Information About Current Books

White Knight Press is a small publisher located near Richmond, Virginia. We currently have the following books available. For information about each book, including how to purchase paperback or e-book copies, please select the book’s title from the Information About Current Books menu item at the top of this page or click on the book’s cover image below.

book cover image for Photographer's Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5book cover image for Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P500book cover image for Photographer's Guide to the Fujifilm FinePix X100book cover image for Photographer's Guide to the Leica D-Lux 5book cover image for Photographer's Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX3


111 thoughts on “Information About Current Books

  1. Bianca Elizalde

    Hi I recently purchased your book on the LX5 to go with my camera. But I’m exchanging the camera for the DLux5 so I was wondering if I can just use the same book since they’re more or less the same camera with the same functions? What’s the difference between that and the DLux 5 book version? Thanks!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — The books are very similar because the cameras are almost identical in operation, but the menus appear different and some features have different names or are otherwise different. I’m sending you an e-mail message with further information.

    2. Sam Rubin

      Can you please tell me if your LX5 book has instructions on how to utilize RAW for somebody who has never done so. I would like to make the most out of the image quality by using RAW and I do not know the best way to start learning it. Thank you

      1. Alex White Post author

        Hi, the book discusses RAW files a good deal, but mostly in the context of explaining how the camera operates, such as what functions are or are not available when shooting in the RAW format. The book explains somewhat the advantages of using RAW, but it does not provide any details about how to edit RAW files using post-processing software. There are some good books available for that, such as Camera RAW 101 by Jon Canfield, or any current book about Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. You could go to and use the Search Inside the Book feature to check a few places in the LX5 book for RAW discussions, and see if they are what you are looking for.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — Copy the PDF file to the iTunes library on your computer. Then, after you sync the computer with the iPad, the PDF file should show up on the virtual “shelf” in your iBooks library. Look for it in the PDF category, not the Books category.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I wish it would be available sooner, but it’s scheduled to be converted in early March. That was the soonest I could get the Kindle conversion company that I use to schedule the conversion. I don’t want to convert it myself, because it can be tricky to get the formatting correct. Of course, you can get the PDF version and read it on a Kindle, though it won’t be quite the same as getting the actual Kindle version.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — No, I have been doing books on cameras that don’t already have a book written about them, or at least no book of the same general type. There already is a popular book out about the GF1, so I’m not planning a book on that camera.

  2. Allen Ballard

    Just received the downloaded PDF for the Leica D-Lux 5, turned off the sound to the football games and focused on the manual all day , only occasionally looking up at the screen for special plays. Must say that your book is vastly superior to the official manual and the accompanying CD. It’s thorough, clearly written, and has excellent illustrations. I really feel ready now to use my camera to it’s fullest capabilities. Thanks for an excellent product.

  3. Ignacio Montorio

    In reference to the book Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5 ¿it will be published in Spanish?


  4. Lloyd Prindle

    I wanted you to know that I just bought your book on the Panasonic LX5 and it’s really well written. I must have read the manual that came with the camera 5 times and still couldn’t figure out some of the settings.
    Thanks again for a wonderful, well written, easy to understand book with lots of ideas, plus examples and WHY… you set the settings certain ways. Perfect… I’m so excited that I’m taking AWESOME pictures now with some manual settings.
    Thanks again

  5. Gina Jones

    Hi Alex
    I purchased your book for the D-LUX 4 last year and was very glad I did; it thoroughly explained everything in a nice clear way that was easy to understand, and it got me shooting the pictures I wanted in no time, so thank you very much for that.
    Now I also have a Lumix GF1, and can you imagine my disappointment when I find you haven’t written a book on that one.
    I know there are books out there on it, and I am not benefitting from the one I have, so if I say I think you could really help an amateur out by sharing your wisdom and excellent writing skills would you reconsider and write a book on it? I would gladly pre order it 🙂

    Thanks for your time

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Gina — That’s one of the nicest compliments I can imagine — thanks very much! I would like to write about the GF1, which I understand is a terrific camera, but it takes a lot of work over a period of months to do one of these books, and there’s only one of me, so I have to make some tough choices. Right now I’m just finishing up a book about the Canon PowerShot S95, and then I have to turn my attention to other projects. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help to you; hopefully in the future I’ll do another book that will be of use to you. Good luck!


