0 thoughts on “Images tagged "canon-powershot-s110"

  1. funky_chilli

    Just to let you know that I found out about your book/blog from the leicarumors.com website. I will get a copy of your book soon, however just wanted to comment and tell you to keep at it and also to wish you the best of luck with it all!

  2. Alex White

    Thanks for your comment — the posting on the leicarumors website was incredible, and has created a good deal of interest. I appreciate your good wishes!

  3. Alex White

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to post some sample images when I get some time; things have been hectic lately trying to produce books and fill orders, etc. But that is a good idea, and I will work on it.

  4. BCYH

    This is Brian Hsieh from Los Angeles. While I was searching for reviews and accessories of D-Lux 4, I read one of the articles introducing your book, http://leicarumors.com/2009/11/04/the-first-leica-d-lux-4-book.aspx/ and immediately decided to place an order from the Amazon, which I believe is as powerful (evil:p) a distributor/reseller as Google Ad. If you prefer, I can cancel the order and get it directly from you. This is the least I can do to show you the support of your dedication for such an amazing guidebook.

  5. Alex White

    Hi, Brian — Thanks for your comment! I have mixed feelings about Amazon. They are powerful and can seem overbearing, but at the same time they are giving my book terrific exposure to potential buyers around the world, so I'm happy to sell through Amazon as well as directly. I hope you enjoy the book! — Alex

  6. BCYH

    Not a problem, Alex~ I know $5 dollar difference is not that much to begin with. But I'd rather get all the money to the writer~

    I can tell from the Amazon "out of stock" that your book is getting noticeably popular, and I'm happy for you.

    Hope you find what you are looking for throughout these PAUSE days…

  7. Inks Correspondent

    Hi Alex,

    It's a shame about the switch from colour to black and white photos. If possible, a book explaining the use of something ought to exemplify its capacities. To do otherwise is like McDonalds advertising their burgers using pictures that look worse than a Big Mac.

    Also, regarding your faulty toner, is it possible you've fallen victim to a counterfeiter? I've just put together a story on the subject, and they're pretty pervasive. Good luck with the refilling anyway!



  8. Alex White

    Hi, Inks — Thanks for the comments. I understand your point about the black and white photos, and I would prefer to stay with color myself, but it's not economically possible unless I can get a bigger publisher interested, who can print the books in large volume. Your point about the toner is interesting; I will look for your story and try to learn more; the experience certainly has been frustrating! –Alex

  9. Inks Correspondent

    Hi Alex,

    Fantastic news! I thought the colour photographs would pay off. I wish you all the best. : )

    A blog like this is really interesting – I mean, as an account of such a specific experience. You might easily turn it into a book in itself, to help others.

    By the way – I was wondering if you'd be interested in exchanging links? I've added a link to your site on my page, and it'd be nice if you could do the same. Increased exposure and all!


  10. Alex White

    Hello, Inks — I couldn't find a way to link to your blog — can you send me a message through whiteknightpress.com — then hopefully I can figure out how to set up the link. Thanks.

  11. Inks Correspondent

    Hi Alex,

    To link blogs you need to add the page element. It's a gadget on your blog layout. Find it in 'Add A Gadget.'


  12. Inks Correspondent

    I wonder how many publishers are in a position to complain that they're being too successful!

    If you'd like to find out how the book's being found, you could always Google yourself? It'll tell you where the news has been picked up etc.

    Heh, good luck refilling the cartridges. That's a messy process at the best of times.

  13. Inks Correspondent

    It's an obvious bit of advice I suppose, but including a banner or bit of text reassuring people that the book will arrive for Christmas might help.

    Merry Christmas, by the way! Walking into work this morning there was almost two feet of snow. Quite the Winter Wonderland.

  14. Alex White

    Well, the problem now is that we have possibly one or more foot of snow coming tonight and tomorrow, so I probably shouldn't make any promises about shipping, unfortunately. It might have been worthwhile otherwise.

  15. Anonymous

    I love the Photographer's Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX3 book. I had the LX3 for a while and I liked it so much and your book is incredible. I am now waiting for the LX5 to be delivered (and probably the LX5 will become the Leica D-Lux 5). I am eagerly waiting for the Photographer's Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5 and/or D-Lux 5. Please keep up the good work.

  16. Alex White

    Thanks very much for your comment! I do have an LX5 now, and it's a great camera, too. I hope to have a new book out by the end of October, if I can manage it.

  17. Anonymous

    Dear Alexander, I'm just about to by an LX5, should I wait for your new book to come out, or should I start using your book on LX3. I suppose the menus, etc are going to be pretty much the same.

    Ragards and thanks for your time,


  18. Alex White

    Hello, Ivan — You should wait for the new book. Although the LX5 is very similar to the LX3 in some ways, there are fairly substantial differences in the controls, menus, and features, and the LX3 book would not really provide a satisfactory explanation of the new camera.

  19. Anonymous

    Thanks Alex, I might buy the PDF version for the moment which is cheaper, until the LX5 comes out. As everyone knows the original manual is pretty hard to understand.


  20. Anonymous

    Hey Alexander, just bought your pdf for the LX3 and so far loving it. I threw away my paper manual for the LX3 it was so incomprehensible.
    The only thing I am missing is I can't see you have said much about the ultra wide-angle lens for the LX3, the DMW-LW46. Its a shame because I use one with my LX3.

    Anyway, if I ever did upgrade to the LX5 later, I will buy your LX5 book as soon as it was released since the lX5 manual is just as woeful as the LX3's manual and isn't even printed, just a pdf.

    cheers Damian

  21. Alex White

    Hi, Damian — I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I did make a brief mention of a wide-angle lens, but I see that I didn't say much about it. I'll take your comment into account as I work on the new book; thanks for the feedback. I hope you continue to enjoy the camera!


  22. J and J


    As a new LX3 user I really enjoyed reading your new book. Would you know of any forums where a neophyte could go to in order to ask specific LX3 operational questions? Even after reading your excellent book, I'm having some difficulty understanding how to do some advanced operations.

  23. walksoftly

    Alex, This is good news. With quick glance at the table of contents I see all my Lumix LX5 owner's manual angst vaporize. The process of book publishing that you describe, from PDF files to print is fascinating… and fast!

  24. Alex White

    Yes, the current print-on-demand technology is really amazing, and it has opened up opportunities for authors and small publishers to get their books produced and available to readers much sooner than it would happen using the traditional system. Thanks for your comments! I'll post more updates as things progress.


  25. Anonymous

    Hi Alex,

    Can you elaborate on some of the issues you named with your files at Lightning Source, in particular image resolution and CMYK space.
    Very interesting blog.


  26. Anonymous

    A shame that you are not making the PDF available immediately (I rarely buy printed books these days). Credit card in hand, I was hoping that I would be able to buy the book in PDF format next week.

    I can only assume that you don't need the cash flow – lucky fellow!

  27. Alex White

    Well, I do have plans to make the PDF version available eventually. You're the first person to ask about it, and I will consider doing it in the near future. But I'm getting some work done on my web site, which needs to be set up for the ordering process. In the past, the print version has come out first, followed by the Kindle, then the PDF. I'll give this some thought and, especially, if other people express interest, I'll see if I can get the PDF version out earlier than usual. By the way, I have plenty of expenses, and I could use the money!

  28. Anonymous

    Thanks Alex. I thought you would have issues at too high a resolution (as opposed to low resolution). As to the image, I didn't understand what problem you faced (I took it you had not converted to CMYK in the first place).
    Glad you got past these issues.

  29. Anonymous

    Hi Alex. The following question crossed my mind:
    do you have to seek permission from Panasonic prior to publishing a book about their product? Or any company in general.

    And a second related question. I assume your book is either neutral (descriptive) or is generally favorable to the product. What if one were to write rather unfavorably about a product?

  30. jdl1986

    Just received my pdf of the book and put it on my phone, plenty of reading to be done.

    Just read the tips at the end some very good points which should no doubt become obvious naturally over time but glad I've learnt them now rather than "naturally" in a year.

    Will be handing out links to your website when I now sell any LX5's I may call a couple of my previous customer's too.

    Any recommendations of somewhere I can post my musings about the book? I wouldn't say it will be a review as such but I feel already I can speak very highly about the book as a great asset to any LX5 user.

    Great Work

  31. jdl1986

    p.s. a note to anyone reading here in doubt of purchasing. This book reads extremely well, and is far superior to the supplied manuals which seem to be cross referenced from every page which in contrast is extremely dissatisfying to read compared to this excellent guide.

    The option to have the book on my phone is ideal in PDF format but I am even considering buying a paperback copy as well : )

  32. Esa

    Amazon.de informed me that the delivery time for the book I ordered is 5 to 7 weeks. That is surprisingly long. Esa Peltola, Luxembourg

  33. Glad to see that your work on the D-Lux 5 books is coming along — great pics! — as I am keeping regular watch on your blog for news of its release. My D-Lux 5 has been my new best friend for exactly a month now, and I look forward to getting to know it even better in the near future with your help.

  34. Anonymous

    Since you have studied both cameras in depth, maybe you can settle the raging online debate going on between the LX5 & D-Lux 5 – is the output from these cameras the same? Or does the D-Lux 5 have superior output because of the "Leica Firmware"?

  35. walksoftly

    Alex, I bought the LX5 book as soon as I saw its availability and have been happy so far. I have a question about the LX5 camera itself. We all know the benefits of a UV, ND, or Polarizing filter. Do you know what Panasonic's thinking was regarding the necessary conversion adapter? If an adapter ring can be skrewed onto the camera…why can't a filter be put on directly? The conversion ring defeats the whole purpose of a compact camera. I just don't get it. Thanks for your thoughts.

  36. Slow and steady (on the Leica D-Lux 5 book, that is) wins the race! I, for one, am patiently waiting and look forward to re-discovering my new camera once I finally have your book in hand, Alex.

    On a side note, I am a technical writer/editor with over 18 years of experience, and as an newly-avid D-Lux 5 owner/user it would be my pleasure to help proofread the book (would still lay down my dosh for it, of course).

  37. Very glad to hear that the D-Lux 5 book is done, and now I anxiously await word of the print version (which hopefully I can order and have delivered direct to me in Paris). Enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

  38. Robert Haggart Jr.

    Mr. Alex White,
    Having just purchased a new Leica D-lux 5 camera, as well as your copy of “The Photographer’s guide to the Leica D-lux 5” to go with it, I was excited to read, in your guide, about the Panasonic adapter (DMW-LA6) for filters, etc. that I could use with the “5”. The Leica “specialist” who took my camera order over the phone had said that it was possible to do with the D-lux 4 but not the D-lux 5. Assuming you are right, that you can, would you please send me a “how-to” via my e-mail address, (roberthaggart@mac.com).

    Greatly appreciated,

    Bob Haggart

  39. Bianca Elizalde

    Hi I recently purchased your book on the LX5 to go with my camera. But I’m exchanging the camera for the DLux5 so I was wondering if I can just use the same book since they’re more or less the same camera with the same functions? What’s the difference between that and the DLux 5 book version? Thanks!

    1. Alex White

      Hi — The books are very similar because the cameras are almost identical in operation, but the menus appear different and some features have different names or are otherwise different. I’m sending you an e-mail message with further information.

    2. Sam Rubin

      Can you please tell me if your LX5 book has instructions on how to utilize RAW for somebody who has never done so. I would like to make the most out of the image quality by using RAW and I do not know the best way to start learning it. Thank you

      1. Alex White

        Hi, the book discusses RAW files a good deal, but mostly in the context of explaining how the camera operates, such as what functions are or are not available when shooting in the RAW format. The book explains somewhat the advantages of using RAW, but it does not provide any details about how to edit RAW files using post-processing software. There are some good books available for that, such as Camera RAW 101 by Jon Canfield, or any current book about Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. You could go to Amazon.com and use the Search Inside the Book feature to check a few places in the LX5 book for RAW discussions, and see if they are what you are looking for.

  40. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book Listed as Available from BN.com | White Knight Press

  41. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book Listed as Available from BN.com | White Knight Press

  42. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is Now Available at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  43. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is Now Available at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  44. Pingback: Leica Rumors Is Running a D-Lux 5 Book Giveaway Contest | White Knight Press

  45. Pingback: Leica Rumors Is Running a D-Lux 5 Book Giveaway Contest | White Knight Press

  46. Pingback: Availability of D-Lux 5 Book in UK and other Countries | White Knight Press

  47. Pingback: Availability of D-Lux 5 Book in UK and other Countries | White Knight Press

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Copy the PDF file to the iTunes library on your computer. Then, after you sync the computer with the iPad, the PDF file should show up on the virtual “shelf” in your iBooks library. Look for it in the PDF category, not the Books category.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I wish it would be available sooner, but it’s scheduled to be converted in early March. That was the soonest I could get the Kindle conversion company that I use to schedule the conversion. I don’t want to convert it myself, because it can be tricky to get the formatting correct. Of course, you can get the PDF version and read it on a Kindle, though it won’t be quite the same as getting the actual Kindle version.

  48. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is In Stock and Ready to Ship through Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  49. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is In Stock and Ready to Ship through Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  50. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX5 Book is Now Discounted at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  51. Matt


    I am trying to find a local copy of the Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5 book (without ordering it online). I am about to leave on a trip today (Monday 1/10/11), so if you know of anyone in the Los Angeles area that sells the book, please write me back quick! or call me (818)353-8650. Thanks!


    1. Alex White

      Hi — As of now the White Knight Press books are available only online. There are some stores that may order one for a customer, but that would take a while, so I’m afraid there are no options for getting a copy quickly from a store.

  52. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX5 Book is Now Available for iPad in iBooks Store | White Knight Press

  53. Richard Clarke

    Is it possible to get an extension lead for the external electronic viewfinder? Looks similar to a mini HDMI plug

    1. Alex White

      I have not heard of an extension cable or anything similar for the electronic viewfinder, though maybe someone else knows of one. I’ll try to dig around a little and see if I can find out anything.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, I have been doing books on cameras that don’t already have a book written about them, or at least no book of the same general type. There already is a popular book out about the GF1, so I’m not planning a book on that camera.

    1. Alex White

      Yes, I have the D-Lux 5 book scheduled to be converted to that format, though it will take a while because the people who do the conversions for me have a backlog. As of now, I’m hoping that book will be available for the iPad sometime in March.

