple of photos of the proof copy; the photos were, naturally, taken with my X10:

2 thoughts on “Fujifilm X10 Proof Has Been Approved – Paperback Version Available Soon

  1. Mike Paterson

    I so much am looking forward to getting this book Alex.
    This is like waiting for Christmas to come.


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