  6. Gina Jones

    I think my husband would be happy if you wrote a book somewhere along the lines of stop buying cameras and just shoot already, but thats another story.
    I am wondering if perhaps the book on the LX5 may be a help; its not the camera itself that I struggle with – its the menus and submenus and quick menus. I’m thinking that being Panasonic there may be some carry over from camera to camera that may provide some useful insight. Am I even in the ballpark?

    Thanks again,

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Gina — I have to confess that I have never used a GF1, so I can’t be sure. My wife has a different Panasonic model, though, and she has found that my Panasonic books have some useful information about the menus of her camera. You could take a look at the book excerpt on this site, on the info page for the LX5, or you could go to the site and use the “Search Inside the Book” feature to try a few searches and see if the information looks useful. I would hesitate to recommend the book for a different model, because there certainly will be a lot about your camera that is not covered in the LX5 book.


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello — That is one of the cameras I have considered for another book, but it won’t be very soon, because I have to catch up on some other projects first. I’ll make a note of your interest, though, as I consider what camera to work on next. Thanks.

      –Alex White

  7. Gary Falk

    I just purchased Alexander White’s “Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5”. This is the first time in memory that I have read a camera guide that is written in such plain, straightforward (read: understandable) English. I will keep this book as a constant guide to enhance my use of this wonderful camera. This book greatly exceeds the users manual (on CD) that comes with the camera as a tutorial for the use of the LX5. Gary Falk, Louisville, KY

  8. Boris

    How do you put the adaptor ring, or lenses on? For the love of me I cannot find how to remove the protective ring around the lense on the D-LUX 5

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — You just unscrew the retaining ring. It unscrews by turning it counter-clockwise. Then you screw on the lens adapter, and screw a filter or other accessory on to the other end of the adapter.

        1. Alex White Post author

          It’s the outermost plastic ring, attached to the outer part of the lens assembly. It’s the part that the lens cap gets attached to. You may have to just grasp it and twist hard to unscrew it the first time. It’s a narrow ring, and it may be hard to see that it’s a separate part, but, unless it’s missing, it should unscrew with no problem.

  9. bill liss

    Mr. White: i have just purhased your book on the Lumix LX5—need urgent help via email if you can.
    I cannot figure out how to attach the lens ring–have no clue how to open it..
    and have no idea how to attach the shoulder strap with those two small clips on it.
    can you bail me out quickly??
    sure hope so.
    you make a point of saying how important it is to attach the lens cap but there is no instruction anywhere on how to open that circular clip and run it throught the loops.
    many thanks
    bill liss
    atlanta, georgia

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I have replied by e-mail. Briefly, the point to remember here is that the lens cap string is not to be opened or separated — it is a continuous loop that is looped through both the lens cap and the camera, and then the cap is threaded back through the open part of the loop, so it is fastened to the camera.

  10. Grzegorz Krol

    I don’t own a credit card(only maestro card, paypal). Is there a way to buy your book as a pdf version? I would like to get the one about panasonic lx-5

      1. grzegorz

        nope, i still get the window, where paypal is asking me to add a credit card like American express, mastercard, visa. Like i said, i don’t own and I don’t need one. Any ideas how to buy this book:)

        1. Alex White Post author

          Okay, if you would like to purchase a PDF copy of the book, just send me a payment of $9.95 via PayPal to my user ID, which is If that doesn’t work, you can send a check or money order to White Knight Press, 9704 Old Club Trace, Henrico, VA 23238. Please mention in the message or on the check or money order which book it is for, and that you want the PDF. I can then send you a link to download the book. Thanks.

  11. Pete Farnsworth

    I bought your D-Lux 4 book when I had a D-Lux 4 and bought your D-Lux 5 when I upgraded my camera to a D-Lux 5 and both books are extremely helpful.

    I decided to purchase the pdf copy of your book so I’ll have it on my iPad2. I live in the UK and the Paypal amount includes a 20% additional charge for VAT. What’s going on?? Since White Knight Press doesn’t trade in the UK it is not VAT registered and therefore cannot pay any VAT collected to the UK Inland Revenue. Why is it trying to charge me an additional 20%?!

    1. Alex White Post author

      The PDF versions of the book are sold through a company called FastSpring, which handles all of the download sales transactions, including determining whether the VAT needs to be charged. In other words, the seller is FastSpring, not White Knight press.

  12. Pete Farnsworth

    Okay, thanks, for your quick response, Alexander.

    It appears that FastSpring has a European office located in the UK so it must be VAT registered. A UK VAT registered company charging me in dollars is quite unusual.