  54. Allen Ballard

    Just received the downloaded PDF for the Leica D-Lux 5, turned off the sound to the football games and focused on the manual all day , only occasionally looking up at the screen for special plays. Must say that your book is vastly superior to the official manual and the accompanying CD. It’s thorough, clearly written, and has excellent illustrations. I really feel ready now to use my camera to it’s fullest capabilities. Thanks for an excellent product.

  55. Ignacio Montorio

    In reference to the book Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5 ¿it will be published in Spanish?


  56. Patty

    I am looking at purchasing this book for my new LX5, and have a kindle.Ggiven the black and white format of the kindle would your guide be better in the book form? I have viewed a preview of the guide and most of its contents seem to be text, so I was thinking that the kindle format would be useful.

    1. Alex White

      Hi – Actually, the book has more than 150 photographs, though many of them are photos of the camera and its controls, which don’t really need to be in color. There are enough color photos that I, personally, much prefer the book in color. You can purchase the PDF version in color, which I believe you can load on your Kindle, though of course you could only see the photos in black and white, but you could use the PDF on your computer or any other device that can read PDFs, such as some phones, etc. I haven’t heard any complaints about the Kindle version, though, so people seem to be relatively satisfied with it.

  57. charles greiner

    I’ve just purchased a Panasonic DMC-G1K. The manual that came with it is very
    confusing. Would your book be of help to me?
    chuck greiner.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I have to confess that I have never used a DMC-G1K, so I can’t be sure, but I don’t think my book would be all that helpful — it might be of use to some extent in describing the menus or some features, but probably not of great use. Looking on amazon.com, I saw some books on cameras like the GF-1 and GH-1 and the G-2, that might possibly be of more use to you.

  58. Pingback: D-Lux 5 Book? - Leica User Forum

  59. Pingback: D-Lux 5 Book? - Leica User Forum

  60. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book Will be Available for Kindle Soon | White Knight Press

  61. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book Will be Available for Kindle Soon | White Knight Press

    1. Alex White

      Hello — If you want a printed copy, the best way to buy the book probably is from Amazon.co.uk. If you want to buy a downloaded version in PDF format, you can purchase that from this web site; please see the main page of this site, and click on the copy of the book’s cover for further information.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — If you want a printed copy, the best way to buy the book probably is from Amazon.co.uk. If you want to buy a downloaded version in PDF format, you can purchase that from this web site; please see the main page of this site, and click on the copy of the book’s cover for further information.

  62. aileen i. jaraza

    One of our bookstores here in the Philippines can order the book directly from your publisher or distributor but I would need the ISBN. Thanks and looking forward to reading your book. I have a new Lumix LX5 and I’m very eager to learn and use all of the camera’s features. The user’s manual that comes with it is quite complicated to understand.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — The ISBN is 978-0-9649875-9-3. I should point out that bookstores ordinarily won’t order the book, because it is mostly aimed at online sales, and is not able to be sold to bookstores at the wholesale discount they expect. It may work out, but if not, the book can be ordered from Amazon.com, or from any of the other Amazon sites around the world; another good source is an online seller called camerabooks.com, which handles a lot of international orders.

      1. aileen i. jaraza

        I ordered your book thru Amazon.com and looking forward to receiving it by mid-April. Our local bookstore can also source it but it will take them a month and price is higher 🙂

  63. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is Now Available for Kindle at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  64. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 5 Book is Now Available for Kindle at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  65. Lloyd Prindle

    I wanted you to know that I just bought your book on the Panasonic LX5 and it’s really well written. I must have read the manual that came with the camera 5 times and still couldn’t figure out some of the settings.
    Thanks again for a wonderful, well written, easy to understand book with lots of ideas, plus examples and WHY… you set the settings certain ways. Perfect… I’m so excited that I’m taking AWESOME pictures now with some manual settings.
    Thanks again

  66. Gina Jones

    Hi Alex
    I purchased your book for the D-LUX 4 last year and was very glad I did; it thoroughly explained everything in a nice clear way that was easy to understand, and it got me shooting the pictures I wanted in no time, so thank you very much for that.
    Now I also have a Lumix GF1, and can you imagine my disappointment when I find you haven’t written a book on that one.
    I know there are books out there on it, and I am not benefitting from the one I have, so if I say I think you could really help an amateur out by sharing your wisdom and excellent writing skills would you reconsider and write a book on it? I would gladly pre order it 🙂

    Thanks for your time

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Gina — That’s one of the nicest compliments I can imagine — thanks very much! I would like to write about the GF1, which I understand is a terrific camera, but it takes a lot of work over a period of months to do one of these books, and there’s only one of me, so I have to make some tough choices. Right now I’m just finishing up a book about the Canon PowerShot S95, and then I have to turn my attention to other projects. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help to you; hopefully in the future I’ll do another book that will be of use to you. Good luck!


  67. Gina Jones

    I think my husband would be happy if you wrote a book somewhere along the lines of stop buying cameras and just shoot already, but thats another story.
    I am wondering if perhaps the book on the LX5 may be a help; its not the camera itself that I struggle with – its the menus and submenus and quick menus. I’m thinking that being Panasonic there may be some carry over from camera to camera that may provide some useful insight. Am I even in the ballpark?

    Thanks again,

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Gina — I have to confess that I have never used a GF1, so I can’t be sure. My wife has a different Panasonic model, though, and she has found that my Panasonic books have some useful information about the menus of her camera. You could take a look at the book excerpt on this site, on the info page for the LX5, or you could go to the Amazon.com site and use the “Search Inside the Book” feature to try a few searches and see if the information looks useful. I would hesitate to recommend the book for a different model, because there certainly will be a lot about your camera that is not covered in the LX5 book.


    1. Alex White

      Hello — That is one of the cameras I have considered for another book, but it won’t be very soon, because I have to catch up on some other projects first. I’ll make a note of your interest, though, as I consider what camera to work on next. Thanks.

      –Alex White

  68. Gary Falk

    I just purchased Alexander White’s “Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX5”. This is the first time in memory that I have read a camera guide that is written in such plain, straightforward (read: understandable) English. I will keep this book as a constant guide to enhance my use of this wonderful camera. This book greatly exceeds the users manual (on CD) that comes with the camera as a tutorial for the use of the LX5. Gary Falk, Louisville, KY

  69. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S95 Book is at the Printer | White Knight Press

  70. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S95 Book Update – Proof Copy Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  71. Pingback: Eine Frage an D-Lux Besitzer - Seite 2 - Leica User Forum

  72. Pingback: Eine Frage an D-Lux Besitzer - Seite 2 - Leica User Forum

  73. Tony Fiala

    I ordered and paid for your copy of instruction on operating Lumix DMC-LX5 but up till today did not received it.
    Tony Fiala
    17-33925 Araki Ct.
    Mission,BC, V2V 7R5 Canada

  74. Syed Anwar

    Thanks so much for this fantastic guide. I am glad that I made my decision to buy this book. And many thanks for keeping the price low for the pdf version. It helped me to make my mind setup for the purchase. Thanks again,

  75. Boris

    How do you put the adaptor ring, or lenses on? For the love of me I cannot find how to remove the protective ring around the lense on the D-LUX 5

    1. Alex White

      Hi — You just unscrew the retaining ring. It unscrews by turning it counter-clockwise. Then you screw on the lens adapter, and screw a filter or other accessory on to the other end of the adapter.

        1. Alex White

          It’s the outermost plastic ring, attached to the outer part of the lens assembly. It’s the part that the lens cap gets attached to. You may have to just grasp it and twist hard to unscrew it the first time. It’s a narrow ring, and it may be hard to see that it’s a separate part, but, unless it’s missing, it should unscrew with no problem.

  76. Eileen Westgate

    My book just arrived yesterday via B&N special order. This book is everything it claims to be. The printout of Canon’s pdf, hole-punched, in a binder on my computer books shelf does not suffice. Canon’s manual is a reference book. White’s book serves as a proper tutorial which I can read at my leisure and also bring along with the camera if I want. For me it is worth the extra money to have the actual book. I keep the pdf of Canon’s manual on my computer for searching fast. White’s book is very readable and clear. And the layout and photos are very pleasing, which is important to me. By perusing the book, in just 24 hours I have learned so much. I did not understand all the differences in SD cards – see pp 19-24. That in itself justified for me getting this book. I already purchased and have been using the eye-fi card from reading a preview of the book. I am looking forward to learning all about the menus and setting up the shortcuts to my favorite menus. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to get the most out of the fantastic S95 camera.

  77. YY

    Dear Mr. White:

    I’ve found your book tremendously helpful for photography newbies like me who are learning to master a sophisticated compact camera. In the past month, I’ve frequently referred to your book for instruction since I started exploring my new camera. I must tell you, I’m no longer clueless and I’m very confident in using all the features I’ve tried. Yesterday marked another milestone in my journey of learning: I mastered the MF function and started taking sharp, close-up pictures and accomplished the effects I desired. Thank you!

    I’ve just received the Raynox macro lens today and other accessories (the LA6, LWA, LND and LPD) are on their way. I’m looking forward to experimenting with these tools and bringing new effects to my photos.

    I have a few questions related to LX5 in the following areas, which I’m not able to find direct answers through my research. I’m hoping that with your expertise, I can solve these puzzles.

    1. Built-in flash

    a. I understand the technicalities of ‘front (1st) ‘ and ‘rear (2nd) ‘ curtain sync, but what’s the difference between ‘2nd curtain sync’ and ‘slow sync’? Do they all fire at the end of exposure?

    b. I sometimes have trouble firing the built-in flash when it’s set at ‘slow sync’, but with ‘2nd curtain sync’ it is a sure hit. I couldn’t figure out why.

    2. Telephoto lens
    Could you recommend a reliable, compatible model for LX5, if I prefer not to use a telescope as suggested in your book?

    3. Off-camera flash
    a. Sync chord
    Is this the only way to maintain TTL metering with an off-camera flash?

    I plan to purchase a Metz 58 AF-2 flash. How can I determine which sync chord is compatible? Could you recommend a model? I’ve heard Olympus sync chords work for Panasonic flash as well, but I just don’t know for sure which one to buy.

    b. Do you think I can use the Metz 58 AF-2 on a sync chord as a master to trigger a slave? If so, is there any way I can set up the slave flash with TTL metering?

    c. Can I use the built-in flash as a master to trigger a slave?

    d. Could you describe the steps you go through to determine the right exposure and to manually adjust a flash (pg. 239)?

    I thank you in advance for your help. I’d highly recommend your book to every one who wants to make the best use of his/her LX5.


  78. Alex White

    Hello, YY — I’ll give you a few answers, but I can’t claim to be an expert on all aspects of flash and these other topics. I’ll tell you my opinions, and I’ve also referred your questions to a photographer who is more expert on flash topics, and I’ll let you know through another comment here if I get more information from him.

    As for Slow Sync and 1st or 2nd Curtain, you can use both settings together. That is, you can use Slow Sync at the same time as either 1st or 2nd Curtain, so the flash will fire at the beginning or end of the exposure depending on which of those settings you’re using.

    I don’t know what could cause your problem with the flash firing in Slow Sync mode.

    I have never used an add-on telephoto lens, other than the telescope. I have heard that others have used them, but I have no experience in that area.

    I have no experience in using a sync cord with the LX5; the camera does not have a terminal for a cord. Maybe there is some sort of adapter that would let you use a cord, but I have never looked into that area.

    You can use the LX5’s built-in flash to trigger an optical slave that is attached to a slave flash. When I do that, I just use trial and error to determine the correct exposure. I also usually shoot in the RAW format, so I have a good deal of leeway to adjust the exposure with my software after shooting.

    If I get any further information back from the flash expert, I’ll let you know. Thanks for your comments.

    –Alex White

  79. bill liss

    Mr. White: i have just purhased your book on the Lumix LX5—need urgent help via email if you can.
    I cannot figure out how to attach the lens ring–have no clue how to open it..
    and have no idea how to attach the shoulder strap with those two small clips on it.
    can you bail me out quickly??
    sure hope so.
    you make a point of saying how important it is to attach the lens cap but there is no instruction anywhere on how to open that circular clip and run it throught the loops.
    many thanks
    bill liss
    atlanta, georgia

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I have replied by e-mail. Briefly, the point to remember here is that the lens cap string is not to be opened or separated — it is a continuous loop that is looped through both the lens cap and the camera, and then the cap is threaded back through the open part of the loop, so it is fastened to the camera.

  80. Eddie

    Hi Alex,
    Saw your comments on the EVF. Though to write and ask if you know anyone making available a “macro light” that would fit over the LX5’s horse-shoe slot? Seems that a Olympus-accessories provider has such a gizmo ready, so though I ask. My limited understanding is that LX5’s physical horse-shoe slot is of a different dimension/size then Olympus’s. Not only that, the internal circuit pins that provides the power are also different.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Eddie — No, I haven’t heard anything about a ring flash or ring light made specifically for the LX5 or that would be a particularly good fit. The Metz 15 MS-1 Ringlight is one that might work, though probably only in manual mode. I feel certain there are other options out there that could work, but I have not kept up with all developments in this area.

  81. Grzegorz Krol

    I don’t own a credit card(only maestro card, paypal). Is there a way to buy your book as a pdf version? I would like to get the one about panasonic lx-5

      1. grzegorz

        nope, i still get the window, where paypal is asking me to add a credit card like American express, mastercard, visa. Like i said, i don’t own and I don’t need one. Any ideas how to buy this book:)

        1. Alex White

          Okay, if you would like to purchase a PDF copy of the book, just send me a payment of $9.95 via PayPal to my user ID, which is aswhite@erols.com. If that doesn’t work, you can send a check or money order to White Knight Press, 9704 Old Club Trace, Henrico, VA 23238. Please mention in the message or on the check or money order which book it is for, and that you want the PDF. I can then send you a link to download the book. Thanks.

  82. Pete Farnsworth

    I bought your D-Lux 4 book when I had a D-Lux 4 and bought your D-Lux 5 when I upgraded my camera to a D-Lux 5 and both books are extremely helpful.

    I decided to purchase the pdf copy of your book so I’ll have it on my iPad2. I live in the UK and the Paypal amount includes a 20% additional charge for VAT. What’s going on?? Since White Knight Press doesn’t trade in the UK it is not VAT registered and therefore cannot pay any VAT collected to the UK Inland Revenue. Why is it trying to charge me an additional 20%?!

    1. Alex White

      The PDF versions of the book are sold through a company called FastSpring, which handles all of the download sales transactions, including determining whether the VAT needs to be charged. In other words, the seller is FastSpring, not White Knight press.