  13. aileen i. jaraza

    Dear Mr. White,

    I bought the Photographer’s Guide to Panasonic Lumix 5 and I read it cover to cover. It has been very useful and I really learned a lot from it. Now I know my camera’s features better and can take better photos. I have used it as a reference book (never went back to the complicated manual) and go back to it from time to time. Thank you for coming out with a book like this. By the way, Amazon shipped it very fast here in Manila. I expected it to arrive within 10 to 14 days, but it took them only 8 days. This is very much appreciated.

  14. Alex White Post author

    Hi — Thanks for letting me know — it’s great to hear that Amazon was able to get the book to you quickly. I’m glad you found the book useful, and I really appreciate your comments!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — Thanks for asking, but I have been concentrating on cameras that are more in the same class as the D-Lux 4 and D-Lux 5. Maybe someday I’ll move up to the likes of the X1 and M9, but for now I’m staying with the more mid-range cameras.

  15. Stephen Davies

    Hi, just ordered your LX5 pdf book through your website, using PayPal. I was a bit put off that I was required to enter so much personal information before I could order. For a pdf download, paid with PayPal, you Do Not Need my phone number and address. With the concerns about internet security and selling of personal information databases, I do not care to put out any more information than necessary when filling out internet forms.
    Your manual looks good and I look forward to using it. I hope you will consider the order form information policy on your site. Thank you.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I understand what you’re saying; I have had a few other customers mention this issue. Here is the situation: The sales of PDF downloads are handled by a company called FastSpring — they provide the ordering system, payment processing, and downloads. Their ordering system uses a process called “risk analysis,” which analyzes all purchases by PayPal or credit cards using data such as physical address of purchaser, location of internet connection, and credit card billing address, which they compare to see if there is a likelihood of fraud, before approving the transaction. I agree that it can seem intrusive, but I certainly am not equipped to process payments myself, so I need to rely on a company like FastSpring. They have done an excellent job so far. But I will continue to evaluate and see if there is a better way to handle payments. Thanks for your comments.

  16. Ricardo Valera

    Let me start by thanking you for putting together such a wonderful book for the D-Lux 5 that Leica should seriously consider including in their bundle.
    I am shooting RAW with my new little Leica and have purchased it with very specific goals. Underwater photography is my hobby and processing RAW files helps preserve valuable information that helps during post processing. Took the camera on 8 dives last weekend and visited the wreck of the Duane and various patches of Molasses Reef in Key Largo. Camera is housed in a Nauticam LX5 case and it works beautifully. I am doing some tests and am considering this particular configuration as a point and shoot system for students to consider when picking up underwater photography and expanding their scuba specialty training credentials.
    I am using Mac and noticed that Lightroom 3.4 and Photoshop CS5 is not able to read Leica D-Lux 5 RAW files. It returns an error deeming files as of an unrecognized format. I have been able to process D-Lux5 RAW files using Aperture 3 which is Apple’s competition with Adobe Lightroom.
    Have you or other D-Lux5 users ran into this issue? I would think that Leica would be promoting a software bundle with their product if it’s fully compatible.
    I sent Leica an email and got a reply asking if my version of Lightroom was up to date, which it is. Also visited Adobe’s web page and spotted a list of cameras supported by them and unfortunately, D-Lux5 is not yet listed.
    Thank you for looking into this and letting me know. It’s likely that time will resolve this as more updates are added to Lightroom and Photoshop RAW repertoires.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Ricardo — I just went and checked some of my D-Lux 5 .rwl files on my MacBook Pro, and they opened just fine in Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS5. The version of Adobe Camera Raw that opens up when I open one of the files is Adobe Camera Raw version 6.4.1, and I don’t recall having any problems with these RAW files in the past. I don’t use Lightroom very much, but I just tried it and it also opened my D-Lux 5 RAW files with no problem. I suspect the problem may be with the version of Adobe Camera Raw that you have installed; I suggest checking to see if you have version 6.4.1 and if not, downloading it from the Adobe web site. I believe you can just open your software and choose Help — Check for Updates to get the latest updates. I hope this helps resolve your issue.


      1. Ricardo Valera

        Thank you for the prompt reply. I had success with Photoshop CS5; however, Lightroom is still not liking the files. Do have Lightroom updated to version 3.4.1 and for CS5, the RAW plug in
        Will keep on trying to figure this out and will let you know who this goes.
        PS : Very nice of you to take the time to get back with a fan!
        Much appreciated and acknowledged. Enjoy your day.