  83. Pete Farnsworth

    Okay, thanks, for your quick response, Alexander.

    It appears that FastSpring has a European office located in the UK so it must be VAT registered. A UK VAT registered company charging me in dollars is quite unusual.

  84. Eddie

    Thanks, Alex. Will consider that — though from initial quick look, seems a bit expensive (+/- USD400 from quick online search). 🙂 If you do spot a less pricy option, please do sound out. Cheers and keep writing great manuals, if you have time perhaps to expand links to matters regarding the LX-3/5/7(?) etc would be great too! 🙂

    1. Alex White

      Hello — The book is available now for download through this site as a PDF and it is available through the various Amazon sites in the U.S. and elsewhere as a paperback book. Just go to an Amazon site and search for “S95” under Books and you will find it. If these options don’t work for you, let me know and I can point out other options for purchasing the book. Thanks.

  85. aileen i. jaraza

    Dear Mr. White,

    I bought the Photographer’s Guide to Panasonic Lumix 5 and I read it cover to cover. It has been very useful and I really learned a lot from it. Now I know my camera’s features better and can take better photos. I have used it as a reference book (never went back to the complicated manual) and go back to it from time to time. Thank you for coming out with a book like this. By the way, Amazon shipped it very fast here in Manila. I expected it to arrive within 10 to 14 days, but it took them only 8 days. This is very much appreciated.

  86. Alex White

    Hi — Thanks for letting me know — it’s great to hear that Amazon was able to get the book to you quickly. I’m glad you found the book useful, and I really appreciate your comments!

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Thanks for asking, but I have been concentrating on cameras that are more in the same class as the D-Lux 4 and D-Lux 5. Maybe someday I’ll move up to the likes of the X1 and M9, but for now I’m staying with the more mid-range cameras.

  87. Stephen Davies

    Hi, just ordered your LX5 pdf book through your website, using PayPal. I was a bit put off that I was required to enter so much personal information before I could order. For a pdf download, paid with PayPal, you Do Not Need my phone number and address. With the concerns about internet security and selling of personal information databases, I do not care to put out any more information than necessary when filling out internet forms.
    Your manual looks good and I look forward to using it. I hope you will consider the order form information policy on your site. Thank you.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I understand what you’re saying; I have had a few other customers mention this issue. Here is the situation: The sales of PDF downloads are handled by a company called FastSpring — they provide the ordering system, payment processing, and downloads. Their ordering system uses a process called “risk analysis,” which analyzes all purchases by PayPal or credit cards using data such as physical address of purchaser, location of internet connection, and credit card billing address, which they compare to see if there is a likelihood of fraud, before approving the transaction. I agree that it can seem intrusive, but I certainly am not equipped to process payments myself, so I need to rely on a company like FastSpring. They have done an excellent job so far. But I will continue to evaluate and see if there is a better way to handle payments. Thanks for your comments.

  88. chris

    Hi im trying to shoot in RAW on my LX5 and am getting some strange results, compared to the jpg versions of my photos the raw photos look bland and washed out, i use the supplied Silkypix software and also CS5 Camera Raw but cannot get a good result. I tend to shoot using M mode but have experimented alot but the jpgs always look better even though they get shapened up alot, the color is what im missing in my RAW photos

    Is there a different software that maybe is a bit easier to use, or does your book cover RAW shooting / settings / software in detail so i can learn more.

    P.s im coming from a nikon d80 so i dont know if im expecting too much but the LX5 should match it from what ive read

    Thanks Chris

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Chris — I’m not sure I can be of much help on this question. I use Adobe Photoshop CS5 with Adobe Camera Raw, and the results have always looked okay to me. There are so many adjustments you can make in both ACR and Photoshop, such as Levels, Curves, Saturation, Hue, etc. I am by no means an expert on Photoshop or other software. It might be that Photoshop Elements would be easier to get good results with; some people really like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, which I have installed on my computer but haven’t used all that much. Maybe someone else who reads this will have comments. Also, this would be a good question to ask at the Panasonic Talk forum on http://www.dpreview.com. I have to say that my book does not go into all that much detail on RAW files and how to process them. There are whole books on using RAW; you might want to look into some of them at Amazon.com or elsewhere.


      1. chris

        ……Thanks Alex – yeah i will take your advice and find a book on RAW photo editing or ACR editing, good idea

  89. Russell Dawkins

    I have just bought a used (and slightly damaged, but still apparently fully functional) D-Lux 4 and am enjoying the image quality for the most part. It came with firmware version 1.0, so I upgraded to 2.2. With your book, do you have any sort of addendum covering hidden functions of firmware version 2.2?
    I am getting fairly short battery life, so will be ordering a couple of new batteries.

    Love the macro capability, the colour veracity and the exposure choices in snapshot mode.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — The book on the D-Lux 4 was written before the firmware upgrade was issued, and it does not cover the new functions. However, the book on the Panasonic Lumix LX3 was written later, and it does cover the firmware upgrade for that camera, which is almost identical to the D-Lux 4 in its operations. Also, Leica issued an addendum to its manual that covers the new functions provided by the upgrade. If you need further information, let me know.

  90. Russell Dawkins

    I have just bought a used (and slightly damaged, but still apparently fully functional) D-Lux 4 and am enjoying the image quality for the most part. It came with firmware version 1.0, so I upgraded to 2.2. With your book, do you have any sort of addendum covering hidden functions of firmware version 2.2?
    I am getting fairly short battery life, so will be ordering a couple of new batteries.

    Love the macro capability, the colour veracity and the exposure choices in snapshot mode.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — The book on the D-Lux 4 was written before the firmware upgrade was issued, and it does not cover the new functions. However, the book on the Panasonic Lumix LX3 was written later, and it does cover the firmware upgrade for that camera, which is almost identical to the D-Lux 4 in its operations. Also, Leica issued an addendum to its manual that covers the new functions provided by the upgrade. If you need further information, let me know.

  91. Pingback: Win a Canon PowerShot S95 book | Photo Rumors

  92. KK, HOO

    Hi! Alex, your “Photographer’s Guide to the Leica D-Lux 5” is simple and easy to understand for a newcomer in photography like me. An excellent and great manual to have in exploiting all the features of the camera! Just can’t leave home without either – camera and manual!

  93. Pingback: The winner of the Canon PowerShot S95 book is… | Photo Rumors

  94. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S95 Book Now Available in iBookstore | White Knight Press

  95. Susan Smith

    I am trying to download pictures onto my computer but do not have the disc I need – at least I think thats what their saying . Can I download the format from a canon site. Will this book give me the know how to download the pics without the disc? Thanks for helping.

    1. Alex White

      HI — It’s hard to tell what the problem is without some more information. You should be able to download the pictures okay without any special software, unless they were taken in the RAW format. In that case, you would need either the software that comes with the camera or some other program that can read the RAW files, such as Adobe Photoshop Elements, Apple Aperture, or some other one. My book on the PowerShot S95 camera does not really spend much time on this sort of issue, so it probably would not be much help. If you want to give some details about any error message you are getting, I could try to help. You also might try posting your question in the Canon Talk forum at dpreview.com.


  96. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S95 Book is Now In Stock for Shipping by Amazon | White Knight Press

  97. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P500 is Now Available in PDF Format | White Knight Press

  98. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P500 is Now Available in PDF Format | White Knight Press

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  100. Pingback: I like Nikon » Blog Archive » Promotions are essential, Nikon VP says - Keeping tabs on all things Nikon

  101. Pingback: Front-Curtain and Rear-Curtain Flash with the Nikon Coolpix P500 | White Knight Press

  102. Pingback: Front-Curtain and Rear-Curtain Flash with the Nikon Coolpix P500 | White Knight Press

  103. Pingback: Update on Status of Nikon Coolpix P500 Book | White Knight Press

  104. Pingback: Update on Status of Nikon Coolpix P500 Book | White Knight Press

  105. Pingback: How do you set RAW on D-Lux 5? - Leica User Forum

  106. Pingback: How do you set RAW on D-Lux 5? - Leica User Forum

  107. Pingback: Henk van Vugt Fotografie » Weekly Nikon news flash #125

  108. Pingback: Henk van Vugt Fotografie » Weekly Nikon news flash #125

  109. Pingback: HDR with the Nikon Coolpix P500 | White Knight Press

  110. Pingback: HDR with the Nikon Coolpix P500 | White Knight Press

  111. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #125 | | What Is PhotographyWhat Is Photography

  112. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #125 | | What Is PhotographyWhat Is Photography

  113. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Paperback Proof Copy Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  114. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Paperback Proof Copy Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  115. Pingback: Availability of Canon PowerShot S95 Books | White Knight Press

  116. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Book Is Now In Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  117. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Book Is Now In Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  118. Luis

    Kudos to White Knight Press – my order for the pdf version of the Canon S95 guide came very quickly, and I was given the opportunity to pay in Swiss francs (with the correct exchange rate). I have loaded the file to my iPad, and at first glance, this seems exactly what I need. My S95 took great photos during my recent vacation in Barcelona in “auto” mode but now I want to learn much more about using the camera.

  119. Ricardo Valera

    Let me start by thanking you for putting together such a wonderful book for the D-Lux 5 that Leica should seriously consider including in their bundle.
    I am shooting RAW with my new little Leica and have purchased it with very specific goals. Underwater photography is my hobby and processing RAW files helps preserve valuable information that helps during post processing. Took the camera on 8 dives last weekend and visited the wreck of the Duane and various patches of Molasses Reef in Key Largo. Camera is housed in a Nauticam LX5 case and it works beautifully. I am doing some tests and am considering this particular configuration as a point and shoot system for students to consider when picking up underwater photography and expanding their scuba specialty training credentials.
    I am using Mac and noticed that Lightroom 3.4 and Photoshop CS5 is not able to read Leica D-Lux 5 RAW files. It returns an error deeming files as of an unrecognized format. I have been able to process D-Lux5 RAW files using Aperture 3 which is Apple’s competition with Adobe Lightroom.
    Have you or other D-Lux5 users ran into this issue? I would think that Leica would be promoting a software bundle with their product if it’s fully compatible.
    I sent Leica an email and got a reply asking if my version of Lightroom was up to date, which it is. Also visited Adobe’s web page and spotted a list of cameras supported by them and unfortunately, D-Lux5 is not yet listed.
    Thank you for looking into this and letting me know. It’s likely that time will resolve this as more updates are added to Lightroom and Photoshop RAW repertoires.

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Ricardo — I just went and checked some of my D-Lux 5 .rwl files on my MacBook Pro, and they opened just fine in Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS5. The version of Adobe Camera Raw that opens up when I open one of the files is Adobe Camera Raw version 6.4.1, and I don’t recall having any problems with these RAW files in the past. I don’t use Lightroom very much, but I just tried it and it also opened my D-Lux 5 RAW files with no problem. I suspect the problem may be with the version of Adobe Camera Raw that you have installed; I suggest checking to see if you have version 6.4.1 and if not, downloading it from the Adobe web site. I believe you can just open your software and choose Help — Check for Updates to get the latest updates. I hope this helps resolve your issue.


      1. Ricardo Valera

        Thank you for the prompt reply. I had success with Photoshop CS5; however, Lightroom is still not liking the files. Do have Lightroom updated to version 3.4.1 and for CS5, the RAW plug in
        Will keep on trying to figure this out and will let you know who this goes.
        PS : Very nice of you to take the time to get back with a fan!
        Much appreciated and acknowledged. Enjoy your day.

        1. Alex White

          Hi, Ricardo — I just checked back on my copy of Lightroom, and it is version 3.4.1, and using the Lightroom menu option, selecting About Lightroom, I see that it is using Adobe Camera Raw version 6.4.1. Is your copy of Lightroom definitely using the latest version of the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in? That sounds like the problem. I hope that fixes it.


  120. Pingback: First Try at Miniature Effect Movie with Panasonic Lumix LX5 | White Knight Press

  121. Margaret Taylor

    Your book on the D Lux 5 is invaluable – thank you! You talk about add-on filters and lenses (p 231) and unscrewing the thin trim ring from the camera’s lens to do this. I have tried, without a lot of force I admit, to unscrew the ring but it seems pretty fixed. Any suggestions?
    Thanks again for the great book

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Margaret — First of all, I would suggest that you make sure the trim ring is not already off. If it is off, you will see screw threads on the edge of the lens. If you see the smooth edge of the trim ring, then it was probably just screwed on too tightly. Others have had some problems with this process. Just grasp it very firmly and twist it counter-clockwise as you face the camera. Once it gets loose you should have no problem removing it, unless it somehow got stuck by being threaded on improperly. Good luck!



    I just wanted to thank you for your book on the LX5. I’d relegated my camera to the bottom of my camera bag & rarely used it. Too fiddly to navigate ( or so I thought ) Your book is excellent & laid out in the easiest format to understand , & I have now rediscovered what a great little camera it is.

  123. Tom miller

    Are there not any retail stores that sell this book or is it only available thru online stores? If available in retail stores, which ones in Michigan?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, it’s available only through online sellers, such as Amazon.com, bn.com, camerabooks.com, and some others. You can get a complete list by searching for the book’s title at bookfinder.com.

  124. Tom miller

    Are there not any retail stores that sell this book or is it only available thru online stores? If available in retail stores, which ones in Michigan?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, it’s available only through online sellers, such as Amazon.com, bn.com, camerabooks.com, and some others. You can get a complete list by searching for the book’s title at bookfinder.com.

  125. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Book is Now Available for Kindle | White Knight Press

  126. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P500 Book is Now Available for Kindle | White Knight Press

  127. Jimmie Renzelman

    I simply wanted to send a small note so as to express gratitude to you for all the splendid pointers you are sharing here. My time-consuming internet lookup has now been compensated with really good tips to share with my close friends. I would tell you that most of us site visitors are undoubtedly lucky to live in a decent community with so many outstanding people with beneficial secrets. I feel very much fortunate to have discovered your entire webpages and look forward to many more awesome minutes reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.

    1. Alex White

      Yes, I am planning a guide to the S100, which I hope to have ready within the next month or so. I would recommend waiting for that one if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks.

  128. Gary H

    Hi, Enjoyed your LX5 book very much. Now I just purchased a Canon PowerShot S100. I see you have a book on the S95. When can I look forward to a book on the S100. I would be very happy if it is soon!

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Gary — Thanks! I will be trying to find an S100 as soon as they become available in my area, and then I hope to have the book on that camera done within a month or two — I will hope to have it done before the end of the year.


  129. Andy MacDonald

    Even though I carefully chose my S95 and normally drive a DSLR, I never think that I know all I need to know about my cameras. When I found the first indications of this book on the Internet, I realised that the extracts showed it went into every conceivable option available. I bought the pdf and have used it as a tutorial to go through every available option in what I believe is still the best pocket camera available. There’s no point in having a Swiss Army Knife to just butter toast. An S95 is not just an ordinary point and shoot. This book will not make you an awesome photographer, but it will let you know the functions of an awesome camera.

  130. BE

    I have your book on the DLUX5 and consider it a valuable resource. Please consider the Fuji X10 as well as it looks like a VERY interesting compact P&S. If you do, perhaps you can email me when you release it. I’m seriously considering the camera.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Thanks for your comment. I actually am considering doing a book on the Fuji X10, though right now I have to finish up the two other books that are under way, so it would be at least a couple of months before I could start.

  131. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Fujifilm FinePix X100 is Now Available for PDF Download | White Knight Press

  132. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Book Has Been Submitted to the Printer | White Knight Press

  133. Tony Piecz

    Great to hear on an upcoming s100 book. Just picked mine up today and you book will be a welcome addition. Hopefully you will again do multi format as I prefer using my tablet for reference manuals. Do you have a mail list or shall we just check your site?

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Tony — Yes, it will be in several formats, though some of the conversions may take a while. I don’ t have a list, so please just check the site, or you could follow the site on Twitter; the ID is cameraguides. Thanks.

      — Alex

  134. Pingback: Proof Copy of Fujifilm X100 Book Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  135. Pingback: Sample Photographs by Fujifilm FinePix X100 | White Knight Press

  136. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Book is Now In Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  137. Valentin Tepordei

    Multiple Exposures with Lumix LX5.
    A few weeks ago I got the Lumix LX5 camera and your book (actually twice, in e-format and printed version!)
    I just found out that this camera does “multiple exposures,” a great capability I also have on my Nikon D7000 SLR.
    Unfortunatelly, looks like once in “multiple exposures mode,” I can not zoom anymore, like I do with the Nikon. I like to take a picture, zoom a bit on the subject, take the second picture, zoom again and take the 3rd picture.
    Am I missing something? Is there anything special I have to do to be able to zoom the lens “between shoots?”
    Thank you.
    Val Tepordei

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Val – I just checked with my LX5, and I found the same thing you did — evidently Panasonic decided to disable the zoom when you are in the midst of a multiple exposure. Maybe the idea is that you will likely want to line up the second and third shots to overlap with the first one at the same focal length, but I can certainly see the advantage of being able to zoom between shots. I can’t think of any way to get around the problem, other than changing your angle of view by moving the camera closer to the subject. Thanks for pointing this out.


  138. Pingback: Nueva Fujifilm X100, Compacta con sensor APS-C

  139. Graham

    Following retirement I’m planning on travelling a lot for the next year. All my (D)SLR gear etc now gone via E-Bay as I couldn’t contemplate carrying it all! I analysed my travel photos which showed 75% were 28mm / 50mm (35mm equivalent) orientated. After much internet camera research and a couple of weeks bedtime reading of your book I’ve elected to take the DMC LX-5 as my “best compromise” camera, based on potential photo quality, versatility and compact size….not to mention your very informative book as well! First stop Beijing in 3 weeks time. Thank you for all the effort you’ve put into an excellent LX-5 resource, both on the internet and in your book. I’ve spread the word at our photography club!

  140. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  141. Mark

    Hi Alex,
    I have a PDF copy of your LX5 guide and have also downloaded the useful appendum about V 2.0 firmware. I would now like to purchase the hard copy of the LX5 guide for reasons of portability and wanted to enquire whether the V 2.0 appendum was now integrated in to the hard copy?
    Great guides by the way. I shall be buying my sister the Nikon P500 book for Christmas.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Mark — Thanks for your message; I’m glad you have found the guides useful. In answer to your question, no, I have not incorporated the additional information about the version 2.0 firmware into the hard copy of the LX5 book. I can understand that it would be helpful to do that, but, at least at the moment, I have to focus on getting new books into production. Once things settle down a bit in a month or two, I might consider revising the LX5 book, but I can’t guarantee that I will, giving the complications involved in revising a printed book.


    1. Alex White

      Hi — Thanks for asking. The G12 is a great camera, but I have already contributed to a book about it as co-author with David Busch, so I can’t do one in my own series. That book is available at Amazon and in bookstores if you’re interested.


  142. Pingback: CF card for D-LUX 5 - Leica User Forum

  143. Pingback: CF card for D-LUX 5 - Leica User Forum

  144. nor

    Now I’m using Fujifilm Finepix HS10…but I don’t really understand how and when to use the Aperture and Shutter speed mode yet.I’m very keen in food photography and I want to get the very best pictures using the Aperture and Shutter speed mode or any other modes that suited the food photography.

    Could you please guide me which aperture number or shutter speed to shoot best food photos?Please feel free to visit my blog for your judgement on my recent photos taken by this camera.

    Thank you for your help.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I took a look at your blog, and the photos look quite good already. I can give you my opinion, and maybe someone else will have thoughts. It seems to me that your goal is to have clear, sharp photos of the various dishes. I’m assuming you’re not using a tripod. If that’s true, then you need to use a fairly quick shutter speed, say, 1/30 second or faster, to avoid blur from camera shake. You also need a somewhat narrow aperture, probably f/5.6 or narrower (higher number) to keep the images sharp with adequate depth of field. You may have to boost the ISO setting somewhat to use those settings. You also might want to use any available settings to increase sharpness and possibly color saturation. I’m not familiar with the HS10, but these principles apply in general. If you use a tripod, you can use a slower shutter speed, but you still would need a relatively narrow aperture to keep the images sharp. I hope this helps.


  145. richard

    Will the book on S100 be available as an iBook via iTunes, like your excellent S95 text?

    How soon available, do you think – roughly. 🙂



    1. Alex White

      Hi, Richard — The S100 book is in the final editing stage, and I hope to have the PDF version available for sale within a week or two. The iTunes version will take at least a few weeks more, because it has to be converted by an outside company. I’ll be posting updates on this site as the book comes out in various formats.


  146. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Book is Being Released for Kindle, iBookstore, and Nook | White Knight Press

  147. Stuart

    How would you recommend purchase of the PDF version of the book for someone that refuses to use PayPal (due to trust/reputation issues, including past experiences)?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — When you click on the link to go to the purchasing page for the PDF, you will have the option of using PayPal, a credit card, a check, or a money order. These transactions are handled by a company called FastSpring, which has been very reliable in my experience, and I don’t believe you should have any problems with the transaction. If you do, please let me know and I will look for other options. Thanks.

  148. Stuart

    How would you recommend purchase of the PDF version of the book for someone that refuses to use PayPal (due to trust/reputation issues, including past experiences)?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — When you click on the link to go to the purchasing page for the PDF, you will have the option of using PayPal, a credit card, a check, or a money order. These transactions are handled by a company called FastSpring, which has been very reliable in my experience, and I don’t believe you should have any problems with the transaction. If you do, please let me know and I will look for other options. Thanks.

  149. Justin Mackenzie

    I have just acquired the Photographer’s Guide to the Panasonic Lumix lx5 and note the observation about a dangling lens cap being a nuisance for some people. There is a brilliant product which addresses this issue but which amazingly no one seems to have thought of before. I have one but also have kept the lens cap string attached to avoid the risk of dropping the cap when removing it from the lens onto the holder. Go to:- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/293194835/camera-lens-cap-holder AND http://www.cameracapholder.com/ AND http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/lens-cap-strap-holder/

    Another useful tool for the lx3, lx5 and leica dlux series is the ClearViewer which is a diopter attachment which assists shooting in bright sunlight and is effectively equivalent to using a camera with an optical viewfinder. Go to:- http://www.clearviewer.com
    The inventor will also make a version to suit a different camera if requested. I have found the ClearViewer viewfinder absolutely invaluable.

  150. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Book is Now In Stock at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  151. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Now Available for Sale in PDF Version | White Knight Press

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Mr. Decock. The book is now listed as available through Amazon.com. It is not yet listed as “In Stock,” but you can order it there now, and they will ship it soon, probably within about one week. I believe the standard rate for shipping to Belgium is $3.99, but they also have faster shipping available. I’m providing a link to a page with Amazon’s shipping rates to Europe: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=hp_navbox_596184_ways?nodeId=596194. Please let me know if you need further information. Thanks. –Alex White

  152. Pingback: S100 Book: A photographer’s guide to the Canon S100

  153. Pingback: Fujifilm X100 Book Has Been Release as Apple iBook | White Knight Press

  154. Pingback: Paperback Edition of Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  155. Pingback: Fujifilm X100 Book is Now Available for Kindle and Nook | White Knight Press

    1. Alex White

      Hi — The paperback version of the book is only available from Amazon. I know that you can order now from Amazon.com and it will be shipped when available, probably about a week. I’m not sure about Amazon.ca.

  156. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Now In Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  157. Rik Stavale

    I’ve had my LX5 for a while and am fairly familiar with it. After reading the bits available at Amazon I may be interested in purchasing your book as a reference but am wondering if you plan on updating the book now that the V.2 firmware is available.


    – rik

  158. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Full-Color Guidebook to the Canon PowerShot S100 Digital Camera | Digital Camera Updates and Digital Camera Information

  159. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Full-Color Guidebook to the Canon PowerShot S100 Digital Camera | PMDA

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Nothing definite at this point. That is one camera that is being considered for the next book, but it would not come out until April at the earliest if it does become a reality.

      1. Pekka Matilainen

        See Fujifilm Talk Forum / dpreview.com and you will understand that there is definately a need & demand for such a book. Fujifilm has abandoned X10 users and even professionals do not agree how this camera works. Thanks for a comment, again. Pekka.

  160. Pingback: New Firmware Upgrade is Available for the Leica D-Lux 5 Camera | White Knight Press

  161. Pingback: New Firmware Upgrade is Available for the Leica D-Lux 5 Camera | White Knight Press

  162. Pingback: New Firmware Upgrade is Available for the Leica D-Lux 5 Camera | White Knight Press

  163. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  164. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Now Available for Kindle and Nook | White Knight Press

  165. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #125 | Nikon Rumors

  166. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #125 | Nikon Rumors

  167. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Listed on eBay with Reduced Shipping Cost | White Knight Press

  168. Pingback: Checking Out White Balance Settings with the Fujifilm FinePix X100 Camera | White Knight Press

  169. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Motion Blur Examples | White Knight Press

  170. Pingback: Fujifilm FinePix X100 Focus Stacking Example Photos | White Knight Press

  171. Pingback: Super Slow Motion Video With Canon PowerShot S100 Camera | White Knight Press

  172. Lisa

    Hi there. I recently got your book…still need to read it, but will very soon. I did however rummage through it because Im looking to buy a tripod for the LX5 on Amazon tonight. I didnt see any references in the book about tripods. Do you have a preference? I’ve read online…because of the light weight of the camera, you have to be carefull buying a light tripod. Any suggestions? I saw that you had a photo of your camera on something with the camera using a telescope lens.

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I haven’t yet discussed particular tripods in any of my books, partly because there are so many options and so many variables to consider, such as whether you will be traveling with it, whether you will be using it with other cameras, using it for macro shooting, video, etc. I have several tripods; my favorites are by Manfrotto, which are somewhat expensive but of excellent quality. Most recently, I purchased a Manfrotto 055XPROB, which I like a great deal; you also need to purchase a head to go with it, and there are various options depending on your preferences. I ended up getting a joystick head, 327rc2, which also is expensive, but has proved to be excellent. But I also have some very inexpensive tripods from Sunpak that work quite well. Reading the customer reviews at Amazon and at B&H Photo-Video can be very helpful. Good luck with your tripod search!


  173. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S100 Book is Now Available in the iBookstore | White Knight Press

  174. Eimille

    Hi Mr White! I got LX5 from Christmas. And I really wanna learn how to use the other features of the camera instead of just using Ai. So I am curious if your book would tell me how to use (step-by-step) the other features before purchasing it? I’ve been looking for a tutorial online and YouTube but so far I haven’t seen any good tutorial for the camera. Hope you could help me. Thank you!

    1. Alex White

      Yes, the book is intended to give step-by-step directions for using many of the camera’s features. I can’t say that it tells you all of the steps for using every feature, but it does at least discuss them all. I think it will give you the information and guidance you need.

      1. Eimille

        Thank you for taking the time reading my comment! Yes I just bought your book for my iPad and it is loading now! Can’t wait to read it! I will update you. Thanks again!

  175. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Canon PowerShot S100 is Now In Stock at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  176. Pingback: Last call for competition entries!

  177. Pingback: Installing Lens Adapter on Panasonic LX5 and Leica D-Lux 5 | White Knight Press

  178. Pingback: Installing Lens Adapter on Panasonic LX5 and Leica D-Lux 5 | White Knight Press

  179. Pingback: Installing Lens Adapter on Panasonic LX5 and Leica D-Lux 5 | White Knight Press

  180. Pingback: Response to Review of Fujifilm X100 Book at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  181. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Camera’s High-Speed Video Modes | White Knight Press

  182. Pingback: Video Demonstration of Some Fujifilm X100 Accessories | White Knight Press

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Tony — The PDF for the S95 is available through this web site. If you go to the page for the S95 book, towards the bottom of the page there are links for purchasing the PDF through FastSpring, which is the company that handles the PDF sales. There also is a link to information about the ePub version of the book through the iTunes (iBooks) store.

  183. Richard Moore

    Mr. White,
    I recently purchased your book on the Nikon coolpix P500 in preparation of purchasing the camera but now see that the P510 is about to be released. I wonder exactly what changes were made especially on menu changes you thought might need to be improved and on the stabilization while using extreme telephoto?
    It might just be too soon for you to give me an answer but I plan on an extended Alaska trip in May and want to buy the 510 on release date in March or April.
    Many thanks
    Richard Moore

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Mr. Moore — I have read some of the news about the P510, but I don’t have any deep knowledge of the new camera; I do tentatively plan to do a book about it within the next few months, but right now I’m working on a book about another camera. I haven’t seen a P510 yet, so I don’t know what sorts of menu changes may have been made. You may want to check within the next few weeks to see if Nikon will post the user manual on its support web site. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

      –Alex White

  184. Dave

    I’m about to purchase this in either PDF or Kindle… I will be reading it primarily on the ipad. Which version would you suggest? Any significant differences?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I’m not sure which book you are planning to purchase. Most of them, though not all, are available for the iPad, in the ePub format. If you go to the information page for the title you want to purchase, it should have a link to the description of the book in the iTunes store. The PDF version will work quite well on the iPad also, but the ePub version is formatted to be better adapted for the iPad. There are no differences among the various versions other than the formatting.