        1. Alex White Post author

          Hi, Ricardo — I just checked back on my copy of Lightroom, and it is version 3.4.1, and using the Lightroom menu option, selecting About Lightroom, I see that it is using Adobe Camera Raw version 6.4.1. Is your copy of Lightroom definitely using the latest version of the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in? That sounds like the problem. I hope that fixes it.


  17. Margaret Taylor

    Your book on the D Lux 5 is invaluable – thank you! You talk about add-on filters and lenses (p 231) and unscrewing the thin trim ring from the camera’s lens to do this. I have tried, without a lot of force I admit, to unscrew the ring but it seems pretty fixed. Any suggestions?
    Thanks again for the great book

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Margaret — First of all, I would suggest that you make sure the trim ring is not already off. If it is off, you will see screw threads on the edge of the lens. If you see the smooth edge of the trim ring, then it was probably just screwed on too tightly. Others have had some problems with this process. Just grasp it very firmly and twist it counter-clockwise as you face the camera. Once it gets loose you should have no problem removing it, unless it somehow got stuck by being threaded on improperly. Good luck!



    I just wanted to thank you for your book on the LX5. I’d relegated my camera to the bottom of my camera bag & rarely used it. Too fiddly to navigate ( or so I thought ) Your book is excellent & laid out in the easiest format to understand , & I have now rediscovered what a great little camera it is.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, I am planning a guide to the S100, which I hope to have ready within the next month or so. I would recommend waiting for that one if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks.

  19. Gary H

    Hi, Enjoyed your LX5 book very much. Now I just purchased a Canon PowerShot S100. I see you have a book on the S95. When can I look forward to a book on the S100. I would be very happy if it is soon!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Gary — Thanks! I will be trying to find an S100 as soon as they become available in my area, and then I hope to have the book on that camera done within a month or two — I will hope to have it done before the end of the year.


        1. Alex White Post author

          That’s interesting to hear. I haven’t been able to find an S100 yet, but i’m hoping to get one in the near future and start working on the book.

  20. Tony Piecz

    Great to hear on an upcoming s100 book. Just picked mine up today and you book will be a welcome addition. Hopefully you will again do multi format as I prefer using my tablet for reference manuals. Do you have a mail list or shall we just check your site?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Tony — Yes, it will be in several formats, though some of the conversions may take a while. I don’ t have a list, so please just check the site, or you could follow the site on Twitter; the ID is cameraguides. Thanks.

      — Alex

  21. Valentin Tepordei

    Multiple Exposures with Lumix LX5.
    A few weeks ago I got the Lumix LX5 camera and your book (actually twice, in e-format and printed version!)
    I just found out that this camera does “multiple exposures,” a great capability I also have on my Nikon D7000 SLR.
    Unfortunatelly, looks like once in “multiple exposures mode,” I can not zoom anymore, like I do with the Nikon. I like to take a picture, zoom a bit on the subject, take the second picture, zoom again and take the 3rd picture.
    Am I missing something? Is there anything special I have to do to be able to zoom the lens “between shoots?”
    Thank you.
    Val Tepordei

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Val — That’s an interesting question. I don’t have my camera with me right now, but I’ll check into it tonight and let you know what I find out.


    2. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Val – I just checked with my LX5, and I found the same thing you did — evidently Panasonic decided to disable the zoom when you are in the midst of a multiple exposure. Maybe the idea is that you will likely want to line up the second and third shots to overlap with the first one at the same focal length, but I can certainly see the advantage of being able to zoom between shots. I can’t think of any way to get around the problem, other than changing your angle of view by moving the camera closer to the subject. Thanks for pointing this out.


  22. Rik Stavale

    I’ve had my LX5 for a while and am fairly familiar with it. After reading the bits available at Amazon I may be interested in purchasing your book as a reference but am wondering if you plan on updating the book now that the V.2 firmware is available.


    – rik

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — Yes, I have done an addendum to the LX5 book that discusses the updated firmware. The addendum is not incorporated into the book, but it is available as a separate download, at the Updates and Corrections page on this site. Here is a link to the addendum.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — Nothing definite at this point. That is one camera that is being considered for the next book, but it would not come out until April at the earliest if it does become a reality.

      1. Pekka Matilainen

        See Fujifilm Talk Forum / and you will understand that there is definately a need & demand for such a book. Fujifilm has abandoned X10 users and even professionals do not agree how this camera works. Thanks for a comment, again. Pekka.

  23. Lisa

    Hi there. I recently got your book…still need to read it, but will very soon. I did however rummage through it because Im looking to buy a tripod for the LX5 on Amazon tonight. I didnt see any references in the book about tripods. Do you have a preference? I’ve read online…because of the light weight of the camera, you have to be carefull buying a light tripod. Any suggestions? I saw that you had a photo of your camera on something with the camera using a telescope lens.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I haven’t yet discussed particular tripods in any of my books, partly because there are so many options and so many variables to consider, such as whether you will be traveling with it, whether you will be using it with other cameras, using it for macro shooting, video, etc. I have several tripods; my favorites are by Manfrotto, which are somewhat expensive but of excellent quality. Most recently, I purchased a Manfrotto 055XPROB, which I like a great deal; you also need to purchase a head to go with it, and there are various options depending on your preferences. I ended up getting a joystick head, 327rc2, which also is expensive, but has proved to be excellent. But I also have some very inexpensive tripods from Sunpak that work quite well. Reading the customer reviews at Amazon and at B&H Photo-Video can be very helpful. Good luck with your tripod search!


  24. Eimille

    Hi Mr White! I got LX5 from Christmas. And I really wanna learn how to use the other features of the camera instead of just using Ai. So I am curious if your book would tell me how to use (step-by-step) the other features before purchasing it? I’ve been looking for a tutorial online and YouTube but so far I haven’t seen any good tutorial for the camera. Hope you could help me. Thank you!

    1. Alex White Post author

      Yes, the book is intended to give step-by-step directions for using many of the camera’s features. I can’t say that it tells you all of the steps for using every feature, but it does at least discuss them all. I think it will give you the information and guidance you need.

      1. Eimille

        Thank you for taking the time reading my comment! Yes I just bought your book for my iPad and it is loading now! Can’t wait to read it! I will update you. Thanks again!

  25. Richard Moore

    Mr. White,
    I recently purchased your book on the Nikon coolpix P500 in preparation of purchasing the camera but now see that the P510 is about to be released. I wonder exactly what changes were made especially on menu changes you thought might need to be improved and on the stabilization while using extreme telephoto?
    It might just be too soon for you to give me an answer but I plan on an extended Alaska trip in May and want to buy the 510 on release date in March or April.
    Many thanks
    Richard Moore

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Mr. Moore — I have read some of the news about the P510, but I don’t have any deep knowledge of the new camera; I do tentatively plan to do a book about it within the next few months, but right now I’m working on a book about another camera. I haven’t seen a P510 yet, so I don’t know what sorts of menu changes may have been made. You may want to check within the next few weeks to see if Nikon will post the user manual on its support web site. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

      –Alex White

  26. Dave

    I’m about to purchase this in either PDF or Kindle… I will be reading it primarily on the ipad. Which version would you suggest? Any significant differences?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — I’m not sure which book you are planning to purchase. Most of them, though not all, are available for the iPad, in the ePub format. If you go to the information page for the title you want to purchase, it should have a link to the description of the book in the iTunes store. The PDF version will work quite well on the iPad also, but the ePub version is formatted to be better adapted for the iPad. There are no differences among the various versions other than the formatting.

  27. andy

    wondering if you are planning to write guide book on how to use fuji x pro 1 as i am planning to purchase fuji X pro 1 and i am a beginner and if you are planning the guide i would like to purchase , also interested in sony Nex series camera , it is hard to find guide book or training video on those camera , thanks

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Andy — No, at present I am finishing up a book on the Fujifilm X10 camera, but then I will be moving on to work on other brands. I wish I could cover more camera models, but each book takes a lot of time, and I can only do a few of the ones I would like to.


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — No, I’m sorry, no plans for any Sony books in the near future. I have to finish up the book on the Fujifilm X10 and then start on another one, but no plans for a Sony camera guide at this time.

  28. Bill Kellett

    GREAT NEWS!!! Alex White himself contacted me within minutes and rectified a computer glitch. I have recieved the download… and I gotta tell ya… it’s the best ten bucks i;ve spent in a long time! Thank you White Knight press and thank you Alex, you’ve earned a fan… customer service isn’t dead as long as Alex is on the scene. thank you, bill

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — No, I wish I could do books about more cameras, but my resources are very limited, and I won’t be doing a book about that one.