  185. andy

    wondering if you are planning to write guide book on how to use fuji x pro 1 as i am planning to purchase fuji X pro 1 and i am a beginner and if you are planning the guide i would like to purchase , also interested in sony Nex series camera , it is hard to find guide book or training video on those camera , thanks

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Andy — No, at present I am finishing up a book on the Fujifilm X10 camera, but then I will be moving on to work on other brands. I wish I could cover more camera models, but each book takes a lot of time, and I can only do a few of the ones I would like to.


    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, I’m sorry, no plans for any Sony books in the near future. I have to finish up the book on the Fujifilm X10 and then start on another one, but no plans for a Sony camera guide at this time.

  186. Cheryl

    Thank you – I felt so silly not being able to figure this out. Glad to know I’m not the only one…

  187. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Fujifilm X10 is Now Available in a Downloadable PDF Version | White Knight Press

  188. Edu

    I just finished reading your excerpt. Thanks and great job. I hope you release the ePub version soon (I prefer ePub files to take notes and highlight text on the iPad).
    I’ll check often your site to know about the release date.
    Once again thanks a lot.

    PS: My X10 ys just 3 days old and I am a beginner in photography

    1. Alex White

      Thanks for your comment! I will try to get the ePub version done as soon as possible; I hope it can be done within about 4 weeks. Good luck with your X10! It is a great camera.


  189. Pingback: Anonymous

  190. Mike Paterson

    Thanks Alex,
    I am looking forward to the Book’s release but in the meantime the Pdf version will suffice.
    It would make a sound business opportunity by incentive if you had some form of discount for those who first purchase this Pdf version.
    When they then purchase the Book version a discount is in place.


    1. Alex White

      Hello, Mike — Yes, that is a good idea, though it could be difficult to implement, because the printed version will be available only through Amazon.com and other online retailers, and I can’t offer a discount when Amazon sells a book directly to a customer with no involvement on my part. But I will give some thought to how I could do something along these lines.


      1. Mike Paterson

        Most welcoming Alex.
        I have not purchased the Pdf version as of yet, although fully intend to do so but one ‘possible’ method would be to account all those who purchase the pdf version.
        If and when at a later date said person then purchases the Book, if they were to produce a sales receipt or some form of proof of purchase would it then be possible to offer a ‘part-return payment of the pdf purchase?

        This is only an idea. Obviously I have no knowledge of how your good self handles sales of the pdf version.

        Whatever method you may consider or try it is good enough to hear you are quite open and willing to consider said venture.


  191. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is at the Printer – Paperback and other e-Books Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  192. Rob

    Hi Alex,

    Does your book about the X10 include coverage functionality included in the firmware updates released by Fujfilm for the X10?

    And: thanks for writing this book; very excited about it !

    Thanks !

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Rob — Yes, it does discuss the update to firmware version 1.03, though it does not discuss every detail of that upgrade. The main point discussed about the upgrade is the change to the functioning of the RAW button.


  193. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Camera Image Settings - Sample Photos | White Knight Press

  194. Pingback: Fuji X10 Proof Approved - Paperback Version Available Soon | White Knight Press

  195. Mike Paterson

    I so much am looking forward to getting this book Alex.
    This is like waiting for Christmas to come.

  196. Robenroute

    Excellent comparison series (although the very first image is a bit unsharp…). Assuming the series was taken under identical lighting conditions, ISO settings, shutter speed, etc., it offers a useful way of choosing your favourite settings.

    Now, back to the PDF page to buy the X10 guide! Thanks Alex.

    Enjoy your weekend,

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Rob — Thanks for your comments. Yes, all of the settings were constant except for the one setting that was changed for each shot. I hope you enjoy the book!


      1. Robenroute

        Just wanted to let you know I´m enjoying your book; I’ve already put some of your advice to good use. Knowing a tool properly increases the joy of using it (and the results will be more enjoyable).

  197. Bill Kellett

    GREAT NEWS!!! Alex White himself contacted me within minutes and rectified a computer glitch. I have recieved the download… and I gotta tell ya… it’s the best ten bucks i;ve spent in a long time! Thank you White Knight press and thank you Alex, you’ve earned a fan… customer service isn’t dead as long as Alex is on the scene. thank you, bill

  198. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is Now Listed for Sale at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  199. John Wells-Deamer

    I am going through agonies here. After a long search for a small portable camera that has seriously considered and designed features to satisfy serious photography, I found the X10, read the excellent review in Black and White Photographer, and read the really enthusiastic comments on the camera by Tim Clinch, a long time experienced professional photographer Now, my dear generous wife has purchased the Fuji X10 for me, as a present for my forhticoming birthday in May. But, I am not allowed the camera until 13th. of that month! and further, I’ve stumbled across your forthcoming excellent book on the X10, but it is not out yet! Is there any possibility that it will be outbefore that date? If not by then, can you give me some idea of whents being might be available?

    Yours sincerely,

    John Wells-deamer

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Actually, the book is available now through this site in PDF format, and, as of today, it is listed as available for sale through Amazon.com in the US. It’s not “in stock” yet at Amazon, but it’s a print-on-demand book, and the printer will start printing and shipping paperback copies as soon as orders start coming in to Amazon. So, you can order it now and it should ship to you within about a week or possibly a bit longer. Here is a link to the book’s product page at Amazon.com.


      1. Mike Paterson

        Just checked the UK Amazon site Alex, nothing mentioned as of yet.
        The X100 is there but not the X10.
        I’ll keep checking and let you know if it pops up.


        1. Alex White

          Hi, Jerry — Yes, those will be priced at $9.99 each. They will be sold through the iBookstore, Nook store, and Kindle store, not from my site. I’m still hoping the Kindle and Nook versions will be available by about April 26, or maybe a few days after that. The Apple version won’t be available as soon, because it goes through a longer acceptance process, at least that’s what has happened in the past. I’ll post more information as it becomes available.


  200. Jerry

    Hi, do you have pricing information on the upcoming EPub and Mobi versions yet? Looking forward to them.


  201. Chris Rusbridge

    After reading about this book, I decided it would really help me get more from my wonderful X10, and that it would be better to get it in paper so that I can study it more. However, I’ve found that it is not listed on Amazon.co.uk (although they do have your X100 book), and if I want to buy it from Amazon.com I have to pay a delivery premium of almost as much as the PDF cost even for the slowest delivery means (up to 35 days).

    Is there any chance of pressing your provider to list it on more international Amazon sites (especially the UK)? I don’t want to buy the PDF first and then have to pay again to buy the print…

    1. Alex White

      Hello — I certainly understand your concern. As for the speed of the listings on Amazon.co.uk and other non-US sites, I can’t do anything to speed it up; the book will show up there in the fairly near future, and I probably will list some copies there as a third-party seller, which can help with keeping them in stock. What I can do, though, is refund the cost of the PDF if you purchase it now and then later purchase the paperback once it starts showing up at the various Amazon sites. Just forward to contact@whiteknightpress.com the confirmation e-mail message from Amazon and ask for the refund of the PDF purchase price, and I will issue a refund. Or, if you prefer, you can purchase the hard copy from Amazon first, and then I will send you a code to let you purchase the PDF at no cost. I hope this will help.

  202. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is Now In Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  203. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Face Detection Demonstration in Movie Mode | White Knight Press

  204. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Full-Color Guidebook to the Fujifilm X10 Digital Camera | #TeamWeChangeLives

  205. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Full-Color Guidebook to the Fujifilm X10 Digital Camera | PMDA

  206. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  207. Pingback: Update on Availability of Fuji X10 Book at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  208. Pingback: The Problem with White Discs or Orbs with the Fujfilm X10 Appears to be Fixed | White Knight Press

  209. Ricardo

    Please HELP installing adaptor tube to leica dlux5. Saw you video but I ca´t figure it out for the DLUX5.
    Thank you!!

    1. Alex White

      Hi — I don’t have a D-Lux 5 anymore, so I can’t demonstrate, but there is really no difference in how it works on that camera. Sometimes the front ring on the lens is on too tight, and it may need a strong twisting action to get it loose, but there is no physical difference between the two cameras in how the lens adapter is installed.

  210. Pingback: Fujfilm X10 Book is Now Available for Barnes & Noble Nook | White Knight Press

  211. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is Available from Barnes & Noble Online | White Knight Press

  212. Pingback: Fujfilm X10 Book is Now Available for Kindle at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  213. Alan Buckbee

    Will you be publishing a book on the Nikon P510? If so when will it be available. Thanks,

    1. Alex White

      Hi — Actually, that is one of the cameras I’m considering for the next book, but no decision has been made as yet. If I do that one, it would probably be available by June or early July.

  214. Alan Buckbee

    Please do write a book on the Nikon P510. This camera is proving to be very popular with wildlife photographers due to its 1000mm equiv. 35mm lens. I am using it despite a couple of shortcomings (coming from an 35mm film/DLSR background). Nikon will sell many of these units!

  215. John B. Ceccherelli

    Purchased printed copy from Barnes & Noble two weeks ago. Do I understand I can also obtain the iPad version at reduced or no cost? Would love it.

    I have finished my first full read-thru, and find that my X10 manual NOW makes sense! In fact, since I have the printed manual and the PC version, I find they compliment each other, making available help at almost any location.

    There are very few suggestions I can offer for your next edition . . . mostly with improving the Index for better use by non-insiders (as I originally found with the Encyclopaedia Britannica).

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Alex White

      Hello, John — Thanks for the comments. Yes, if you have purchased the printed edition I will be happy to send you the electronic version for iPad at no cost. I will send the file to your e-mail address. If you don’t receive it soon, let me know.


  216. Pingback: Fujifilm X10 Book is Now Available for Purchase in the iBookstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch | White Knight Press

  217. Robin Tan

    Any chance you will be working on Lumix GX1? Enjoyed your guidebook on the LX3, looking forward to more helpful pointers if you happen to work on the GX1

    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, I won’t be working on that model; I wish I had time to do books about more of the great cameras that are out there! I do plan to write about a successor to the LX5, if and when one is announced.


  218. Pingback: Black and White Edition of Fujifilm X10 Book is Now Available for $14.95 | White Knight Press

  219. Tom Thacker

    Your explanations are excellent and give a detailed insite to this complex camera, going way beyond the basic features in the instruction book. It wouldn’t be possible to establish the operation of the various auto settings and built in camera functions from the supplied manual. Having said that I have one problem with the cameras default settings in these auto settings e.g. the EXR and advanced programmes for. The camera seems obsessed in selecting an aperture of either f2.2, and F2.8 even when a landscape scene is being taken and with no programme shift available. I would require an aperture of at least f8/f11 to give me a reasonable depth of field for this type of work so makes these wonderful built in features useless for me. Am I misunderstanding something?
    regards Tom Thacker

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Tom — I don’t really have a very good response for your question, partly because it’s hard (for me, anyway) to understand exactly what’s going on with a particular situation without actually seeing the camera in action in that situation. I guess the camera’s programming may believe that a wide aperture is necessary for some reason involving contrast or dynamic range or something of that sort. And, if these are landscape scenes, with focus at infinity, depth of field should not be a big concern, I would think. Of course, if you have subjects in the foreground that need to be in focus at the same time as the background, I can see more of an issue. In my experience, a very good way to get feedback on questions like yours is to post the question at dpreview.com, in the Fujifilm Talk forum. Someone there may be aware of a technical oddity of the camera that can explain what is going on.

      Best of luck with your photography!


      1. Tom Thacker

        Hi Alex
        Thanks for your reply obviously you appreciate the problem but like me can’t understand why the Z10 does this. I will try the email address you sent me see if they have any answers.
        If I get any constructive response I will post it on this site in case it is useful to anyone else.

        Happy snapping


  220. Joan Drobnis

    I have just purchased the Nikon Coolpix P510. Should I buy your P500 book or will you be updating it for the P510?

  221. Randy

    Hello Alex – I doubt I’m the first person to notice this but in the .pdf version of the X10 guide, the header on pages 82 & 84 says Guide to the Canon S100. It’s a great book; very helpful.

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Randy — Thanks very much. I did have a problem with some of those headers earlier, and I thought I had fixed them all. I will fix these now! If you still have a valid download link, you should be able to get the corrected version within about an hour or so. If you don’t have that link, let me know and I get the corrected file to you.


      1. Randy

        Thanks, Alex – I probably have the link somewhere but I just thought I’d point it out. One other thing, that I didn’t see in your book or in the X10 manual; I’m pretty sure that if you want to lock focus (but not exposure) you can do this the old-fashioned way, by just partially depressing the shutter release. In other words, it isn’t necessary to press the AE/AF button.

  222. Jon Jewett

    Are you considering a guide to the Leica V-Lux 40? Also, have you published a comparison of the various cameras you have written about?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — No, I’m probably not going to be covering the V-Lux 40 — there are too many good cameras to write about all the ones I would like to! And no, I haven’t written any comparison.

      –Alex White

    1. Alex White

      I can try to help, but this question does not provide enough information for me to know what the problem is. If you want to state the problem in another language, I can get it translated through Google.

  223. tanuja

    Dear Sir,

    I got it photos. Some photos are not opend because pandora software are some photos are not open. full fill not downloading sir, any other software is there?

    1. Alex White

      Yes, there are many photo-recovery programs, but I have never had to use any of them. I did a Google search and found a few that were recommended: pcinspector.de, datarescue.com, photo-recovery-software.com. Again, I have no personal experience with these programs, but they may be worth a try. I wish you good luck in recovering your images.

  224. Randy

    Hi Alex – I’ve just finished reading the book and thank you for being so thorough (even stereo and infrared!) The one thing I’m not 100% clear on–and I wish someone would do a simple table–is which of the X10’s settings affect raw files. For example, even with the X10 set raw-only, multiple DR options are available. Best, Randy

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Randy — That’s a good question that is hard to answer simply, because of the complications from the way the EXR sensor in the X10 works. I am not an expert in this area, so I won’t try to offer a technical explanation. Certainly, there are some settings, such as white balance and exposure, that can be adjusted after the fact in RAW processing software. A setting such as ISO cannot be adjusted after the fact. Other settings, such as Dynamic Range, have effects that are not as easy to describe simply. The discussions on the online forums, such as dpreview.com, go into great detail in discussing the ways that the X10’s RAW files interact with the EXR sensor and with various RAW=processing software, such as Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw, and SilkyPix. Here are links to some of those discussions: http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1012&message=41014330 http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1012&message=40999888 http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1012&message=40872306&changemode=1. Again, I wish I had a simple answer or chart to offer, but I don’t believe it is possible to produce one, given the way the X10 works.


  225. Jacob Reinholdt

    Hi Alex
    I am the owner of a X10 and I could really use a guide to the camera. How is your work going?

  226. Bruce

    Will you be updating the book on the p500 to include changes in the p510 camera? Or does the book on the p500 cover all of the menu items identically to the p510?

  227. Bruce

    Will you be updating the book on the p500 to include changes in the p510 camera? Or does the book on the p500 cover all of the menu items identically to the p510?

  228. Thina

    Advice please. Im considering purchasing lx5. In terms of shutter speed. Can it shoot burst of images for action and sports or is it a just a point and shoot camera?

    1. Alex White

      Hi — The LX5 has a Burst mode that lets it shoot limited sequences of rapid shots, and it also has a Sports scene mode, with which it tries to use a fast shutter speed. It certainly will not match a DSLR camera in terms of speed for action shots, but it is quite reasonably capable in this area. It’s really a fine all-around camera for action and other shots.

  229. Kenneth Williams

    I would like to purchase the PDF version of the full colour Guide to the Fuji x10. How do I go about this?


  230. Trevor Woodford

    Hi Alex.
    I took delivery of your book regarding the Fuji X10 yesterday and I have not been able to put it down.Your wonderful steady and descriptive writing style is helping to make the intricacies of the camera so much easier to understand.
    Thank you.

    1. Alex White

      Hi,Trevor — I’m glad you’re finding the book useful. I really appreciate your taking the time to post a comment. You just made my day!


  231. Josh Brookes

    How you notify everyone that the book for the Nikon Coolpix p510 will be completed and available for purchase?


    1. Alex White

      Hi, Josh — I will be posting information about the release here at whiteknightpress.com. Also, I will make a note to send you a message when the book is available. Anyone else who wants to be notified can leave a message through the Contact form here, and I will send them a message when the book is released. Thanks.

      –Alex White

  232. Pingback: super Handbuch zur X10!

  233. Mike

    I’m also interested. I bought the P510 recently with little knowledge of photography beyond the auto settings of a typical point-and-shoot. Will the differences in the P510 be substantial enough to warrant waiting rather than buying the P500 book? I’m anxious to get started and other than lens size and CMOS sensor size, wonder what the differences are between the P510 and P500.


  234. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P510 is Now Available in PDF Version | White Knight Press

  235. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P510 is Now Available in PDF Version | White Knight Press

  236. Jack Tors

    Hello there — I too have been working with the slow-motion feature on the S100 but with similarly mixed results. I have tried the reset the camera to factory settings, though I still appear to have an issue with the focus while shooting in slow motion. It is a strange phenomena that when I have the camera in slow motion, before even shooting, a subject can be perfectly in focus, but when I start to record, the subject quickly becomes blurred and goes out of focus. Is this what you are finding as well?

    Thanks for any feedback — your book looks like a good investment!


    1. Alex White

      Hello, JT — I do recall having issues like that with the S100, though I have to confess I have not made any further attempts since I posted those samples on the site, and I have since sold my S100, so I can’t do any more experiments. I think the S100 is a great camera, but I suppose it’s difficult for Canon to get all of its many features such as slow-motion video and autofocus to work together in all situations. Best of luck as you continue on with it!

      –Alex White

  237. Patrick S

    I have just bought the paperback version. I’m sure I read somewhere that a coloured version of the illustrations is available for downloading. Can you give me a reference, please? Many thanks.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — Yes, if you purchase the black-and-white paperback edition of the X10 book, I will be happy to send you a link for downloading the full-color PDF version. I will go ahead and send that to your e-mail address. Thanks.

  238. Anthony Mangione

    Hello Alex,

    I received my color copy of the Fujifilm X10 guide book. Great book! I ordered it via Amazon (Order #: 002-7867987-4258617).

    If possible, would I be able to download a PDF version?

    Thank you,

  239. Pingback: Sample Telephoto, Monochrome, and Other Images - Nikon P510 | White Knight Press

  240. Pingback: Sample Telephoto, Monochrome, and Other Images - Nikon P510 | White Knight Press

  241. Sally Scott

    I am seriously contemplating buying the above camera. Please can you tell me if the printed version of the book is yet available? If not, when will it be available and where can one purchase it?

    Many thanks.

    Sally Scott

    1. Alex White

      Hello — The book has gone to the printer, and I expect to receive the proof copy today. If it looks okay, it will be approved today and should start showing up for sale at Amazon.com later this week, probably by Thursday or Friday. I will be posting more information as the book becomes available through various channels.

    2. Sharon

      I recently bought this camera and love it. I have a Nikon D80, but it is very heavy and then you have to lug around the extra lenses. Not so with this camera. Although it doesn’t fit in your pocket, it is lightweight and is an absolute miracle with that 42x lens. I took it to the mountains recently and had a great time with it. I would suggest buying the extra charger and battery because it seemed to discharge faster than my other Nikons, but it is a new camera for me and maybe I was just not doing something right. I did buy the car charger and extra batteries, though. Buy it and have a lot of fun. I think this will be the camera I use on a regular basis.

      1. Alex White

        Hello — I can’t give a really definite answer, because I have never seen an L810 and don’t know about all of its features. I took a look at its description, and I see that it came out at about the same time as the P510 and has a strong zoom lens also, so there probably is a good deal in common between the cameras. There is a good chance that quite a few of the menu options are the same or similar. If you already have the camera, you might want to take a look at the Table of Contents for the P510 book and see if it covers many of the topics you would need for your camera.

  242. Sally Scott

    I am seriously contemplating buying the above camera. Please can you tell me if the printed version of the book is yet available? If not, when will it be available and where can one purchase it?

    Many thanks.

    Sally Scott

    1. Alex White

      Hello — The book has gone to the printer, and I expect to receive the proof copy today. If it looks okay, it will be approved today and should start showing up for sale at Amazon.com later this week, probably by Thursday or Friday. I will be posting more information as the book becomes available through various channels.

    2. Sharon

      I recently bought this camera and love it. I have a Nikon D80, but it is very heavy and then you have to lug around the extra lenses. Not so with this camera. Although it doesn’t fit in your pocket, it is lightweight and is an absolute miracle with that 42x lens. I took it to the mountains recently and had a great time with it. I would suggest buying the extra charger and battery because it seemed to discharge faster than my other Nikons, but it is a new camera for me and maybe I was just not doing something right. I did buy the car charger and extra batteries, though. Buy it and have a lot of fun. I think this will be the camera I use on a regular basis.

      1. Alex White

        Hello — I can’t give a really definite answer, because I have never seen an L810 and don’t know about all of its features. I took a look at its description, and I see that it came out at about the same time as the P510 and has a strong zoom lens also, so there probably is a good deal in common between the cameras. There is a good chance that quite a few of the menu options are the same or similar. If you already have the camera, you might want to take a look at the Table of Contents for the P510 book and see if it covers many of the topics you would need for your camera.

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Sharon — I certainly agree! The P510 is really a great all-around camera when you want to have just one, lightweight camera with a terrifically versatile lens and set of features. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


    1. Alex White

      Hi, Sharon — I certainly agree! The P510 is really a great all-around camera when you want to have just one, lightweight camera with a terrifically versatile lens and set of features. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


  243. Maria Telegdy

    I just purchased the P510 last month and came with the printed book. It is an amazing camera. I have a Minolta Dimage, a Lumix FZ40 and now the Nikon P510. Each camera is used for many different resons but the Nikon sure is my favorite for now. Buy with confidence.

  244. Maria Telegdy

    I just purchased the P510 last month and came with the printed book. It is an amazing camera. I have a Minolta Dimage, a Lumix FZ40 and now the Nikon P510. Each camera is used for many different resons but the Nikon sure is my favorite for now. Buy with confidence.

  245. Maria Telegdy

    I can’t help but smile each and every time, I read a positive comment on the P510. I researched and researched and read up on different cameras and after several months of comparing I decided to buy the P510. I’m more than amazed with all the functions and yes I do love the telephoto. I do a lot of wildlife, travel and landscape photos and this camera is the best for the above photographic needs.

  246. Bill Hails

    I ordered the book from Amazon today (21 July) but they could not give me a shipping date. They will let me know.

    1. Alex White

      Okay — Thanks for the information. I guess when they first start selling the book they have to wait to see how long it will take for the printer to supply the book.

  247. Pingback: New Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Helps Users Cut Through Complications and Get Great Results with This Multi-Featured Superzoom Compact | PMDA

  248. Pingback: New Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Helps Users Cut Through Complications and Get Great Results with This Multi-Featured Superzoom Compact | PMDA

  249. Pedro

    Your books seem very useful and interesting. I wanted to ask if you plan to make a book about the panasonic fz150.

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Pedro — No, I plan to do a book about the Panasonic Lumix LX7, which was recently announced. I would like to cover the FZ150, but there are too many cameras and only one of me!


    1. Alex White

      Yes, it takes a bit longer for the book to start showing up at Amazon.co.uk, but it should be available there within the next week or so. I will post an announcement at this site when that happens.

  250. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P510 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  251. Pingback: Nikon Coolpix P510 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  252. Bruce


    I purchased a Nikon p510 and could not understand the Nikon manual description on how to use the gps function, nor where the data is stored, or how to retrieve it. I also wonder if the data is compatible with any gis maping software. Would appreciate your thoughts.


    1. Alex White

      Hello, Bruce — I don’t know all that much about GPS, but, with the P510, you can get the mapping information with the Nikon View NX software that comes with the camera, and I would guess you can use the mapping information with other mapping software, though I have not tried any other programs. You can get the GPS coordinates from the camera by pressing the Fn button in playback mode, for an image that was recorded with the GPS functions turned on.


  253. Pingback: New Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Helps Users Cut Through Complications and Get Great Results with This Multi-Featured Superzoom Compact | camerareviewer.co.uk

  254. Pingback: New Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Helps Users Cut Through Complications and Get Great Results with This Multi-Featured Superzoom Compact | camerareviewer.co.uk

  255. Pingback: Note on Availability of Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Guide Book | White Knight Press

  256. Pingback: Note on Availability of Nikon Coolpix P510 Camera Guide Book | White Knight Press

  257. Ernie Slubik

    Hello! I have just received your book on the X-10, ordered through Barnes and Noble. I must say, it looks likes a much better read than the Fuji instruction manual, and I look forward to gaining more insights on this wonderful product.
    Do you still have available a pdf of this book for purchasers of the colour paperback? Just wondering, as it would be a great addition on my iPad for travelling.
    Thanks very much for your service!

  258. Joerg Schneider

    In your interesting X10-book you describe the use of the Eye-fi X2 pro card.
    I use this card too since the very beginning and after a lot of damaged pictures and card errors Eye-fi first changed my card into a new one and then started to spread new (inofficial) firmware versions with adapted wifi settings and behavior.
    But even if the X2 pro works fine in most cases, it seems to have problems with undervoltage under some circumstances while writing to the card.
    So if you really want to do a serious photo job, you should avoid the Eye-Fi-card in a X10.

    I got sometimes incomplete pictures which could’nt read by the X10 afterwards and lead to the problem that you can’t view other (older) pictures that are not involved.
    There you have to shot a new picture and wether to scroll backwards while using the out zoomed view or to scroll forward form the beginning.

    So be careful to use the X2 pro as daily card, even if it is very handy 😉

    1. Alex White

      Hi — That is a very interesting comment, and I hope it will be of use to other readers. I don’t use the Eye-Fi card all that often, so I have not encountered these issues, but it sounds like something to watch out for.

  259. Michael Glynn

    Great news Alex !!! Thanks
    Any chance you could e-mail me when it’s available for the Rx100?
    PS bought your book for my Fuji x10 in both e-book format for my iPad & iPhone as well as the soft cover version. It has been a GREAT help and reference.
    Mike Glynn

  260. Pingback: Kindle Version of Guidebook to Nikon Coolpix P510 Released | White Knight Press

  261. Pingback: Kindle Version of Guidebook to Nikon Coolpix P510 Released | White Knight Press

  262. John B. Ceccherelli

    I have received both your printed and e-book versions of your Guide to the X10. My thanks.
    The X10 is my choice to obtain the closest digital camera to those I’ve loved since I got my first at age 13. I’ve used and collected many since then to my current age 83.
    Looking for a small totable unit with a fast lens (mine had mostly f2.0 fixed normal lens, direct view/rangefinders, etc.). I bought and discarded the Nikon 7100 (bad viewfinder), and the Lumix G-3 (too bulky, lens too slow, tho viewfinder good), before settling on the X10 . . . which had the worst Manual I ever saw.
    Your Guide was 10 times what the Fuji Manual should have been. I have read it cover-to-cover twice, and dip into it any number of times a day. It’s opened new worlds of possibilities to my photography. And I have followed many of your suggestions and sources for accessories.
    Thanks again for providing it . . . altho I’ve had to become a student again!
    PS: I may have suggestions for your next edition, which I will forward as they occur.