  29. Alan Buckbee

    Will you be publishing a book on the Nikon P510? If so when will it be available. Thanks,

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — Actually, that is one of the cameras I’m considering for the next book, but no decision has been made as yet. If I do that one, it would probably be available by June or early July.

  30. Alan Buckbee

    Please do write a book on the Nikon P510. This camera is proving to be very popular with wildlife photographers due to its 1000mm equiv. 35mm lens. I am using it despite a couple of shortcomings (coming from an 35mm film/DLSR background). Nikon will sell many of these units!

  31. Robin Tan

    Any chance you will be working on Lumix GX1? Enjoyed your guidebook on the LX3, looking forward to more helpful pointers if you happen to work on the GX1

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — No, I won’t be working on that model; I wish I had time to do books about more of the great cameras that are out there! I do plan to write about a successor to the LX5, if and when one is announced.


  32. Tom Thacker

    Your explanations are excellent and give a detailed insite to this complex camera, going way beyond the basic features in the instruction book. It wouldn’t be possible to establish the operation of the various auto settings and built in camera functions from the supplied manual. Having said that I have one problem with the cameras default settings in these auto settings e.g. the EXR and advanced programmes for. The camera seems obsessed in selecting an aperture of either f2.2, and F2.8 even when a landscape scene is being taken and with no programme shift available. I would require an aperture of at least f8/f11 to give me a reasonable depth of field for this type of work so makes these wonderful built in features useless for me. Am I misunderstanding something?
    regards Tom Thacker

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi, Tom — I don’t really have a very good response for your question, partly because it’s hard (for me, anyway) to understand exactly what’s going on with a particular situation without actually seeing the camera in action in that situation. I guess the camera’s programming may believe that a wide aperture is necessary for some reason involving contrast or dynamic range or something of that sort. And, if these are landscape scenes, with focus at infinity, depth of field should not be a big concern, I would think. Of course, if you have subjects in the foreground that need to be in focus at the same time as the background, I can see more of an issue. In my experience, a very good way to get feedback on questions like yours is to post the question at, in the Fujifilm Talk forum. Someone there may be aware of a technical oddity of the camera that can explain what is going on.

      Best of luck with your photography!


      1. Tom Thacker

        Hi Alex
        Thanks for your reply obviously you appreciate the problem but like me can’t understand why the Z10 does this. I will try the email address you sent me see if they have any answers.
        If I get any constructive response I will post it on this site in case it is useful to anyone else.

        Happy snapping


  33. Jon Jewett

    Are you considering a guide to the Leica V-Lux 40? Also, have you published a comparison of the various cameras you have written about?

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi — No, I’m probably not going to be covering the V-Lux 40 — there are too many good cameras to write about all the ones I would like to! And no, I haven’t written any comparison.

      –Alex White

  34. Trevor Woodford

    Hi Alex.
    I took delivery of your book regarding the Fuji X10 yesterday and I have not been able to put it down.Your wonderful steady and descriptive writing style is helping to make the intricacies of the camera so much easier to understand.
    Thank you.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hi,Trevor — I’m glad you’re finding the book useful. I really appreciate your taking the time to post a comment. You just made my day!


  35. Pedro

    Your books seem very useful and interesting. I wanted to ask if you plan to make a book about the panasonic fz150.

    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Pedro — No, I plan to do a book about the Panasonic Lumix LX7, which was recently announced. I would like to cover the FZ150, but there are too many cameras and only one of me!


  36. Bruce


    I purchased a Nikon p510 and could not understand the Nikon manual description on how to use the gps function, nor where the data is stored, or how to retrieve it. I also wonder if the data is compatible with any gis maping software. Would appreciate your thoughts.


    1. Alex White Post author

      Hello, Bruce — I don’t know all that much about GPS, but, with the P510, you can get the mapping information with the Nikon View NX software that comes with the camera, and I would guess you can use the mapping information with other mapping software, though I have not tried any other programs. You can get the GPS coordinates from the camera by pressing the Fn button in playback mode, for an image that was recorded with the GPS functions turned on.


  37. Michael Glynn

    Great news Alex !!! Thanks
    Any chance you could e-mail me when it’s available for the Rx100?
    PS bought your book for my Fuji x10 in both e-book format for my iPad & iPhone as well as the soft cover version. It has been a GREAT help and reference.
    Mike Glynn


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