  263. Pingback: Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 Has Been Released | White Knight Press

  264. Pingback: Paperback Version of Sony RX100 Book is Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  265. Pingback: Proof Copy of Sony RX100 Paperback Book Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  266. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book Is Now Available for Ordering at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  267. Pingback: White Knight Press Now Has Some Sony RX100 Books in Stock | White Knight Press

  268. Pingback: Update on Availability of Sony RX100 Book | White Knight Press

  269. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Now Available at Amazon.co.uk | White Knight Press

  270. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Now In Stock at Amazon.com for Quick Shipment | White Knight Press

  271. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Now Available for Kindle | White Knight Press

  272. Pingback: Multiple Download Versions of Camera Guide Books are Now Offered for Purchase | White Knight Press

  273. Pingback: Availability of Sony DSC-RX100 Book | White Knight Press

  274. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Available at Discount from Barnes & Noble Online | White Knight Press

  275. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Available Again for Ordering from Amazon | White Knight Press

  276. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book is Now Available in PDF Version | White Knight Press

  277. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book is Coming Soon in Paperback Version | White Knight Press

  278. Pingback: Paperback Version of Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book is Now in Print | White Knight Press

  279. Pingback: Paperback Version of Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book is Now Available for Ordering at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  280. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book is Now in Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  281. Pingback: Panasonic Lumix LX7 Book Now Available for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  282. Pingback: Anonymous

  283. Pingback: New Book on Leica D-Lux 6 Has Been Released in PDF Version | White Knight Press

  284. Pingback: Proof Copy of Guide to Leica D-Lux 6 Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  285. Pingback: Proof Copy of Guide to Leica D-Lux 6 Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  286. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 6 Book Available in Formats for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  287. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 6 Book Available in Formats for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  288. Pingback: Note on Availability of Paperback Version of Sony RX100 Book | White Knight Press

  289. Pingback: Sony RX100 Book is Back in Stock at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  290. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 6 Book is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  291. Pingback: Leica D-Lux 6 Book is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  292. Pingback: The Attention-Arresting Possibilities Of 3D Advertising | PinayMediaPlanner.com

  293. Pingback: Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  294. Pingback: Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  295. Pingback: Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  296. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon Rumors

  297. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon Rumors

  298. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon Rumors

  299. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon D7100 Review | Nikon d7100 amazon

  300. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon D7100 Review | Nikon d7100 amazon

  301. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | Nikon D7100 Review | Nikon d7100 amazon

  302. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | PhotoZ Press

  303. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | PhotoZ Press

  304. Pingback: Weekly Nikon news flash #212 | PhotoZ Press

  305. Pingback: Coolpix P520 Book Available in Versions for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  306. Pingback: Coolpix P520 Book Available in Versions for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  307. Pingback: Coolpix P520 Book Available in Versions for Kindle and iPad | White Knight Press

  308. Pingback: Paperback Edition of Nikon Coolpix P520 is Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  309. Pingback: Paperback Edition of Nikon Coolpix P520 is Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  310. Pingback: Paperback Edition of Nikon Coolpix P520 is Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  311. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  312. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  313. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  314. Pingback: Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 is Now Available in Paperback Edition | White Knight Press

  315. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras - mCommerce News

  316. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras - mCommerce News

  317. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras - mCommerce News

  318. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras | PMDA

  319. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras | PMDA

  320. Pingback: Newly Published Paperback Guide Book to Nikon Coolpix P520 from White Knight Press Fills Continuing Demand for Printed Information by Users of Advanced Compact Cameras | PMDA

  321. Pingback: Digiscoping with the Sony DSC-RX100 Camera | White Knight Press

  322. Pingback: New Guide Book to Canon PowerShot S110 is Available as a PDF | White Knight Press

  323. Pingback: New Guide Book to Canon PowerShot S110 is Available as a PDF | White Knight Press

  324. greatfacesphotography

    Mr. White, great book on the Sony DSC RX100, could not use the camera without iit! Could not find info on places for repair; my camera will fire 3 consecutive shots, but will not change the f stops (bracker) as promised. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks for the book and assistance.
    Neil Willey

  325. Philip elkus

    Mr. White, Your book on Sony RX 100 was most helpful. One problem I have with it is unexpected low battery warning. Is there an icon showing the battery level? I could not find it. Thanks.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — The battery icon is located in the upper right corner of the display screen in shooting mode. It looks like a battery with several segments that are white to indicate a positive amount of battery life and that turn black as the battery runs down. You can see an example in Figure 2-9 on page 39. You may have to press the Display button one or more times to display the screen that shows this icon.

  326. Andrew Lowery

    I noticed that the official Panasonic manual for the LX7 is incomplete for cropping. Page 176 of the PDF introduces cropping, then skips vital steps before moving on to how to complete the cropping. I plan to purchase the White LX7 Manual.

  327. Pingback: Paperback Version of Canon PowerShot S110 Book Coming Soon | White Knight Press

  328. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S110 Book Now Available for Kindle at Amazon | White Knight Press

  329. Pingback: Paperback Proof of Canon PowerShot S110 Book Has Been Approved | White Knight Press

  330. Daphne Day

    Re the NikonP520 Manual – I have this manual in A5 version and it is very difficult to read such small print. Is this Version in A4 size?

    1. Alex White

      Hello — I’m not sure what versions you are referring to. The book for sale through the whiteknightpress.com web site is different from the official Nikon manual; this is a book that discusses the features of the camera and provides examples, etc. The paperback version of the book is available in only one size, which is probably close to A5 in size. If you purchase the downloadable versions (PDF, ePub, and Kindle), you can view them in larger sizes or, with the PDF, you can print it out on A4 or larger sizes. If this doesn’t answer your question, let me know and I’ll try to help.

      –Alex White

  331. Pingback: Canon PowerShot S110 Book Available in Paperback at Amazon | White Knight Press

  332. Frank H

    I love this camera (just bought it not long ago) and thanks to your user friendly tips, I should be able to use it for more than just a standard picture soon. Very informative and much appreciated!

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Frank — Thanks for your positive comments! The Coolpix P510 is a great camera — very versatile and excellent for many types of photography. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

  333. Martha

    Thank you! I have been wIting for this book. I have used the S95 book many times and now my hubby is reading it as he has the 95 now. Thanks also for the downloadable copies too!

  334. Pingback: Using the Panasonic Lumix LX7 for Water Drop Photography | White Knight Press

      1. Richard Arnold

        Any estimate on when the RX100 II book will be available? Would love to have it soon as many have purchased the Ii.

        1. Alex White

          Hello, that would be great if I had time, but I already have other books scheduled at this point, so that one unfortunately won’t be possible. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

  335. Martha

    Alex, question. I have iphone and ipad. When I order the downloadable files, can I put it on both devices? Ipad for reading at home, iphone for travel and field work. I just ordered the S110 book and am anticipating its arrival. Some of the new features I am not so sure about and appreciate your knowledge. I passed the S95 to hubby.

    Thank you for all your efforts. I pass on your name to folks buying new cameras as a great reference. Keep playing and keep your shutter finger exercised and in good shape!

    1. James Roe

      If I purchase a hard copy do I get the pdf for free or must it be purchased separately. I like hard copy books but want the info now. Thank you.

  336. Corrie White

    Thank you so much for including the link to my book and the comment on my ebook gallery. It is much appreciated and I’m glad you were able to benefit from the information in the book. Your work is coming along excellently in this field. It is a great hobby.

  337. Erik

    Why was the stop shot apparatus necessary? Since you manually triggered the RX100, coudn’t the RX100 flash trigger the speedlte?

    1. Alex White

      Yes, the RX100 flash could trigger the speedlight, but I wouldn’t be able to press the shutter at the right time. I guess with many tries I might be able to capture the image at the right instant, but I imagine it would be a very frustrating experience. Also, it wouldn’t be a great idea for me to be located downrange of the gun, even though it’s just firing a BB. Also, as I think about it, I think there would be too much delay from pressing the shutter and waiting for one flash to trigger the other.

  338. Erik

    Not bad, but, to what end? What equivalent focal length was achieved? Seems like better results could be obtained with a DSLR and zoom for similar costs – and end up with a more versatile system.

    1. Alex White

      You are exactly right. If you are setting out to capture good shots of wildlife, I would not recommend using the RX100 with a spotting scope. My focus was on this particular model of camera and showing one of various ways in which it can be used. If you have an RX100 and a spotting scope, you can use them together, if you want to. That was all I was trying to show.

  339. Jen

    Hello Alex. I enjoyed your book on the lovely LX3. Tempted as I am by upgrading to the LX7, I am going to give the RX100 ii a go. Do you have an eta on when the RX100 ii guide will be available for download?

    1. Alex White

      I’m aiming for late September or early October at the latest. It’s in the editing stage now, and I’m making good progress. I’ll be posting further updates in the near future.

      –Alex White

  340. Pingback: New Guide Book for Canon PowerShot S110 Provides the Extra Information Boost Needed by Users of This Advanced Compact Camera | Best Digitals Cameras

  341. Jonathan Meyers

    Very pleased to know you are doing a DSC-RX100 MK2 version. I thought your Powershot S100 book was really excellent, and I just gave away that camera and bought the new Sony. Consequently, I need your insights to make the most of my new camera!

      1. Roger Ellis

        That is a real pity !
        Could you be persuaded or is the volume of sales not sufficient?
        Perhaps you could produce a supplement to update the X100 guide where necessary?
        I would buy it !

  342. Jake

    Hi Alex,

    Are most options/controls/shooting strategies same/similar between rx 100 and rx 100 ii? I recently bought rx 100 ii. Would the current version of the book be useful / cover most options for rx 100 ii? Would buying this version of the book qualify for a free upgrade once the rx 100 ii comes out?


    1. Alex White

      Hello, Jen — I will be working on the RX100 II book as soon as my camera arrives, hopefully within a few days. I hope to have the book finished by late September if at all possible. I will be posting updates at this site.

      –Alex White
      White Knight Press

  343. James Cox

    Any chance of a guide to the Fuji X20? There is a big gap in the market for a book dedicated to this popular camera.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — As of now, I don’t have specific plans to do a book on the X20, though several people have asked about it, and I will look into the possibility after I finish a couple of other books that are planned. I don’t think it’s too likely, but I can’t completely rule it out. Sorry I can’t be more definite right now.

      –Alex White

      1. Rafael

        Dear Alex. About a year ago I purchased an X20 and your x10 guide. The x10 guide helped me quite a bit to figure out how to work most aspects of my camera. Hwere’s hoping you do write an x20 guide. I would surely buy it.

        1. Alex White

          Hello, Rafael — Thanks for your comment. At the moment I have a couple of other books planned, but I will keep the X20 under consideration for the future.

    1. Alex White

      I have not had experience with any other NFC-enabled camera, phone, or tablet. I imagine the process would be similar, but I unfortunately don’t have a definitive answer.

  344. Jen

    Thanks Alex, I think I’ll take you up on that RX100 purchase offer. After a long search, I have just managed to get my hands on a RX100 ii.

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Jake — The basic shooting functions are just about exactly the same, but the RX100 II adds some new options, including Wi-Fi capabilities; the hot shoe that takes external flash, electronic viewfinder, etc.; better low-light performance; tilting LCD; and some more minor changes. The existing book would be helpful for all of the basics, but of course it does not cover the new features. The new book will be out by late September if all goes well. I haven’t set a definite plan for upgrades for buyers of the current book, but I would say that, if someone purchases the electronic versions here through the White Knight Press site in August or later and then contacts me to request the electronic versions of the new book when it’s out, I will provide that download for no cost.


  345. Ayla

    Greetings! I have the Sony RX100 M2 and am anxiously awaiting your guide book. I’m going on vacation in a couple weeks and just received the 3 filters and 49 mm adapter ring. How do I put that on? I don’t want to mess up my camera and want to protect the lens from salt air at the beach. PS-I have your Nikon P500 book and its awesome. Was hoping your M2 book would be ready to take on my beach vacation to read. Thanks for your help! AW in GA

    1. Alex White

      Hello — Thanks for your message. I’m not sure which adapter ring you have — there are at least 3 that I’m aware of — one from Sony, one from lensmateonline.com, and one from carryspeed.com. The only one I have is the Sony one, though it is quite similar to the one from Lensmate. With the Sony adapter ring, you clean off the front of the lens with an alcohol pad, then put the cardboard guide tube over the lens when the camera is turned off, and press the “base ring” — the smaller plastic ring — onto the lens with its adhesive. Then you twist the actual adapter onto the base ring, and screw the filter into the adapter. If you are using the lensmate version, there are instructions on their site. Sony also has instructions for its adapter at their site. I hope that helps.

    1. Alex White

      Hello — No, I will not be doing a book on the RX1R. I am working on a book about the new RX100 II. I have read about the RX1R, but have not seen either it or the RX1. I believe there are some similarities to the RX100, but considerable differences also. I would like to do a book for that camera, but I’m afraid it won’t be possible.

  346. Jim

    Any chance that a guy could pre-order the DSC-RX100 II book? That way, when I totally space out checking on its availability, it will still be on its way!

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Jim — I don’t have any capability for pre-orders at this point, though I will be looking into it, for the downloadable versions. For now, I am adding you to the list of people to be notified when the book is available.

      –Alex White

  347. Roger Carr

    Hi Alex

    I also keep checking to see if the new RX 100 Mk 2 book is out yet. Can you add me to your email list to let me know when it is available please?

    Many thanks.

    1. Alex White

      I’m still hoping to have those versions available within a week or so; it should be well before November with any luck. I’ll be posting updates as I learn more.

  348. Pingback: Availability of Sony RX100 II Guide Book at Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  349. Dev

    Hi Alex,
    I have a question for you. under Effect > Special Effect, how come “Soft” and “Nostalgic Sepia” is greyed out and I am not able to select those? Other selection is fine. Does it have something to do with the program mode setting?

    1. Alex White

      Without seeing the camera, it’s hard to tell, but this sounds as if it is because of a conflict with the movie settings. The Nikon User’s Manual says, at page 48: When Movie options is set to HS 480/4X, Soft or Nostalgic sepia cannot be

  350. Dev

    Hi Alex,
    I have a question for you. under Effect > Special Effect, how come “Soft” and “Nostalgic Sepia” is greyed out and I am not able to select those? Other selection is fine. Does it have something to do with the program mode setting?

    1. Alex White

      Without seeing the camera, it’s hard to tell, but this sounds as if it is because of a conflict with the movie settings. The Nikon User’s Manual says, at page 48: When Movie options is set to HS 480/4X, Soft or Nostalgic sepia cannot be

  351. Dev

    Hi Alex,
    I have a question for you. under Effect > Special Effect, how come “Soft” and “Nostalgic Sepia” is greyed out and I am not able to select those? Other selection is fine. Does it have something to do with the program mode setting?

    1. Alex White

      Without seeing the camera, it’s hard to tell, but this sounds as if it is because of a conflict with the movie settings. The Nikon User’s Manual says, at page 48: When Movie options is set to HS 480/4X, Soft or Nostalgic sepia cannot be

  352. Pingback: Fujifilm X100S Paperback Book is Now Listed at Amazon Site | White Knight Press

  353. Pingback: Video on Accessories for the Fujifilm X100S Camera | White Knight Press

  354. Jose Luis

    i can not to unscrew the thin trim ring from the end of the camera’s lens (leica d-lux 6), could be more explicit

    1. Alex White

      You just have to get a good, firm grip on the thin ring. You might try using a cloth to help get a grip. It can be difficult to get it started, but grip it firmly and turn it counter-clockwise and it will come off.

  355. Pam Reynolds

    I am considering getting your book on the X10 to use with the X20. Someone wrote a review on Amazon that said the camera information in your book was 90% applicable to the X20. Would you agree? I would love to have a manual like the ones you write for the X20. Thanks for your help. Pam Reynolds

    1. Alex White

      I wish I had a good answer, but I’m not able to keep up with all of the cameras that are released. I have read a little bit about the X20, but I have never used one. You might want to consider buying the X10 book from a seller who accepts returns readily, like Amazon.com, and return it if it turns out not to be as helpful as you hoped.

  356. Pascal

    I hope for a Sony RX10 guidebook.
    I just bought the RX1000II book to get some more insight in the RX10 menus but a dedicated RX10 book would be wonderful.

    1. Alex White

      Thanks for your comment. I do have the RX10 on the list of books I am considering doing, but there is no definite plan yet. If there is more interest in that book, I will work on it in the near future.

  357. Pingback: Fujifilm X100S Book Now Available in Downloadable Versions | White Knight Press

  358. Pingback: White Knight Press Publishes Full-Color Guide Book for Fujifilm X100S Camera | Watch List News

  359. Pingback: Installing and Using Fujifilm X100S Firmware Upgrade 1.10 | White Knight Press

  360. Pingback: White Knight Press Publishes Full-Color Guide Book for Fujifilm X100S Camera | A distinct point of view in art, style, vintage

  361. Rodger Kingston

    I’m glad to see that Alexander is still generating his excellent guide books (I have his guide to the X10). Is it too much to hope for that there will be a Photographer’s Guide to the Fujifilm X20? The camera is enough the same as the X10 to make it a not-too-difficult update, but enough different to make an update extremely worthwhile. Happy New Year.

    1. Alex White

      Thanks for the comment. The X20 book is not on the schedule as of now, though it is one I would like to do and am considering as a possibility if time permits.

  362. Robert Russell

    I already own the book for the Sony Rx100, and am going to buy the Nikon D7100 book which includes the iPad download. Is there any way I can get the iPad download for the Rx100?

  363. David Patriquin

    I purchased the Guide to Coolpix P520 from Amazon, Kindle Version. ‘Just what I needed. They didn’t offer a PDF version, which I prefer. How does one get PDF versions of your books?

  364. Peter Green

    I am about to buy the book on Amazon, but it would be useful to also have a PDF copy on my iPad. I’m wondering if the book comes with a CD with the PDF version on it, or is there a way that someone who has purchased the book can prove it and have the PDF version sent. As you can see, I’m not keen on buying the same thing twice.


  365. Pingback: Proof Copy of Sony RX10 Book Has Been Received and Approved | White Knight Press

  366. Pingback: Sony RX10 Guide Book is Now Available from Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  367. Pingback: Sony RX10 Guide Book is Now Available from Amazon.com | White Knight Press

  368. Enrique Mordetzki

    Alex, will tbere be a Canon PS S120 book? If not, would you advise me purchasing your S110 book? I’d rather wait for an updated book if you have one in the works for publishing in the near future. Thanks for your advise!

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Enrique — No, I am not going to be able to do a book on the PowerShot S120. I can only work on a very limited number of cameras, and I can’t work that one into my schedule.


  369. Einhart

    Looks very interesting – but I got the camera today and it is too expensive top get a paper copy to Germany. I urgently need a downloadable version, payment via Paypal.


  370. Gary

    Can you let me know when this is available for download? I’m in the UK, so Amazon US is a slow option.

  371. Wade Maney

    I have both and iPhone and iPad; I would like to install a copy of the book on each – so I can read on one or the other device depending on which I have with me at the time; is this permissible? Thanks

    1. Alex White

      Yes, whenever you purchase downloadable book files from this site, you can install any or all the 3 versions on any devices of yours for your own use.

  372. Pingback: Sony RX10 Book is Now Available in Downloadable Versions | White Knight Press

  373. Leigh

    Just purchased and downloaded. I notice that the PDF version is three times the size of the EPUB version. Are there any differences other than the format; e.g. do the images have a higher DPI in the PDF? I will be viewing of an iPad and so can use either.

    1. Alex White

      Yes, the PDF version will have somewhat higher resolution, because the ePub version had to be produced within the limits for file sizes for various devices such as Nook and others. If you want the highest quality images, I recommend using the PDF version,though, of course, the ePub version has the navigation and reflowing features that are designed for use on iPads and other compatible devices.

      1. Leigh

        Thanks. In that I case I’ll probably go PDF on my iPad and ePub on my iPhone to get the best of both.

          1. Leigh

            I did as you suggested and tried both using the native iBooks app. Without the reflowing, the PDF version only really works with the iPad in portrait mode. The images in the PDF version start small but can be zoomed for more detail. In the ePub version the images start larger and look good at this initial size. But if you double-tap to zoom, they do become pixelated. Overall the ePub version is a much better reading experience with the text reflow and annotation features. It would be really great if we could have a “full fat” edition of the ePub with Retina DPI images. I think the file size limit on the iPad is 2GB!

            I’m really liking the book by the way, especially the professional look and feel. I purchased a competitors book for my RX100 and whilst the content was good, I felt that the execution was a little home-made.

          2. Alex White

            Thanks very much for your comments; it is very helpful to get feedback like this so I can improve the reading experience on various devices. It can be a challenge to observe the various limits on file sizes and still produce a document with good-quality images. I am going to send you a link to a larger version of the ePub file by e-mail; I hope you will take a look and let me know if it gives you the image quality you’re looking for.

  374. Leigh

    Wow! Awesome after sales support. I have tried the larger ePub and it is fantastic. The images now have more definition in the standard page view and when you double-tap to zoom the image it fills the whole of the screen and reveals even more detail than the PDF version. I think purchasers of the book would really appreciate the option to download this “hi-def” version.

  375. Bill Morlitz

    Alex, is the Kindle ePub that I just downloaded Monday 4/7 at about 3AM the larger version of the ePub and if not, will Amazon make the larger version available to me?

    1. Alex White

      Hello, Bill — Just to clarify the terminology, the Kindle version is a .mobi file; the ePub version is for the iPad and other devices that read ePubs. The Kindle file that is on Amazon is the only one currently available for the Kindle. I will look into the possibility of producing a larger version of the .mobi file for the Kindle, but as of now there is only one version available.


      1. Bill Morlitz

        Mea Culpa. Boy, do I have egg on my face. I know the difference (Apple since 1979) but that portion of the brain must have still been unconscious. I ‘returned’ the Kindle version after I wrote you and will now be requesting the larger file from you. After I finish wiping off the egg.

  376. JG

    Just completed first trip with RX10, 28 days;
    Now downloading 4K “still” images will probably edit down to ~3200+.
    Converting .ARWs to .DNGs so I can caption RAWs in Adobe Bridge 8.3;
    Shot using “P” except timed exposures;
    P allows me to set ISO range 125-1600;
    But I noticed some undesirable P “decisions”,
    e.g. 1/15th sec, f2.8, ISO 200 when I would
    have preferred something like 1/30th, f2.8, ISO 400;
    is there way to set P minimum shutter speed, too,
    (e.g., no slower than 1/30th or 1/60th sec)
    in advance rather than having to notice before
    each exposure that it is below what I prefer for
    handheld? It would be great if one could program
    shutter speed to be no slower than 1/focal-length!

    Any comments, advice appreciated!
    FYI, am noticing process button icon already losing paint,

    1. Alex White

      No, there is no way to program a minimum shutter speed for P mode. You can, of course, use Program Shift to switch to a faster shutter speed, or you can use Shutter Priority mode, but I guess Sony’s idea is that, with Program mode you are willing to let the camera make the basic exposure decisions.

  377. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Complete Full-Color Guide Book for Sony RX10 Camera | Ultra Accident Videos

  378. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Complete Full-Color Guide Book for Sony RX10 Camera | PMDA

  379. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Complete Full-Color Guide Book for Sony RX10 Camera | Windows Tablets

  380. Pingback: Question About Taking Moon Images with Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  381. Pingback: Question About Taking Moon Images with Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  382. Pingback: Question About Taking Moon Images with Nikon Coolpix P520 | White Knight Press

  383. Pingback: White Knight Press Releases Complete Full-Color Guide Book for Sony RX10 Camera | Joshua Maness Photography

  384. MAYUN

    Je serai très intéressé par ce livre, seulement sera-t-il exploitable pour une personne ne maitrisant pas trop l’Anglais.
    MERCI pour votre réponse

    1. Alex White

      In response, I would say that a reader would need to have a solid command of English in order to appreciate any of the books sold through this site. Pour utiliser ces livres, il est nécessaire de comprendre très bien l’anglais.

  385. Chris

    Many thanks for writing the book about Sony RX100. It is a great help and always with me on my Pad. What about the Sony HX-400-V. Just bought one for my wife. As the official Sony guide is not a great help, we got more information out of the RX100 book instead.

    1. Alex White

      Hi, Chris. Thanks for your comment. I would love to be able to do a book about the HX400V, but there just isn’t enough time in a day to cover all the cameras I would like to.

  386. JCF

    Thank you so much for this most useful handbook of which I now have a pdf (bought from White Knight Press through this site) and a paper copy (I had ordered it from amazon usa).

    Quite different from what I had imagined, actually. Not just one of those technical catalogs or lists of features and specifications we’re too often provided with, that is, an abstract (soulless) publication that mostly repeat (with some paraphrasing) the usual poorly written brand documentation and can only be referred back to from time to time when problems have arisen. But a true guide (up to its title), progressively and pedagogically introducing to the use of the camera, clear enough and simple enough and yet complete and full of details. Thicker and yet easier to get into than I would have thought.

    I wish all user manuals were both so useful and so usable, and, I must say, pleasant to read through from cover to cover.
    Real congrats to you for the job. And again many thanks!

    A RX10 user from France

    (Yes, the images in the pdf have a higher definition but those in the paper book are illustrative enough and fulfill their purpose.)

    1. Alex White

      Thanks for those wonderful comments! It is great to hear from a happy reader, and I really appreciate your taking the time to comment. The RX10 is a great camera, and I wish you continued success with it.

  387. Pingback: White Knight Press Publishes Full-Color Guide Book for Fujifilm X100S Camera

  388. Pingback: New Guide Book for Canon PowerShot S110 Provides the Extra Information Boost Needed by Users of This Advanced Compact Camera

  389. Roxanie

    Est-ce que ce magnifique livre va sortir en français ?….
    Je l’attends avec impatience !….. car je ne trouve rien.
    Le mode d’emploi en ligne de Sony n’est pas du tout pratique !!!


      Le livre est écrit dans une langue directe et simple, sans jargon (mais sans imprécision non plus). Il est, me semble-t-il, accessible à des francophones d’origine sans pour autant nécessiter un super niveau d’anglais (une connaissance des termes et notions photographiques de base sera bien entendu indispensable, il ne s’agit pas non plus d’un roman sentimental)

  390. Metric

    The fujifilm x100 s. is an extraordinary camera it is the biggest thing since sliced bread ,reasons are obvious you cannot get a more perfect street photography camera it’s menus are incredible you can do the 40,s 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s retro street photography in camera the versatility of this camera is the best if they decide to build the body out of a Leica type strength it will blow the Leica m’s out of the water .well done fujifilm after all fujifilm made lenses for hasslblad ……”Nuff said”! P.s. How do you spell hassleblad? Lol who cares they are over priced anyway just like a certain Leica anniversary special edition rip off $90.000 that’s right you read it 90 big ones ! Are you serious? Bloody oath I am they are living in a fantasy world where millionaires only tread ……..(in the clouds) bye for now and remember it’s not the camera it’s the brain behind it ….You! . Rant by M.T. Foto Mojo Photography street photography “dare to be different”

  391. Erick Cremer

    Right on Mr. White. I am pre-ordering this camera on the recommendation of a good friend. He recommended your guide highly.
    thanks and looking forward to seeing your guide to the Sony DSC RX 100 III this summer.

      1. Bassic Sax

        I was hoping you’d written a book on the GX1, because I found the LX7 book so helpful. Thank-you for all your work! I was disappointed to see that not only did you not write one, but in fact no one else had either. I do hope that you’ll write one for the GX7, maybe some of the info will still apply the the GX1 as well.

        In any event, I just wanted to chime in and say how helpful your book on the the Lumix LX7 was to me. In this day and age of PDF this, and PDF that, it’s great that someone still takes the time to write a practical, hard copy book on what a camera can do.

  392. Pingback: Sony RX100 II Book on Sale at White Knight Press eBay Store | White Knight Press

  393. Pingback: Sony RX100 II Book on Sale at White Knight Press eBay Store | White Knight Press

  394. David Kane

    Please publish your guide to Sony RX100 III as soon as possible. Your guides to these Sony cameras are absolutely required for use by serious amateurs. When will the nextnguide appear?

    1. Alex White

      Thanks for your comment. I’m working diligently on the book about the RX100 III, and I’m hoping to have it ready by late summer. I’m still on schedule as of now.

  395. Jim Smith

    Mr. White: Your guide to the P500 was stunningly helpful in maxing out the Manny benefits of these cameras. One question…when I try to do telephoto shots of dark things like the moon or concerts the camera just will not focus. It whirrs and the image dances around with trigger half pressed. Will not focus. What should I do? Thanks.

    1. Alex White

      Probably the best bet in that situation is to use manual focus. When I photograph the moon, I almost always use manual focus, and for concerts that should be a good approach also.

  396. Jeff

    Ok that’s great! Looking forward to it. Thanks for the info and the quick reply! Hope you finish it soon 🙂

  397. Geoffrey Plain

    I just purchased the new RX100m3 and until your new book on the M3 comes out in late summer of 14, is worth it to get your book on the M2? I ask that as I would get a good insight
    to the M3 as they are very close, yes, no

    1. Alex White

      The best answer I can give is that the two cameras are close in many ways, but they also have significant differences that would make using the RX100 II book somewhat confusing. For example, the new camera lets you use Auto ISO with Manual exposure mode, and its Function menu works differently than it does on the older model. There are several other differences as well. But the older book certainly would be quite useful as long as you don’t mind ignoring the outdated parts.

      1. Geoffrey Plain

        Thanks for your reply. I guess I will just have to cool my heels till you have it out. I might just get
        it on my Kindle and use that. again thank you
